1月26日DDC Cool Rhythm 冷节奏乐队2017 - 2018年末收官专场 (Blues, Funk)

1月26日DDC Cool Rhythm 冷节奏乐队2017 - 2018年末收官专场 (Blues, Funk)

黄昏黎明俱乐部 内地男星 2017-12-31 15:02:48 1167



冷节奏乐队 Cool Rhythm

冷节奏乐队是女吉他手龚钊、蓝调口琴演奏家张晓松、爵士鼓手吴志军、爵士贝斯手盛志四人以个人音乐作品为主体展开的乐队。以 Blues/Funk 为⻛格基础,尝试以不同形式和编配演绎这些歌曲,展开了一系列的演出活动。举办了众多专场演出,并且凭借丰富的经验,在短时间内参演了国内音乐节。

Cool Rhythm is a band that JoanGong-Guitar Player, cooperate with blues harmonica musician JasonZhang and the jazz drummer WuZhijun, which is basic on their respective music. With the new bass player ShengZhi is invited, the group is based on Blues/Funk style trying to arrange and rehearse the songs in different forms.


自学琴起,作为吉他⼿曾与北京十余支乐队合作,受⾝身为板胡演奏家的父亲影响,对中西⽅音乐都有所涉猎,上学时期开始歌曲创作, 负责词曲创作。


The Songwriter Joan was born in Beijing, played guitar from 2009.Since a little girl she has been involved in music. First learning violin and later on, started writing songs. Although she has mainly devoted herself to the guitar, Joan is a multi-instrumentalist (violin, piano, bass) she excels as a guitar player. She has been very active in original bands, as a session player, online events.




JasonZhang is a Chinese blues harmonica player, who has performed and recorded with many of the great Chinese artists of his time. He formed the first Blues Harp Website in China,and has devoted himself to spread the Blues and the instrument blues harmonica for many years. And he made his first recordings in 2015.


毕业于国立华侨大学艺术学院美术系,在校期间等国偶然邂逅了当时来中国学 习中文的日本 blues 吉他演奏家大泽宽,跟随大泽学习并一起演奏 blues, 就此走上音乐不归路。
毕业后参加了国内首支原创中文布鲁斯-杭天乐队担任鼓手。之后在金佛爵士、 张岭、节奏之犬、杜银蛟爵士、留声机等诸多乐队担任过鼓手和打击乐手,曾和美国歌手 Suga Mama, Avies Elis, Tess Collins, Ptah Brown, Heather Jakeman...以及英国、澳大利亚、南非等诸多国家的歌手乐手合作演出,现任 杭天乐队、晚间新闻乐队、Mojo hand 乐队鼓手。多次参加国内迷笛、草莓等各大音乐节。
芝加哥布鲁斯吉他大师-Shun Kikuta 固定合作鼓手, Boogie Woogie 布鲁斯钢琴手-Rie Lee Kanehira、日本口琴旗手-KOTEZ国内巡演期间的坚实后盾。

MilesWu, the famous Blues, Jazz drummer, from 1999 started his music career in Beijing, and was invited to Join the First Original Blues Band in China-HangTian’s band and till now. He also performed and recorded with many of the great Chinese and International artists what give him so much experience. He also play guitar and has composed many songs.


盛志,北京现代音乐学院爵士乐学院贝司讲师,Los Amigos 乐队贝司,精通电贝司和 DOUBLE BASS 的演奏,擅长POP 、爵士、FUNK 、拉丁等不同风格的音乐风格。
2002年初至2008年先后组建了乐队“Motif爵士三重奏”、Red & Blue 爵士乐队、摇滚风格乐队“water”,拉丁风格乐队“Los Amigos”。2010年担任歌手李健杭州演唱会贝司;曾与美国吉他手 Daniel、韩国歌手朴桓、英国歌手 Nancy 等音乐人合作演出。2012年受邀与两届格莱美最佳拉丁唱片提名奖获得者 Ochun 乐队同台演出。多次参加迷笛、草莓等国内各大音乐节。

ShengZhi, the bass player who is good at playing both electric bass and double bass, including pop/jazz/funk/latin…different kind of music styles. He has built “Motif jazz trio”, ”Red & Blue” jazz band, ”Water” rock band and ”Los Amigos” latin bands which was invited to performance on the stage. He also performed and recorded with many of the great Chinese and International artists what give him so much experience.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年1月26日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 80(presale)/100(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: [email protected]  

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