What Is Making Me Happy #31

What Is Making Me Happy #31

刘彦的英语天地TheRealDeal 欧美女星 2017-11-28 17:02:23 862

1. Coco 

I had an inkling that I'd enjoy this, but I had no idea I'd love it so much. 2017 isn't over yet, but I'm pretty sure this is my favorite movie of the year. I honestly can't fault it for anything. Genius storytelling, amazing visual effects, and most importantly, so much heart and soul.

Extra points for all the telenovela touches. If you are a fan of Jane the Virgin, you will know what I'm talking about. (If you are not, no harm done. Anybody can enjoy this film.)

2. One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus

The minute I saw the synopsis, I knew I had to read it and risk the chance of being massively let down.

Very happy to report that it was a great read. None of the twists and turns felt forced, and the character development in each character's story arc was amazing.

This is only Karen's debut novel. I will be reading everything she has to offer in the future for sure.

3. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

This book has been dubbed a classic example of novelistic journalism. (It recounts a true story, but it reads like a novel.)

I bought it way back in 2008. I disliked the fonts, and the constant long paragraphs weren't exactly inviting either, so I just couldn't get into it.

Earlier this month, a friend noticed this book and the receipt attached to it. He was like, "What? You bought it in 2008 and still haven't read it?"

And that gave me the push I needed.

Once I got over the ugly fonts and stuff, the book was actually a fantastic read. (And of course, that has a lot to do with the fact that I'm obsessed with true crime. I've recommended multiple true crime TV shows/podcasts here.)

And in case you don't know, Truman Capote and Harper Lee were lifelong friends. Lee will always be remembered for To Kill A Mockingbird, but she actually helped Capote write In Cold Blood too.

4. Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen

This is a long book. Quite a daunting task even for loyal fans.

Problem is, I'm not a Bruce Springsteen fan. Not even a little bit.

After hearing yet another glowing recommendation and reading yet another comment along the lines of "What he writes in this book is completely relatable, even if you have never listened to a single song of his", I decided to give it a try.

I was blown away. I'll share more if I have time, but suffice it to say that I love this book to pieces.

5. Atypical

There wasn't too much buzz around this series when it came out a few months ago.

Heck, I almost missed out on it. Thank goodness I didn't.

The central character has autism, but he is of the highly-functioning kind, so in most people's eyes, he's just rather awkward and weird, not necessarily sick (think Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory).

But of course, he is NOT normal from a clinical standpoint and needs special care. The show does a brilliant job, as it manages to be educational, humanizing, heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. 

I sincerely hope all my readers will watch this show and pass the word along.

6. The 2017 American Music Awards

I enjoyed a lot of the performances, in particular:

a. The Diana Ross tribute and her own performance. If only I could sound so well singing live in my 70s! Insane!

b. The Imagine Dragons/Khalid mashup (Thunder/Young, Dumb and Broke) How did I never think of this? These two songs mesh so well together!

c. Demi Lovato's opening message before Sorry Not Sorry: "There’s so much hate in this world. We have to rise above and never say sorry for who you are."

And speaking of Demi Lovato, she's teamed up with Luis Fonsi for a new Spanglish song↓ 

7. Luis Fonsi feat. Demi Lovato -  Échame La Culpa

Is it just me, or is this even more catchy than Despacito?

8. Justice League

DC's answer to Marvel's Avengers. It didn't knock my socks off, but I still had a good time. Wasn't a bad way to spend two hours.

9. P!nk - Beautiful Trauma

As a YouTuber commented, "I came for P!nk and stayed for Channing Tatum!"

I love how Channing Tatum was all "Yeah, I'm fair game" and was not precious about his image AT ALL!

And he also danced in this video! I mean, he started out as a dancer, and he was the lead in the first Step Up movie, you know? Good to see him bust out dance moves again.

Be warned, though. The MV took a very surprising, naughty turn later on. Made me go "Oh, beautiful TRAUMA. Smart!" LOL

10. Tom Holland's performance on Lip Sync Battle

If anybody can top Channing Tatum in terms of "not being precious about self-image", it's Tom Holland in this video. Now that's the kind of Superman I can get behind!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is COMEDY GOLD. Actually, this is GOLD, period. Anytime you feel down, depressed or unhappy, watch this clip again. It will instantly pick you up.

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