

译言 欧美男星 2017-09-11 10:11:45 471



5 Reasons Why Some People Will Never Say Sorry

译者:臻仁牛奶巧克力 原文作者:Guy Winch 

I’m sorry is one of the first things we learn to say as children, yet some adults refuse to apologize even when they’re clearly in the wrong. The question is: Why?


Elton John wasn’t kidding: Sorry does seem to be the hardest word. Some people find it so hard to apologize that getting them to admit to even the smallest wrongdoing involves a major battle—often, a fruitless one. Although we might perceive the reluctance of these non-apologists as simple defensiveness or pride, a far deeper psychological dynamic is often at play: Refusing to apologize often reflects efforts to protect a fragile sense of self.


Apologies can vary greatly in their significance: When non-apologists bump into someone in a crowd, they might mumble a quick "I’m sorry" without giving it another thought. But the same person arguing with their spouse about directions might yell, “I’m telling you: The GPS is wrong! Take this left!” only to find out the satellite system was correct—and still adamantly refuse to apologize, perhaps calling on excuses such as, “You take the wrong exit all the time, too!” or “The GPS is wrong half the time anyway—it’s not my fault!”


Similarly, when our actions or inactions cause someone actual harm, real emotional distress, or significant inconvenience, most of us quickly offer a sincere apology, both because it is deserved and because it’s the best way to garner forgiveness and alleviate the guilt we feel. But in these situations, too, non-apologists typically use excuses and denial to shirk their responsibility.




 Why Apologies Threaten Non-Apologists


For non-apologists, saying "I’m sorry" carries psychological ramifications that run far deeper than the words themselves imply; it elicits fundamental fears (either conscious or unconscious) they desperately want to avoid:


1.Admissions of wrongdoing are incredibly threatening for non-apologists because they have trouble separating their actions from their character. If they did something bad, they must be bad people; if they were neglectful, they must be fundamentally selfish and uncaring; if they were wrong, they must be ignorant or stupid, etc. Therefore, apologies represent a major threat to their basic sense of identity and self-esteem.

1 不道歉者十分害怕承认自己做错事,因为他们无法把自己的行为和人品分开。如果做了坏事,那他们就认定是坏人;如果疏忽大意,那他们就肯定是既自私又不专注的人;如果做错了事,那就一定是无知或愚笨的人。因此,道歉就是一种对自我认同和自尊感的巨大威胁。

2.Apologizing might open the door to guilt for most of us, but for non-apologists, it can instead open the door to shame. While guilt makes us feel bad about our actions, shame makes non-apologists feel bad about their selves—who they are—which is what makes shame a far more toxic emotion than guilt.

2 对大多数人来说,道歉是表达内疚的方式,但对不道歉者来说,却是一件丢脸的事。因为内疚使我们感受到自己行为上的错误,而丢脸则使不道歉者对自身感到糟糕。这种否定自我的情绪比内疚感可怕的多。

3.While most of us consider apologies as opportunities to resolve interpersonal conflict, non-apologists may fear their apology will only open the floodgates to further accusations and conflict. Once they admit to one wrongdoing, surely the other person will pounce on the opportunity to pile on all the previous offenses for which they refused to apologize as well.

3 大多数人把道歉当作解决人际矛盾的机会,但不道歉者却担心道歉只会给他们带来更多的指责和冲突。一旦他们在某件事上承认做错了,别人一定会抓住这个机会,把他们之前犯的拒绝道歉的所有错都加在一起。

4.Non-apologists fear that by apologizing, they would assume full responsibility and relieve the other party of any culpability. If arguing with a spouse, for example, they might fear an apology would exempt the spouse from taking any blame for a disagreement, despite the fact that each member of a couple has at least some responsibility in most arguments.

4 不道歉者害怕自己一旦道歉,就会承担所有责任,而另一方则不会受到任何处罚。比如和另一半争吵时,他们可能害怕道歉会使对方在这场争论中免除所有责骂。然而在大多数争吵中,夫妻双方至少都一定的责任。

5.By refusing to apologize, non-apologists are trying to manage their emotions. They are often comfortable with anger, irritability, and emotional distance, and experience emotional closeness and vulnerability to be extremely threatening. They fear that lowering their guard even slightly will make their psychological defenses crumble and open the floodgates to a well of sadness and despair that will pour out of them, leaving them powerless to stop it. They might be correct. However, they are incorrect in assuming that exhibiting these deep and pent-up emotions (as long as they get support, love, and caring when they do—which fortunately, is often the case) will be traumatic and damaging. Opening up in such a way is often incredibly therapeutic and empowering, and it can lead them to experience far deeper emotional closeness and trust toward the other person, significantly deepening their relationship satisfaction.

5 不道歉者通过拒绝道歉来控制自身情绪。他们通常会表现出愤怒、烦躁的情绪,也会保持感情距离,极度恐惧情感上的亲密和脆弱。他们担心哪怕放松一点点警惕都会使自己的心理防线奔溃,继而喷涌而出的无限悲伤和绝望,根本没有能力控制。这种想法也许是正确的。但是,我们不能认为展示这些内心深处压抑着的情感(只要他们在展示这些情感时得到支持、爱和关心。值得庆幸的是,情况常常如此)会使自己受到伤害。以这种方式打开心扉是非常有益的,不仅可以给他们带来更深层次的情感亲密体验,变得更加相信别人,更能够极大程度地加深人际关系满足感。


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