听歌丨Almost Lover——心碎若有声

听歌丨Almost Lover——心碎若有声

新东方英语 欧美女星 2017-10-25 06:30:32 631

2007年,美国歌手A Fine Frenzy推出处女专辑《沧海一粟》(One Cell in the Sea)。其中主打歌《无缘爱人》(Almost Lover)在众多听者中引起广泛共鸣,乐迷们纷纷在评论网站上称之为“为我写的歌”,这首歌一时也成为全球失恋阵线联盟的“国际歌”。

这首歌之所以能在各国乐迷中觅得众多知音,只因其将失恋后的苦与痛丝丝入扣地融入词曲当中,宛如巨大的磁场,将听众一步一步带入似曾相识的情景里。初识时你侬我侬、殷殷切切,爱意百转千回,如指过肌肤、风影摇曳;芙蓉露下,你唱我和,何等柔情蜜意。然而不是所有爱情都能修成正果,无论是性情不和,抑或是另有所爱,当美好的爱情走到了无疾而终的时刻,纵有万般不舍,也只能转身离去,含泪道别。如果人能说不爱就不爱,也就不会有心痛,怕就怕心有千千结,虽已劳燕分飞,但回忆仍在。当初的街头漫步、甜言蜜语成为如今最痛的回忆。因此不敢“go to the ocean”,不愿“drive the streets at night”,也不再“wake up in the morning”。虽强迫自己“not to think about you”,但奈何回忆作祟,只求“Can’t you just let me be?”,美好的爱情终成hopeless dream和luckless romance。一句“Should’ve known you’d bring me heartache, almost lovers always do”,成为最无可奈何的叹息。



国内有人将歌曲译为《恋人未满》。笔者在网上搜索之后才知道“恋人未满”原是指两人感情已过友谊但尚未及爱情的时候,显然与歌曲的本意有出入。而创作者独具匠心地创作出almost lover这个词组,真是只可意会、不可言传了。

Your fingertips across my skin
The palm trees swaying in the wind 
You sang me Spanish lullabies 
The sweetest sadness in your eyes 
Clever trick 

Well, I never want to see you unhappy 
I thought you’d want the same for me 
Goodbye, my almost lover 
Goodbye, my hopeless dream 
I’m trying not to think about you 
Can’t you just let me be? 
So long, my luckless romance 
My back is turned on you 
Should’ve known you’d bring me heartache 
Almost lovers always do 

We walked along a crowded street 
You took my hand and danced with me 

And when you left, you kissed my lips
You told me you would never, never forget 
These images 
Well, I never want to see you unhappy
I thought you’d want the same for me 
Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream 
I’m trying not to think about you 
Can’t you just let me be? 
So long, my luckless romance 
My back is turned on you 
Should’ve known you’d bring me heartache 
Almost lovers always do 

I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot drive the streets at night 
I cannot wake up in the morning 
Without you on my mind 
So you’re gone and I’m haunted 
And I bet you are just fine 
Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out 
Of my life? 
Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream 
I’m trying not to think about you 
Can’t you just let me be? 
So long, my luckless romance 
My back is turned on you 
Should’ve known you’d bring me heartache 
Almost lovers always do






