四六级备考听力练习(十):The future of advertising 广告产业的未来

四六级备考听力练习(十):The future of advertising 广告产业的未来

3L英语课堂 欧美男星 2018-04-27 18:24:34 1078

ad 广告,advertisement 的缩写
billboard 大型广告牌
to ping 推送,发送消息提示
to near 靠近
to envisage 展望,设想
futuristic 有未来感的,超前的
cityscape 城市景观
to beam 发射,发出(光线、电波等)
in mid-air 在半空中
unobstrusive 不显眼的,不突兀的
real-estate 房地产
to be sold on 看好,认为…是好主意
motorist 开车的人
make 型号,品牌
sensor 传感器
invasive 侵入性的,侵扰的
to distract 分散(注意力),使分心
proximity (地理位置)临近
tailored 量身定制的
discount 折扣


1. I think that companies following me and sending me ads wherever I go is really ______. I really don't like it. 

unobtrusive       invasive       futuristic       tailored 

2. Sorry, I'm ______ your proposal. Work on it and come back to me in a week.

not selling on       sold out       sold on       not sold on

3. The plane started to descend as it ______ its destination.

near to       closed       neared       nearly 

4. The strength of your Wi-Fi signal depends on your ______ to the router.

beam       nearly        near       proximity

5. We ______ our treatment for each customer. Everyone gets a highly personal experience.

tailor       discount       ping       distract


The future of advertising 



Imagine a future where our streets are filled with ads 200m tall; where billboards change before our eyes to give us personalised messages; and where companies track our every move as we walk through a city, pinging our phones with special offers as we near their shops.

In fact, all of these forms of advertising are already being tested. Let's take the first of these ideas. Back in 1982, science fiction movie Blade Runner envisaged a futuristic cityscape where giant adverts stretched the full height of skyscrapers. And UK company Lightvert are now doing something very similar; with one crucial difference.

Instead of making immense physical adverts, their commercials are beamed straight into consumers' eyes. They do this by attaching a strip of reflective material onto a building and projecting an image onto it. This image then 'bounces' out into the world. When you pass directly in front of the image, you see it. It appears to be huge and suspended in mid-air, but others can't see it – it's only visible from one location. Lightvert claims this form of advertising is unobstrusive and can "unlock" large amounts of "high-value advertising real-estate".

But not everyone is sold on the idea of living in a world of endless ads. In Moscow, for example, a new form of advertising targeting motorists has split opinion. Drivers approaching a particular digital billboard in the city are shown adverts for a new kind of Jaguar car, but only if you are driving a different make of vehicle. Sensors in the billboard detect what kind of car you are driving, and send you an ad based on that information.

While this may seem invasive, it's actually the saftey aspect that has concerned some observers. Researchers in Sweden have shown that digital billboards attract our eyes for longer than other kinds. In fact, they distract us for over two seconds, a length of time which studies have proved to be dangerous on the roads.

Finally, we have "proximity marketing", where shops detect where you are on the high street and sendtailored adverts to your phone. Devicescape is one company trialling the use of Wi-Fi as a means of tracking customers. Their technology could work anywhere, whether in "a supermarket, a concert hall, or a bus," says Owen Geddes from their marketing team. What would customers see? "It could be adiscount offer to use in the shop the person is visiting, or a piece of content such as a movie trailer," says Mr Geddes. 

1. I think that companies following me and sending me ads wherever I go is really invasive. I really don't like it.

2. Sorry, I'm not sold on your proposal. Work on it and come back to me in a week.

3. The plane started to descend as it neared its destination.

4. The strength of your Wi-Fi signal depends on your proximity to the router.

5. We tailor our treatment for each customer. Everyone gets a highly personal experience.

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