Music of ASEAN states | Philippines

Music of ASEAN states | Philippines

TAG英文报 内地女星 2018-12-20 21:30:36 938

Music of ASEAN states | Philippinies

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) is a regional intergovernmental organization comprising ten Southeast Asian countries, which promotes intergovernmental cooperation and facilitates economic, political, security, military, educational, and sociocultural integration among its members and other Asian states


ASEAN Member States: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia


The Philippines is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia. Its unique geographic feature, the division of religions and the foreign influence which is entailed by the history of colonization shape the special musical culture of the country.

The Philippines consists of about 7,641 islands that are categorized broadly under three main geographical divisions from north to south: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Accordingly, multiple ethnicities and cultures are found throughout the islands, and the native folk music is divided into 3 types: northern Asia native folk music, Christian music, and southern Muslim/Arabian music. Despite the different historical backgrounds of each type, there’s one thing in common among these 3 types of music - the “bamboo music”.

The bamboo culture is one of the most special cultures in Southeast Asia, but the Filipinos take the use of bamboo to the next level. Blessed with the abundant supply of this hardy plant, the Filipinos have found a wide range of functions. One of its interesting uses is as a musical instrument. The most famous and the grandest bamboo instrument known worldwide is the Bamboo Organ in Las Piñas city, which was made by a priest from Spain in a Manila church in 1824. Ever since 1975, there is an international Bamboo Organ Festival in Manila to be held annually. the Filipinos from different regions gather there with their bamboo instruments to share their musical styles with each other.

the world's only bamboo organ in Manila, Philippines

The International Bamboo Festival

In the various regions of the Philippines are found a variety of bamboo instruments. These produce different sounds depending on the manner the instrument is played, that is, whether, blown, struck, or plucked.


Flutes or pipes made from pieces of young bamboo are called buho.

palendang, a bamboo flute

The Filipino swains use these for courting their loved ones or playing love tunes. 


Bungkaka, a striking instrument

The bungkaka is played by striking the instrument’s forked end against the palm of one hand. These instruments come from the mountains of the North in Igorot (a northern province in the Philippines). The Igorots place much importance on their instruments, especially since these are used during rites and celebrations. The bunkaka is played to drive evil spirits away while traveling along mountain trails.


Other bamboo instruments, the pas-ing of the Apayao and the tabungbung of the Negritos, are plucked like string instruments. These bamboo instruments produce short, detached sounds that are distinctly different from the twangy sounds of the guitar.

pas-ing, a string instruments

I hope you enjoy the introductions of these fascinating bamboo instruments and get a taste of the Filipino musical culture.






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