1/18 DDC 3C 双四重奏 3C ENSEMBLE DOUBLE QUARTET (Creative Jazz)

1/18 DDC 3C 双四重奏 3C ENSEMBLE DOUBLE QUARTET (Creative Jazz)

黄昏黎明俱乐部 欧美女星 2018-12-08 17:48:53 1245

3C ENSEMBLE 是从 3C (Creative Composers Collective) 孵化出来的一个不定期演出的创意爵士组合。

Creative Composers Collective (3C) was founded by Italian Jazz Guitarist Simone Schirru with the idea of creating a synergy between some of the best jazz composers in Beijing. Beginning in March 3C will be presenting a series of concerts at DDC, with each concert featuring a different composer and their original project.

北京爵士创意作曲家集合(Creative Composers Collective)是由意大利爵士吉他手 Simone Schirru 先生发起筹办的一个活动系列,旨在为北京最好的爵士作曲家创造积极、创意的协同平台。在这系列活动中,原创作曲家的地位被放大。活动将从3月开始在DDC陆续呈现,每场音乐会都有不同的作曲家和他的原创乐队。

There are two purposes of this initiative:

1. Improve the music scene by challenging musicians to propose original projects featuring high-quality performances. The performances will be recorded and made available online, allowing for greater exposure for the Beijing creative music scene.

2. Offer the audience a fulfilling cultural experience and foster an appreciation of original music and its value to the community.


1.激发音乐家带着原创音乐并进行高质量现场演出,改善音乐现场。组织者 Simone 将联合场地DDC为每场活动精心准备文案、海报、摄影、采访、宣传,现场还将进行专业录制并发布于网上,充分推广北京创意爵士乐现场。


All involved in the 3C series, from musicians to audience members, promoters to bar staff, are comprised completely from Beijing’s best and brightest, artistically nuanced and culturally eclectic bunch, ensuring nothing short of excellence in all aspects of our project.

3C ENSEMBLE 是从 3C (Creative Composers Collective) 孵化出来的一个不定期演出的创意爵士组合。

Creative Composers Collective (3C) was founded by Italian Jazz Guitarist Simone Schirru with the idea of creating a synergy between some of the best jazz composers in Beijing, presenting a series of concerts at DDC, with each concert featuring a different composer and their original project.

北京爵士创意作曲家集合(Creative Composers Collective)是由意大利爵士吉他手 Simone Schirru 先生发起筹办的一个活动系列,旨在为北京最好的爵士作曲家创造积极、创意的协同平台。在这系列活动中,原创作曲家的地位被放大。

本次3C ENSEMBLE将带来特别的编制:Double Quartet.


Trumpet: J Kyle Gregory (US)

Tenor: XiaoGuang Liu (CH)

Trombone: Matt Roberts (US)

Guitar: Simone Schirru (IT)

Bass: Daniel Callaghan (IE)

Bass: Charlie Wang (CH)

Drums: Anthony Vanacore (US)

Drums: Scott Silverman (US)

Trumpet: J Kyle Gregory (US)

For the last 25 years Kyle has worked as a professor of Jazz Studies at universities and conservatories in the USA, Italy, and China. He also travels throughout the world as a solo artist and educator.

在过去的25年中,Kyle 作为独立艺术家和教育家在全世界旅行演出,他曾在美国、意大利和中国的大学与音乐学院任爵士研究所教授音乐。

In past years he performed with numerous internationally-known jazz and commercial artists, including Paul Motian, Bob Mintzer, JJ Johnson, Dianne Reeves, Liza Minelli, The Temptations, the Chicago Jazz Ensemble, and the Mingus Dynasty. Kyle has recorded over 40 albums with various artists and independent labels, including Depth Records, his own record label, through which he released his original compositions World Downside Up and Tongues of Fire.

他曾和许多国际知名的爵士音乐家合作过,如 Paul Motian、Bob Mintzer、JJ Johnson、Dianne Reeves、Liza Minelli、The Temptations、芝加哥爵士乐合奏团和 Mingus Dynasty 等。Kyle 已发行了他的作品 “World Downside Up and Tongues of Fire”,并与各类音乐家和独立厂牌录制了40多张专辑,其中也包括他自己的厂牌 “Depth Records”。

Tenor: 刘晓光 (CN)

北京最重要的爵士次中音萨克斯手,同时也涉及作曲,编曲。刘晓光是个多才多艺的音乐家,曾是腾格尔“苍狼”乐队中的键盘手。小娟&山谷里的居民乐队的口琴和长笛手。阿Q爵士乐队的萨克斯手。在北京十多年的现场演出中积累大量演出经验,曾经执教于北京现代音乐学院萨克斯讲师。参加的乐队和合作过的爵士音乐家包括:“闪鼓派”乐队、“北京城市爵士大乐队”、“摩登泡泡乐队”、“北京森霖爵士大乐队”、“Beijing Blue Note Jazz Big Band”、“五香冯克乐队”、“HaYa乐队”、顾忠山、“红节奏 Funk 乐队”、高太行,夏佳、文志勇、刘玥、贝贝、莫瑞龙、张柯、大淮、小豆、梁颖、李小川、张雄关、古贺泉、Royal Hartigan, David Bindman, Art Hirahara, Billy kilson, Wes Brown, CHRISTOPHE LIER, Jaleel Shaw, Conradherwig。

Trombone: Matt Roberts (US)

饶猛志是一位多年在北京的爵士乐、放克音乐的长号手。大学期间他偶然与大名鼎鼎的 Sun Ra乐队一块儿演出,很受启发,世界观由此而发生了彻底的改变。饶猛志早在1990年就钻入中国的爵士圈子里,是阿Q爵士乐团的创始人之一。

Trombonist Matt Roberts,who hails from the Philadelphia area, first came to China in 1987 and has beenplaying jazz in China since 1990.  Inspired by life-changing performancesduring his college years with the legendary Sun Ra, Roberts has performed witha number of jazz and funk outfits in Beijing in Shanghai over the lasttwenty-some years. Roberts is one of the founding members of the Ah-Q JazzArkestra.

Guitar: Simone Schirru (IT) 

毕业于卡利亚里的 G.P.da Palestrina 音乐学院爵士吉它专业,之后在比利时 Lemmens 学院获硕士学位,并在大师班中学习,受 D. Douglas, S.Coleman, Butch Morris, Pet Metheny, A. Braxton, Muhal Richard Abrams, G.Fewell, Roscoe Mitchell, W. Leo Smith, John Scofield 等大师的指导。2005-2008 年期间赢得 Sant'anna Arresi 音乐节的最佳吉它手和最佳乐队奖项及奖学金,获得跟随 G. Fewell (柏克利大学) 和 R.Cecchetto 学习的机会。

Simone 是比利时著名 soul 乐队 Man on Fire and the Soul Soldiers 的成员,巡演至欧洲各地;同时他也创立了自己的两支乐队 "Invisible" 和 "Elegant people" , 他也是拉丁爵士大乐队等乐团的固定成员,并参与剧场音乐会项目。

Bass: Daniel Callaghan (IE)

Callaghan is one of Ireland's finest double bass players. He graduated with an Honours BA in Jazz Performance from Newpark Music Centre,Ireland in 2010. He has been working as aprofessional musician for the last seven years and has performed and recorded with many of Ireland's leading jazz musicians including Leopoldo Osio, Dig a Little Deeper, Guiliano Nistri, Mike Nielson, Hugh Buckley and Richie Buckley.

Dan Callaghan 来自爱尔兰都柏林的一位优秀的贝斯手。在过去的六年间,他一直作为一名职业音乐家在各地演出,并且与数名爱尔兰顶尖爵士乐手合作过,他们分别为 Mike Nielson, Hugh Buckley 和 Richie Buckley.

Bass: Charlie Wang 王晨淮 (CN)

王晨淮,爵士贝斯手,从14岁起接触音乐,并于17岁考入北京现代音乐学院,随后音乐生涯的发展转向爵士乐并开始学习低音提琴,作为北京新一代低音提琴手,为乐坛注入了新的活力,带来新气象。2008年王晨淮被荷兰格罗宁根州的克劳斯王子音乐学院特招开始攻读爵士乐学士,2013年以全额奖学金毕业。 2015年赴美国纽约皇后学院攻读演奏专业硕士,学习美国正统的音乐知识,提升自身创作才能,2017年以优异成绩毕业。随后并加入了全中国最赋有天分与才能的爵士乐手的行列,与我们在很长的时间里见到的东西都不一样,他以演奏原创音乐为主, 强调即兴创作和乐手间的乐思交流。音乐的风格涉及多种领域,如比波普,自由爵士,摇滚,说唱,电子,中国传统音乐等等,对不同的音乐风格驾驭自如,完美呈现,不仅解放出音乐本身的自由精神,更不断变化出更多姿多采的面貌,独特的创作能力加上充沛的情感,让他的作品总是充满惊喜。

Wang Chenhuai, a jazz bassist, has been in contact with music since the age of 14, and was admitted to the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy at his age of 17. After that, his musical career turned to jazz and began to learn the double bass. As a new generation of double bass players in Beijing, he injected new music into the music scene. The vitality brings a new look. In 2008, Wang Chenhuai began his jazz bachelor's degree at the Prince Claus Music Academy in Groningen, the Netherlands. In 2013, he graduated with a full scholarship. In 2015, he went to Queen's College in New York to study for a master's degree in music. He studied American orthodox music knowledge and improved his creative ability. He graduated with honors in 2017. Then he joined the ranks of the most talented and talented jazz musicians in China, which is different from what we have seen in a long time. He focuses on playing original music, emphasizing improvisation and musicians. Music exchange. The style of music involves many fields, such as Popper, Free Jazz, Rock, Rap, Electronics, Chinese Traditional Music, etc. It is easy to control different music styles, perfect not only liberating the free spirit of music itself, but also constantly His work is always full of surprises, with his unique creative ability and rich emotions.

Drums: Anthony Vanacore (US)

Anthony Vanacore来自纽约的优秀爵士鼓手,经常巡演在美国及世界各地的重大剧院舞台上,拥有多年的表演经验。同时他也是一位很热情并带有传播精神的爵士鼓及其它打击器乐的教育家,拥有丰富的教育、教材撰写经验并经常受邀担任国内重大音乐比赛的评委。 Anthony Vanacore 曾经与多位在世界有影响力的音乐家和乐队进行合作表演, 包括Moreno Donadel,高太行,张柯,谢燕辉,李晓川,顾忠山,李泉,J Kyle Gregory,Jaleel Shaw,Ted Rosenthal,Hendrick Meurkens,Vincent Herring,Laurent Maur,Mark Turner,Michael Mossman,Laura Fygi,Kevin Harris,Rick DiMuzio,Richard Sussman,Ember Swift,Youngjoo Song,曼哈顿交响乐团,敦善交响乐团等。他目前是Moreno Donadel 三重奏与 Blue Note 北京大乐队的成员。 他曾参加许多爵士鼓活动,并与来自各国的爵士鼓大师例如Billy Cobham, Dave Weckl, Thomas Lang 等同台演出。他同时也是沙宾(Sabian) 镲片,Remo 鼓皮,Vater 鼓棒以及 Canopus 鼓的代言人和一位抢手的现代舞音乐伴奏师。在纽约很多知名的地方演出,如 Alvin Ailey School, Jose Limon at Peridance, Steps on Broadway, Marymount Manhattan College, Montclair State University 等。

Drums: Scott Silverman (US)

司马恺(Scott Silverman),来自美国。四岁开始学习爵士鼓,12岁登台演出。90年代 中期来到上海,司马恺是上海第一支现代爵士乐队Five Guys on a Train的创始成员之 一,现在长居北京,经常与北京顶尖爵士乐手同台。

Scott Silverman (Si Ma Kai), who comes from the U.S.A., started playing drums when he was four years old and has played professionally since age 12. After moving to China in the mid-1990s, Scott was a founding member of Five Guys on a Train, one of Shanghai's first modern jazz bands. Now based in Beijing, Scott performs regularly with many of the city's top jazz musicians. 

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年1月18日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 80(ADV)/100(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: [email protected]

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