4月14日3PM DDL呈现: 韩国吉普赛吉他青年大师JUWON PARK与乐队中国巡演 (Gypsy, Jazz)

4月14日3PM DDL呈现: 韩国吉普赛吉他青年大师JUWON PARK与乐队中国巡演 (Gypsy, Jazz)

黄昏黎明俱乐部 欧美女星 2018-03-03 20:14:04 858

Juwon Park, 来自韩国吉他手、作曲家、编曲家和制作人。九岁时受家庭环境影响开始学习古典吉他,长大后受到各种不同流派音乐的影响,如Paco de Lucia, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, George Benson 和 Vicente Amigo等。二十岁时,他进入首尔艺术协会深入学习音乐,也是在那里,他遇见了之后的音乐合作伙伴们。

El Clasico - Juwon Park

Juwon Park, a Korean guitarist, composer, arranger and producer. At the age of 9, Juwon Park started to practice classical guitar with influence from his family. By growing up, Juwon Park was influenced by many different style of music such as Paco de Lucia, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, George Benson and Vicente Amigo etc. At 20, He entered Seoul Institute of the Arts to study music deeply and also met his musical colleagues to cooperate in the future.在2009年,Juwon Park发行了他的第一张专辑《吉普赛年代》。凭借其中的主打曲目“Time of Gypsy”,他逐渐以“吉普赛吉他手”的身份进入了公众视野,甚至一度因为令人惊艳的现场表演与演奏技艺,被媒体誉为“青年大师”。韩国有许多吉他专辑,却没有一张有如此之高的技艺与创造力。

In 2009, Juwon Park released his first solo album ‘Time of Gypsy’. With its title track ‘Time of Gypsy’ and other tunes, Juwon Park became known to the public as ‘gypsy guitarist’ and even acclaimed as ‘young maestro’ by critics and media for his amazing performance and techniques. There were certainly many guitar albums in Korea but no one ever tried to play anything like his music that requires special techniques as well as creativity.

随着在全国各地演出的进行,Juwon Park和他的乐队迅速成为了韩国各大音乐节与音乐会上受人瞩目的乐队。

While performing all over the country, Juwon Park and his band quickly became one of the most in-demand band for music festivals and concerts in Korea.在2011年,他们发行了第二张专辑《Fiesta of Sorrow》。他的第一和第二张专辑分别被NAVER(韩国最大的搜索门户)选入当年的“年度唱片”并且被Hankyoreh日报选为“Remarkable Rookie”。在2012年,他获得了韩国“The Best Jazz & Crossover”奖项。他横扫奖项之路还没有停。他连续两年获得了“all around music SOUND”音乐杂志“the Best Guitarist”和“Rookie of the Year”奖项。

In 2011, the second album ‘Fiesta of Sorrow’ was released. His first and second albums were chosen as ‘Album of the Year’ in 2009 and 2011 respectively from NAVER (the biggest search portal in Korea) and selected as ‘Remarkable Rookie’ from Hankyoreh daily newspaper. In 2012, ‘The Best Jazz & Crossover’ from Korean Music Award was awarded to him. His sweeping-award ability didn’t stop. He was also selected as the ‘Best Guitarist’ and ‘Rookie of the Year’ from music magazine ‘all around music SOUND’ for 2 successive years.

Captain No.7 - Juwon Park

在2013年,Juwon Park发行了他的第三张专辑《Captain》并被邀请去Singapore Music Matters,一个闻名世界的音乐市场,给许多热爱音乐的观众留下了很好的印象。

In 2013, Juwon Park released his 3rd album ‘Captain’ and was invited to Singapore Music Matters, which is a world renowned music market, giving great impressions to the audiences and people concerned.

他也活跃在作曲领域,他的名字出现在韩国流行歌手IU的第二张专辑《Modern Times》上;他还参与电影配乐与影视剧插曲设计,比如电影《Love Fiction》和电视剧《Incarnation of Money》。

 He also extended his field to being a composer, putting his name on K-Pop singer IU’s second album ‘Modern Times’ and participating in composing movie and drama OST; movie ‘Love Fiction’ and SBS drama ‘Incarnation of Money’.

在2015年,Juwon Park发行了一张特殊的专辑《吉普赛影院》,这是一张收录了他精心安排的经典电影原声配乐的专辑。在《吉普赛影院》发行后,他在韩国最大的音乐场地LG艺术中心举办了一场盛况空前的演奏会。

In 2015, Juwon Park released a special album ‘Gypsy Cinema’, which is filled with classic movie soundtracks with his own special arrangement. As ‘Gypsy Cinema’ released, Juwon Park held a concert at LG Arts Center, one of the largest concert venue in South Korea.在2016年,Juwon Park被邀请到德国法兰克福的Brotfabrik演出。2017年,他与Brown Eyed Girls的成员Jea 做了一场艺术碰撞,翻唱了Luis Fonsi的《Despacito》。在2017年8月,Juwon Park受邀在伦敦的PizzaExpress Live 举办演出,在他之前在那里演出过的艺术家有 Norah Jones, Amy Winehouse, Gregory Porter 和 Brad Mehldau。目前他正在创作他的下一张录音专辑。

In 2016, Juwon Park was invited to Frankfurt, Germany to perform at Brotfabrik. In 2017, Juwon Park did a collaboration with Brown Eyed Girls member ‘Jea’ for a cover version of Luis Fonsi’s ‘Despacito’. In August 2017, Juwon Park was invited to perform at PizzaExpress Live in Soho, London, whose former guest performers range from Norah Jones, Amy Winehouse and Gregory Porter to Brad Mehldau. Currently he is writing and recording his next studio album.

2018年,DDL厂牌与JUWON PARK一起为大家带来一场东方吉普赛爵士的旅程!

阵容 Line-up

Guitar/Voice: Juwon Park

Bass: Daeseung Ko

Trumpet: Seungchul Yoo

Percussion: Kwang-Hyun Park

Kwang-Hyun Park - Perucssion

1989年出生于韩国,2005年开始演奏鼓和打击乐,2008年在ROK Navy Band工作,毕业于donga 媒体艺术协会,J.Leiva 打击乐品牌转让人,2012年参加Jarasum国际爵士乐音乐节。2016~2017年参加首尔国际爵士乐节,2015年参加了Ulsan国际爵士乐节,2017年受邀去PizzaExpress LIVE soho演奏。


Daeseung Ko - Bass

1993年出生于韩国首尔,贝斯演奏家。擅长爵士、嘻哈、放克、流行等等,毕业于howon大学音乐专业。录音及参加的现场演出有:block B, mayson the soul, after school, zico yoonhan, nu’est,JUWON PARK与jea合作《despacito》,  JUWON PARK 和jeon je duk伦敦与柏林的演出,jang hyo seok X masato honda在t-square的演出。参加的音乐节有:jarasum melody forest jea和juwon park的演出,daejeon国际吉他节,grand mint音乐节,daegu爵士音乐节。


Yoo Seungchul - Trumpet

1983年出生于首尔,2002年在Gimpo 大学学习吉他专业,2008年在首尔艺术家协会攻读小号专业。2015年至今在Dankook大学攻读硕士学位。Park Juwon的吉普赛吉他乐队成员,Jazz Park大乐队成员,拉丁爵士乐队La Isla Bonita成员。参加的演出有:2010年与爵士乐歌手共同参加Israel音乐会,2013年新加坡 Korea Music Matters,2014年哈萨克斯坦的韩国爵士夜,2017年德国柏林音乐会,2017年英国伦敦音乐会。


4月13日 周五 19:30 北京 璃墟剧场

4月14日 周六 15:00 北京 DDC 黄昏黎明俱乐部

4月15日 周日 19:00 北京 山谷空间

4月17日 周二 21:30 合肥 ON THE WAY乐馆

4月18日 周三 20:30 南京 欧拉艺术空间

4月20日 周五 20:30 苏州 山丘LIVEHOUSE

活动详情 Event Info: 

时间/Time: 2018年4月14日 15:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: [email protected]   

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