Traveling Light 轻装前行

Traveling Light 轻装前行

Lets唱学英语 欧美女星 2018-11-08 21:08:49 1035


Joel HansonSara Groves是两个乡村歌手, Joel 是一个优秀吉他弹奏者, 在与Sara Groves合作前发行过两张专辑《Broken》和《Interview》,但是并未取得理想的效果,直到他与Sara Groves合作的一首单曲《Traveling Light》推出之后,才取得了轰动的效果。Sara Groves原来是高中老师,突然间就成为了一名福音歌手。

 Joel Hanson恰如其分的嗓音和Sara Groves天籁般的假音,使歌曲的男声富有磁性和穿透力,女声悠远,而且两人的合声部分也非常出色。歌曲干净的吉他,简单的配乐,充满积极向上精神的歌词,都让人心情开朗,感觉像是一个历经沧桑的人,放下所有的重负,风尘仆仆,轻装前行,朝着远方,迎着夕阳走下去,寻找着自己的自由。心情不佳或心理压力大,听听这首歌不失为一个好的选择。

Traveling Light”的歌名及所表达的含义也让人想起瑜伽大师 Yogi Bhajan的名言:Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light. 轻装旅行,轻松生活,传播光明,化作光明。)

So, 放下身上的负担,放手一些事情,一起跟着这首歌的旋律去旅行吧!


  • I was doublingover the loadon my shoulders. Wasa weightI carried with me every day 我曾每天背负着大量的思想负担生活

  • Crossing milesof frustrationsand riversof raging 穿越无数的挫折和汹涌河流

  • Pickingup stonesI foundalong the way 一路上我拾起路上的石头, 负担越来越重

  • I staggeredandI stumbled down pathwaysof trouble 我步履蹒跚,跌跌撞撞,一路上困难重重

  • I was hauling those souvenirsof misery 我背负着这些痛苦的回忆

  • And witheach step taken my back was breaking 并且每一步都是如此艰难,就像有人敲打我的背

  • TillI found the one who tookitall from me 直到我找到这一切的根源

  • Down by the riverside (Down by the riverside) 漫步河畔

  • I laid my burdens down. Now I'm traveling light 我抛弃了我的烦恼,轻装前行

  • My spirit liftedhigh (I found my freedom now) 我志气昂扬(我找到了我的自由)

  • I found my freedom now andI'm traveling light 我找到了我的自由,轻松前行

  • Through the darkestalleysand loneliest valleys 穿过最黑暗的小径和最荒凉的山谷

  • I was dragging those heavy chainsof doubtand fear 我曾背负着疑虑和恐惧的枷锁踟蹰不前

  • Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken 然后概括的说我最终打破了那些枷锁

  • Now He's leading me to places where thereare no tears 现在带领我远离那些悲伤

  • Down by the riverside (Down by the riverside) 漫步河畔

  • I laid my burdens down. Now I'm traveling light 我抛弃了我的烦恼,轻装前行

  • My spirit liftedhigh (I found my freedom now) 我志气昂扬(我找到了自己的自由)

  • I found my freedom now andI'm traveling light 我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行 (My burdens down, by the river side, my freedom high. Now I'm traveling light(我抛弃了烦恼,我在河边,我非常自由。我轻装前行)

  • Down by the riverside I laid my burdens down. Now I'm traveling light 漫步河畔忧虑烟消云散,我轻装前行

  • My spirit liftedhigh. I found my freedom now 我志气昂扬,我找到了自己的自由

  • And now traveling light, down by the riverside (Down by the riverside现在我轻装上阵,漫步河畔

  • I laid my burdens down. Now I'm traveling light 我抛弃忧愁, 我轻装前行

  • My spirit liftedhigh (I found my freedom now) 我志气昂扬,我找到了自己的自由

  • I found my freedom now andI'm traveling light(Traveling light我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行

  • Down by the riversideDown by the riverside) 漫步河畔

  • I laid my burdens down. Now I'm traveling light 抛弃忧愁我轻装前行

  • My spirit liftedhigh (I founmy freedom now) 我志气昂扬,我找到了自己的自由

  • I found my freedom now andI'm traveling light 我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行 Traveling light, traveling light

  • I found my freedom now 我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行 Traveling light, traveling light


  • trave light 意思是“轻装上路/旅行”, light 在这里作副词使用。

  • light 一词有4个词性:(1)  n. 光; 发光体; 电灯; 点火器;  (2) v. 点燃; 照亮; 用光指引; (3) adj.轻的; 明亮的; 浅色的; 少量的; (4) adv. 轻装/轻快地 (with few burdens): Experienced travellers travel light. 有经验的旅行者会轻装上路。常用短语/词组

  • according to sb's lights (正式用法) 根据某人设定的标准

  • be in sb's light 挡住某人的光线

  • bring sth to light 揭露; 披露; 暴露; 揭发: These facts have only just been brought to light. 这些事实刚刚才被披露出来。

  • come to light 为人所知; 变得众所周知; 暴露: New evidence has recently come to light. 新的证据最近已披露出来。

  • cast/shed/throw light on sth 使(问题等)较容易理解:Recent research has thrown new light on the causes of the disease. 最近的研究可以使人进一步了解导致这种疾病的原因。

  • in a good (bad, favourable, etc.) light 从好(或坏、有利等)的角度:You must not view what happened in a negative light. 你切切不要从负面的角度来看待所发生的事。

  • in the light of sth (美语in light of sth)考虑到;鉴于:He rewrote the book in the light of further research. 他根据进一步的研究重写了那部书。谚语(幽默说法): The lights are on but nobody's home. 稀里糊涂 / 没头脑/ 心不在焉。

  • light at the end of the tunnel 快要熬出头了;曙光在即

  • (the) light dawned (on sb) 豁然开朗;恍然大悟:I puzzled over the problem for ages before the light suddenly dawned. 我对这个问题冥思苦想了很久才豁然开朗。

  • the light of sb's life 心爱的人;心肝宝贝

  • run a (red) light / run the lights / jump the (red) lights (口语) 闯红灯

  • see the light (1) 终于领悟; 最终明白; 最后接受(尤指显而易见的事);  (2) 开始信教;皈依宗教

  • see the light (of day) 开始存在;问世;开始为人所知:He's written a lot of good material that has never seen the light of day. 他写了许多鲜为人知的好材料。

  • hide one's light under a bushel (蒲式耳, 是英美用来计量谷物、水果、蔬菜的容量单位, 也指容量为一蒲式耳的木制或泥制容器, 类似我国旧时的斗不显露才能;不露锋芒; 韬光养晦

  • be (all) sweetness and light (指人) 和蔼可亲; 温文尔雅; (指某种情况)简单而有趣


  • I was doubling over the load on my shoulders. 曾经在我肩头有千钧重担,让我不堪重负。

  • double [ˈdʌbl] 主要用法总结:(1) adj. 双的; 两倍的;双人用的;双重的;两面派的: My extension is two six double 0 (2600). 我的分机号是2600。double doors 双扇门; a double bed / room 双人床 / 房间; a double meaning / purpose / aim 双重意义 / 目的 / 目标; double standard 双重标准; a double agent 双面间谍; (2) vt. & vi. 加倍; 翻一番; 把…对折: (3) n. (不可数) 两倍/两倍数/两倍量;(可数)一杯双份的烈酒;酷似的人/极相似的对应物; (电影中的)替身演员; (体育) 双打:He gets paid double for doing the same job I do. 他与我做同样的工作,但报酬却比我多一倍。She's the double of her mother. 她和她母亲长得一模一样。Two Scotches, please - and make those doubles, will you? 请来两杯苏格兰威士忌 - 都要双份的,好吗?mixed doubles 混合双打


  • I staggered and I stumbled down pathways of trouble. 我一路蹒跚, 坎坷前行, 走过这条烦恼之路。

  • stagger [ˈstægə] (1)vt. & vi. (使)蹒跚; 使)摇摆; 使)犹豫; (2)震惊; 使大吃一惊; (3)错开时间;(4)n. 摇晃; 摇摆不定; 交错安排: He staggered home, drunk. 他喝醉酒,踉跄着回了家。The whole thing staggers me. 整个事件让我震惊。We should stagger the three ball games. 三场球赛应错开进行。

  • stumble [ˈstʌmbl]  (1)  vi.  跌跌撞撞地走; 绊脚; 蹒跚而行; 失足; (2) (朗读或说话时) 结巴; 磕磕巴巴;  (3)n. 绊脚; 失足; 差错; 失误; 过失; 失败: He stumbled and almost fell. 他差点被绊倒。His voice wavered and he stumbled over the words. 他声音颤抖,说话磕磕巴巴的。We should not get frustrated at the current stumble. 我们不应因为眼前的失败而泄气。短语stumble across / on / upon sb / sth 偶然遇见; 意外发现; stumble into sth 无意间涉足某事

  • 词义辨析stumble, stagger, totter, dodder, toddle, limp, hobble都有“蹒跚”之意, 有什么区别?

  • stagger 蹒跚, 摇摇晃晃, 跌跌揰揰, 指由于虚弱、负重、醉酒或受伤等导致身体失去平衡, 行走失去常态:After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and called the police. 遭到袭击后,他摇晃着走到电话机旁给打警察电话。He staggered to his feet. 他摇摇晃晃地站起来。

  • stumble 指脚下被绊或受惊吓等几乎摔倒: I stumbled over a rock. 我在石头上绊了一下。We were stumbling around in the dark looking for a candle. 黑暗中,我们东跌西撞地找蜡烛。

  • totter 蹒跚; 踉跄, 指因年老虚弱、幼小或其他原因导致的四肢无力, 走路不稳,多指老人或小孩: He tottered to the fridge, got a beer and slumped at the table. 他踉跄地走到冰箱前,拿出一瓶啤酒,一屁股坐在桌边。With the help of two crutches, he tottered out of the ward. 他拄着双拐蹒跚着走出病房。totter 另外指建筑物、市场、机构等的“摇摇欲坠”:The property market is tottering. 房地产市场摇摇欲坠。

  • dodder [`dɒdə] (因老态龙钟、中风等原因而)蹒跚;颤巍巍地行进: The poor old lady doddered down the street. 可怜又年迈的老太太蹒跚地走在街上。A few days after his operation, he could only dodder along. 他术后几天内只能蹒跚而行。

  • toddle v. 蹒跚行走, 特指幼儿因学步而摇摇晃晃地小步行走。Her two-year-old son toddled to and fro. 她两岁的儿子摇摇摆摆地走来走去。

  • limp vi. / n. 指一瘸一拐地走;跛行:My uncle hurt his leg in the war. Now he has a limp and uses a cane to walk. 我叔叔打仗时腿部受伤留下了跛疾,现在要拄着拐杖行走。He had to limp off with a leg injury. 他腿上有伤,离开时只能一瘸一拐地走。

  • hobble [ˈhɒbl] vi. 蹒跚;跛行: He bumped his toe on the leg of the table and hobbled around in pain. 他脚趾踢到了桌腿,疼得他一瘸一拐地打转. hobblelimp同义,都指“一瘸一拐地走/跛行”, 通常可以互换,但hobble更多指临时性的“跛行”,如运动员因腿或踝关节受伤而跛行,而limp往往指臀/腿/脚永久性的损伤所导致的常态“跛行”。另外,limp指相对较轻的跛疾, 伤者仍可以从事一定的工作并且生活可以自理, 而hobble所表示的伤情更重, 并且有可能导致更加严重的情况。

  • I was hauling those souvenirs of misery. 所有痛苦不幸的回忆让我步履蹒跚。

  • haul [hɔ:l] vt. 拖; 拉; 运送; n. 拖; 大批赃物; 一网的捕获量(一网鱼);拖运货物的距离: A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream. 只好用了起重机,才将轿车从河里拖出来。The wagons were hauled by horses. 那些货车是马拉的。a haul of weapons 大批非法武器; a drugs haul 一大批毒品;They began the long slow haul to the summit. 他们踏上了攀登顶峰的漫长行程。Our camp is only a short haul from here. 我们的营地离这里很近。

  • souvenir [ˌsu:vəˈnɪə] n. 纪念品(物); 礼物:Please accept this as a small souvenir of our friendship. 请接受这个象征我们友谊的小小纪念物。

  • 词义辨析 – gift, present 和 souvenior表示“礼物”时的区别gift 比 present 略正式,指为表示感谢或因喜爱某人而相送的礼物(如生日/节日礼物等),也可指捐赠的物品等;present 为普通用词,指为表示感谢、喜爱等送给某人的礼物,一般不很昂贵,常可与 gift 换用;souvenir 指度假时买回来送人的礼物,或指对某事物、某游览之地有纪念意义的物品。例句: He made me a present / gift of it. 他用它给我制作了一件礼品。The painter sent his best painting, as a gift, to the museum. 画家把他最好的一幅油画赠送给了博物馆。He bought a lot of souviors for his friends at the tour spots. 他在旅游景点为朋友买了许多礼物。


  • My spirit lifted high. 我志气昂扬。

  • lift high (lift vt.&vi.)提高;升高:Lift your head high, and stay strong.  抬起你的头,并且坚强的坚持下去。Hearing the good news, the morale of the team lifted high. 听到这个消息,队员们士气高昂。

视频/MV (饭制版,收听人次在30万以上,在QQ音乐里排首位)

往期歌曲练习与分享 - Hang On (《悬挂》)

小编这首歌的原唱为美国福音歌手Britt Nicole。由于高、低音落差很大,加上Britt声音非常特别,对于男声学唱起来有一定难度。小编花了不少功夫才把它唱熟练,虽然还不是很理想,但在全民K歌里已连续数月排在此歌全国总榜前三位。因录音设备有限,伴音效果一般,建议戴耳机收听。歌词详见往期链接:Hanging On







