Ed Sheeran最新日本现场表演《Perfect》

Ed Sheeran最新日本现场表演《Perfect》

Jeff老师教你说美语 欧美男星 2018-02-10 15:10:18 399

On 22 September 2017, a lyric video for "Perfect"was released on Sheeran's YouTube channel. The music video for"Perfect" was released on Sheeran's YouTube channel on 9 November2017. The video stars Zoey Deutch and was directed by Jason Koenig, who alsodirected the video for "Shape of You". The video was filmed at theAustrian ski resort of Hintertux and shows Sheeran and Deutch going on a skitrip with friends, with the two dancing in the snow and ending up in a cabintogether. Ross McNeilage who writes for MTV UK called the video a "Christmasdream" for its wintery visual. While praising the simple story and thevideo's cinematography, McNeilage noted that Zoey Deutch acts opposite to thesuperstar as his love interest and we watch as they "coyly flirt untilthey realise their love for one another and slow dance in the snowtogether." On 15 December 2017, a music video for "PerfectSymphony" (duet with Andrea Bocelli) was also released.


      Jeff老师精通英语、日语,特别是美式英语、英语同传、交传。拥有10多年美语教学经验,对消除英语学习者自身中国式口音以及美式英语口语技巧有着非常丰富的经验。Jeff老师将教会大家如何使用舌头、嘴唇、牙齿,发出地道的美语口语发音。Jeff老师根据美式英语的发音特点总结出48个发音技巧和发音规律,这48个发音技巧与发音规律包含了全部美式英语中发音的难点、重点,总结出了美国人在日常口语中的习惯句式、发音规律和发音习惯,使得中国美语爱好者可以完全掌握美式英语的发音技巧。 同时,Jeff老师对比英美发音差异,在实践互动中帮助学员有效纠正发音错误,提升口语表达自信心。为听力学习、口语表达的深化训练打好基础,着实提高学生英语口语表达的能力。





To Be Continuted






