

美国JRs之声 欧美女星 2017-12-31 15:15:16 677


(Bill Oram) The Lakers have lost 7 of 8, Randle’s minutes are plummeting, players keep hearing they’ll be replaced by LeBron. Yesterday the team met to air all grievances

Bill Oram: 湖人近八战七负(发于北京时间12月29日,现在已经9战8负)、兰德尔的上场时间骤降、大家一直听说自己要被勒布朗取代。昨天(北京时间12月29日),球队举行了会议来让球员吐露心中不快。

[Ganguli] The Lakers had a team meeting yesterday instead of practice. Luke Walton gave players the floor to discuss whatever was on their mind. Lots of talk about frustrations guy were feeling, both on the court and with the business of the organization.


[–]Hoops_Junkie2 883 指標 5小時前 

"Players keep hearing they'll be replaced by LeBron" I find this so funny.


[–]yusbishyus 299 指標 5小時前* 

I just imagine the coaches getting pissed and saying this to their players as they walk away dejected lolol

Edit: y'all funny as hell. How do we make this into a real live meme? Lol



[–]Bullscanipaybycheck 267 指標 4小時前 

"You're no LeBron and you'll never be LeBron! I wish I had never met you, Julius!" - Luke Walton


[–]Cavaliersrightfulemperor 134 指標 4小時前 

Or how parents scare their kids with old scary legends. "If you don't eat your vegetables, Lebron will come and replace you”


[–]ClippersGelatoCube 27 指標 2小時前 

"If you don't study harder, you'll end up like Lebron. Working at Blaze Pizza in Cleveland.”

“要是不好好学习,你就会像詹姆斯一样,在克利夫兰的Blaze Pizza店打工为生。”


[–]ThunderRedactedrevisionist 70 指標 4小時前 

"You know who would've defended that passing lane? Lebron”


[–][LAL] Earl ClarkunbreaKwOw 85 指標 4小時前 

Julius Randle: "Coach, I don't think we should run that play”

Luke Walton: "LeBron James"

Julius Randle: "Okay, so who do I screen for again?”




[–]LakersSide-Pocket 33 指標 2小時前 

They are on their phones pretending and all that petty shit

Luke: "What's that? Gimmie a second Lebron, Kelly Clarkson is talking to me."

Jordan: ….




[–]Knicksbrowneye_blueeye 146 指標 4小時前 

Hahahahahaha i imagine Magic just excitedly walking around the Lakers facility getting things ready for when Lebron comes


[–]TimberwolvesSakattack19 116 指標 4小時前 

Tidying up little nooks and crannies, making sure pictures are hanging straight, directing people to dust the locker room


[–][NYK] Ime UdokaPinevppleJvck 71 指標 5小時前 

it'd be an honor to be traded for bron


[–]SunsSportsMasterGeneral 218 指標 5小時前 

Will confirmed die if LeBron goes to the Lakers


[–]SpursYOU_WILL_TRUST_ME 89 指標 4小時前 

Why tf would Lebron go to the Lakers?


[–][PHI] Ben SimmonsGoEagles247 246 指標 5小時前 

Why in the world would Lebron want to go to the western conference? Let alone to an awful team?


[–]Thundervforprez2 332 指標 5小時前 

He's gonna join Russ, PG, DeRozan and K Love, all the high profiled free agents that LA has acquired over the past few years simply because they're LA


[–]Lakersmmm1010 76 指標 2小時前 

hE hAs a HouSE iN La


[–]NBAsunnyice 11 指標 2小時前 

2 houses now.


[–]Sunsxlxxlv 49 指標 1小時前 

Staples Center doesn’t count


[–]MayorAvila 149 指標 6小時前 

"I'm not getting enough shots." - Everyone


[–]Appalachian_Mario 1017 指標 6小時前 

Loul Deng was seen polishing his Rolex stating “everything is just fine”.


[–]ayeno 236 指標 5小時前 

Would he even get a notice of a team meeting if he doesn’t even have to go to practices?


[–][PHI] Joel EmbiidSeeYaLaterDylan 204 指標 5小時前 

"Sorry didn't check the ole email”


[–][OKC] Domantas SabonisIncaseAce 39 指標 3小時前 

Ak47 got fined for refusing to go to practice when he got traded to the sixers and he was suspended. Is that not a regulation? I don’t watch lakers games, but at least Noah is on the bench rooting for the team that overpaid him, but Deng isn’t even seen there in a suit or practice. He’s taking up quite a bit of salary cap. That’s ridiculous


[–]ayeno 55 指標 3小時前 

I believe the team told him to not show up. It’s different from refusing to show up and the team telling you to stay home.


[–][LAL] Jerry Westblancs50 48 指標 2小時前 

He came to camp fat and out of practice. The only silver lining in that horrible signing was that he was a hard worker that would set a good example for the kids, and he totally failed at that too.


[–][LAL] Brandon Ingrammeengine 1719 指標 6小時前 

Fuck how I miss Dlo for a time like this. We need a recording of this meeting.


[–]Raptorspleasefeedthedino 491 指標 4小時前 

Luke: Okay I know you guys are pissed about the Secret Santa exchange. It was supposed to be some light hearted fun but apparently things went a bit too far. Does anyone want to start?


Lonzo: Someone got me "Jump Shooting for Elementary Schoolers" in Lithuanian. That is not cool.



KCP: Someone gave me the Shawshank Redemption and a picture of Rita Hayworth. Whoever did that, fuck you.


Clarkson: Yeah, fuck that guy. Did you even drink the 12 pack I left in your locker by your keys?


KCP: I'm trading it for a rock hammer, you asshole.



Clarkson: You are what you eat!


Luke: Jordan, your mouth smells like an airplane toilet. Everyone quit fighting. We should stand together. Now, which one of you left me this phone that can only call Steve Kerr?


Bogut: That wasn't a gift, that's my phone. I really miss Steve.


Lopez: I actually like my gift. This firefighter outfit for my cat Poupin is just delightful.



Kuzma: You're welcome! I want to thank Luol for leaving the team. Has anyone heard from him?


Deng: I'm right here! Why can't anyone see me?


Lopez: I think he's a force ghost now.


Luke: That's not a real thing, Brook.


Kuzma: Sure it is. Let the pass die. Kill it if you have to.


[译注4]:上面出现的“force ghost”、“Let the past die”和“Kill it if you have to”均出自电影《星球大战:最后的绝地武士》。

Luke: The Last Jedi was a dumb idea for team building. Stop fucking poking me Brook. Where the fuck is Julius?


Randle: I'm glued to the bench.


Luke: Very funny. Get the fuck over here.


Randle: No I am literally glued to the bench. Magic was making some arts and crafts for his presentation to LeBron and left all his stuff here.


Luke: Is that why Larry is covered in glitter?


Nance: No, I'm just fabulous. But yes Magic asked me to make paper mache figures of DeMarcus Cousins and Paul George. Look I can make them fight.


Luke: Thanks Magic! Goddamnit I hate you all. Now on three, everyone say I love basketball.


[–][BOS] James Youngwalterdog12 336 指標 6小時前 

"Man, Santa didn't get me shit this year. The fuck!”


[–]LakersYaBoiBeefCat 771 指標 5小時前 

Luke: “Guys it is an open floor, say whatever is on your mind.”


Lopez: “Is anyone else concerned with the unfamiliarity we have with black holes? I wake up in crippling fear that our entire world will be sucked into one and lost forever.”


Luke: “Ok Brook, thanks. I was thinking more about basketball stuff.”


Ingram: “We are just not playing with enough energy. We have spurts, but we can’t seem to sustain the energy we need for 48 minutes.”


Luke: “Thank you Brandon, I think that’s a really….”


Brewer: Interrupts “Hold up, so these holes just suck everything up? Who makes them?”


Pelinka: “No one makes them, the Universe is responsible for the design of them.”


Luke: “Guys this isn’t what I was envisioning.”


Brewer: “So anything you put inside of them is just gone forever?”


Brook: “As far as we know.”


Kuz: “Is there any way we can put KCP in one?”


[–][GSW] Draymond Greenyodelocity 156 指標 5小時前 

Why put him inside when he already is one?


[–]JimmySnukaFly 67 指標 6小時前 

Man Clarkson definitely got yelled at to pass the ball. No Pass Clarkson.


[–]Bullspauli_hoops 520 指標 6小時前 

Clarkson for sure told mfs straight up that he should be a full time starter


[–]TimberwolvesXANNIBAL_LECTER 131 指標 6小時前 

also that he 'definitely, totally gets mad pussy and people need to recognize’


[–]LakersDJ_Mbengas_Taco 29 指標 2小時前 

“Here I am, laying it out every night, tryna get laid, and y’all can’t even recognize?”



[–]Knicksbostoneagle5 318 指標 6小時前 

Randle probably was like wtf is that Aussie doing playing more mins than me


[–]CBCN 87 指標 6小時前 

Clarkson seems like the type of player who's only in it for the $ and the groupies.


[–]macabre_irony 257 指標 6小時前 

Millions of dollars and swimming in pussy all the time? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


[–]Knicksbostoneagle5 308 指標 6小時前 

Hey maybe someone finally mentioned to Luke his rotations are fucking idiotic.


[–]Lakers BandwagonDr_FuzzyBallz 177 指標 6小時前 

I hope so.

Luke came into this job as if he's invincible. Like this shits his destiny, and he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

That's great and all, but you need to earn that honor. I hope Maginka knocked that into him that his job isn't safe and he ain't no Popovich or Pjax. And he needs to stop trying stupid shit before hes earned the right too. 2nd worst record in the league, and despite the Nay sayers, Luke is def responsible for a chunk of those losses.




[–]Knicksbostoneagle5 58 指標 6小時前 

Yeah I totally agree. I mean trying things with a young team is fine (look at what Brown did, and what Atkinson is doing).

But at least you can see their vision when doing so. I joke with a friend sometimes it feels like Luke wakes up that morning and decides how many minutes he wants to play guys.



[–]Thunderfear_and_loafing 16 指標 5小時前 

When they added Bogut I was thoroughly confused. I just feel like this team has no identity and feels a little directionless. No team that plays that bad can be considered well coached. Even when the Celtics were tanking they at least looked competent even if they were outmatched talent wise.


[–]LakersLABiH 186 指標 6小時前 

Oh damn. Anyone that ever participated in one of these meetings (if you played semi or pro basketball) knows this means that the FO/coach are not on the same page with players.

Shit's about to go down.

湖人球迷:我 日。所有参加过这种会议的人(如果你打过半职业或者职业篮球)都知道这意味着管理层/教练和球员不在一个步调上。


[–][TOR] Jose Calderondeadskin[S] 212 指標 6小時前 

(if you played semi or pro basketball)


[–]Celtics17461863372823734930 471 指標 6小時前 

When I played for OKC we had a few of those meetings. But not here in Golden State.


[–][TOR] Jose Calderondeadskin[S] 155 指標 6小時前 

KD isn't it 12PM PST? Time for lunch not reddit


[Ganguli] Lakers would love to trade both Julius Randle and Jordan Clarkson if they could. 


[–]NetsBasedGodProdigy 252 指標 6小時前 

hello how are you, pls give us randle


[–]Lakers BandwagonDr_FuzzyBallz 115 指標 6小時前 

Please take Deng too.


[–][BOS] Rajon RondoYoungM0ney 335 指標 7小時前 

Isn't Randle kinda good?


[–]LakersAryudz 245 指標 7小時前 

He’s definitely polarizing. He can come in, play good defense and put up points and rebounds, but on the other hand he commits stupid fouls, still doesn’t know how to set a damn screen and can’t protect the rim. I’ve followed him since day 1 and have rooted for him, but I’m not sure I’d want to give him the max. People who want to max him are being short-sighted, IMO, hence the trade talks.


[–]PelicansUnimpressedAsshole 150 指標 7小時前 

There are people who want to give him the max?!


[–]Ajstylez4 88 指標 6小時前 

Dude all NBA players rightly dream they're getting the max. Smartass nerlens Noel rejected a $17 mil a year contract. Parsons gets $25 mil/season after two knee surgeries.


[–]WizardsStonedcone 94 指標 7小時前 

Getting rid of Randle only makes sense if you get either Lebron/Cousins. He’s been great this year.


[–]LakersLABiH 65 指標 6小時前 

A redditor several nights ago explained Randle perfectly:

"Randle is incredibly frustrating to watch. He may hustle, play some defense, and give a spark off the bench, but his careless turnovers and forced plays (i.e. him trying to play point forward), terrible fouls, and inability to go AROUND the defense rather than trying to go through them is annoying as hell. Horrible IQ with great athleticism."

He's not worth anywhere near the money he'll command and should be best to either trade him or let him leave.




[–]LakersAmnestyTHAT 18 指標 7小時前 

Meh... The Lakers want to play smart basketball... Clarkson and Randle have very low basketball IQ.


[–]Lakers BandwagonDr_FuzzyBallz 34 指標 6小時前* 

Meh... The Lakers want to play smart basketball... Clarkson and Randle have very low basketball IQ.

Idk bro we signed KCP and he plays major minutes. By far the lowest IQ player we got. And Clarksons IQ "isn't low" he's a killer in the PnR, and he knows where to be on offense. Hes just a black hole at times. But that's on the coaching staff, they have no interest in coaching him properly since they plan on trading him.

Just because hes not whipping passes around constantly doesn't make someone a "low IQ" player. Now all you laker fans coming up with rationales to support what the FO is saying lol.




Randles defense, and knowing when to take it to his man shows his IQ is fine. Hes also been so much better at passing since his rookie season. Dudes literally improved his IQ and reduced his "bad plays" every season, add to that the injuries he recovered from and Byron as a Coach, Randle's IQ is fine because of how much it has improved. Does he make mistakes? YES. Does every god damn player make mistake? YES. KCP and Lopez have made way more than either of Clarkson or Randle. No one would considering Lopez a "low IQ player”.


[–]Haiko248 91 指標 7小時前 

I'm gonna miss Clarkson. He's the longest tenured Laker right now and he's matured a lot as a player. Really annoying how Magic and Rob don't give a fuck about anyone that isn't Ingram Lonzo Kuzma or an upcoming big name FA.


[–]LakersI_Heart_Basketball 55 指標 6小時前 

Randle + Clarkson will cost around 30% of cap.. basically a max free agent. They are nice players, but the Lakers are not making the jump out of mediocrity by overpaying average







