8月1日/Wed | The BRICKS Wednesday Jazz Jam session

8月1日/Wed | The BRICKS Wednesday Jazz Jam session

BRICKS 欧美女星 2018-08-01 12:30:34 1012

August 1st



第一时段House Band乐队领衔表演。

第二时段是Jam session。


First half is the leading performance 

of House Band.

Second half is Jam session,

Musician participants will get one

drink on the house.


Marc Mangen Trio


Marc Mangen Trio


Marc Mangen

Marc Mangen爵士钢琴风格深受他对新的和声和旋律可能性的不断研究的强烈影响。他的折衷风格,尽管很私人化,几乎囊括了爵士乐钢琴的整个历史。




The jazz piano style of Marc Mangen is strongly shaped by his constant research on new harmonic and melodic possibilities. His eclectic style, which is nevertheless very personal, embraces almost the whole history of jazz piano.

As every jazz musician of his generation, he is mainly self-taught. Still a young guy, he had the chance to play with the best musicians of his area, from whom he learned all the basics and beyond. 

He played virtually every style of music with many different bands. But, for some years now, he focusses on pure jazz piano, his first love.

Marc is also a composer. His work covers jazz tunes as well as compositions for large jazz ensembles, especially his own 8-piece band "Afrodisax". As a classical trained musician, he also writes Lieder, choir works and organ music. As might be expected and aside from some standards, his solo program is essentially made up of own melodies. 








Guangjun Xu (ET), a great talent bass player who lives in Beijing. He studied traditional Chinese music with his father when he was a boy. Affecting by his cousin, he started to study double bass in 1999. 


Guangjun Xu was graduated from MIDI Music College; he studied Jazz music from many famous jazz musicians in China, such as: Hongwei Kong (Golden Buddha), Yong Huang, Ling Zhang, Yue Liu…etc. 


Guangjun Xu started to perform on stage when he was 17 years old, he has been cooperated with many world well known Jazz music to perform the Jazz music. 


Anthony Vanacore

安咚咚(Anthony Vanacore)是来自纽约的爵士鼓音乐家,经常巡演在美国及世界各地的重大剧院舞台上,拥有多年的表演经验。同时他也是一位很热情并带有传播精神的爵士鼓及其它打击器乐的教育家,拥有着丰富的教育,教材撰写经验并经常受邀担任国内重大音乐比赛的评委。

安咚咚曾经与多位在世界少有影响力的音乐家和乐队进行合作表演包括,Moreno Donadel、高太行,张柯,谢燕辉,李晓川,顾忠山,李泉、J Kyle Gregory、Jaleel Shaw,Ted Rosenthal, Hendrick Meurkens、Vincent Herring、Laurent Maur、Mark Turner、MichaelMossman、Laura Fygi、Kevin Harris、Rick DiMuzio、Richard Sussman、Ember Swift、Youngjoo Song、Jz 爵士大乐队、曼哈顿交响乐团、敦善交响乐团等。他目前是MorenoDonadel 三重奏与Blue Note 北京大乐队的成员。他曾参加许多爵士鼓活动,并跟来自各国爵士鼓大师例如, Billy Cobham、Dave Weckl、Thomas Lang 等同台。他同时也是沙宾(Sabian) 镲片、Remo 鼓皮、Vater 鼓棒以及Canopus 鼓的代言人和一位抢手的现代舞音乐伴奏师。在纽约很多知名的地方演出,如Alvin Ailey School, Jose Limon at Peridance, Steps on Broadway,Marymount Manhattan College, Montclair State University 等。

Location & Contact

北京市朝阳区三里屯新东路首开铂郡北区院内广场 B1层 -007

(周末座位紧张,订位请电话预约 010-64656692, 13810785420, 18611134399)

B1-007,North Area Plaza of Shou Kai Bo Jun, Xindong Road, Sanlitun, ChaoYang District , Beijing

(Limited seats for weekends, For reservation please call 010-64656692, 13810785420, 18611134399)



The BRICKS? What is it like?  'Wow, it's just like the jazz bar in La La Land!’ Well, Kind of. The atmosphere is certainly designed to reflect the romanticized ideal of a classic US Jazz joint as seen in that film, with leather chairs and low lighting; but Ryan Gosling's character Seb would probably demand a bit more oomph from the music. 

The BRICKS is known for its live music experiences as well as the relaxed environment. Unlike many bars in the area, this place doesn’t have a massive brick wall in front, but instead, cozy couches and warm candle lights. The BRICKS has the best wine & whisky among all live houses along with the best music to match. 

The BRICKS 位于三里屯新东路,是北京少有的爵士&蓝调风Live house, 致力于持续为您呈现精彩的演出、有趣的派对。这里始终是《爱乐之城》里 Seb 心心念念的爵士律动,是纽约皇后区老城让人醉心的铜管之声,是从芝加哥到新奥尔良密西西比一线蓝调和爵士的弦喉交响。来The BRICKS饮一杯醇香的美酒,看一场温情的演出,抑或掷一局热闹的Party. 这里的纯正真实伴你畅游爵士之旅,治愈一切烦闷,享受杯酒人生。

More about The BRICKS











•Music oriented First-rate Jazz/Blues Live Bar in town;

•International Jazz/Blues live platform-Beijing substation;

•Professional Audio Equipment and Lighting for top-class performances;

•Assured quality of Wine/Whisky/Liquor/Cocktail etc;

•Right next to the Beloved Hot Sanlitun but easy to park and cab;

•Home and Platform for musicians and music lovers’ communications;

•Original music greenhouse and Culture exchange center;

•Private activity/party venue and Social resource incubator.








