惊喜!英国天才House DJ/制作人Adesse Versions本周六登陆北京!

惊喜!英国天才House DJ/制作人Adesse Versions本周六登陆北京!

唱吧 欧美男星 2018-04-26 22:01:46 1137



Adesse Versions

门票:北京/60 RMB,上海/30RMB

DADA Beijing

 “算盘”将会在Dada Shanghai 为大家带来又一位来自英国的天才DJ/制作人——A D E S S E  V E R S I O N S,他将陪你度过一个特殊的周末。

在举办了2017 年9月的Optimo 和11月的Denis Sulta 两个大牌演出之后,“算盘”将会再次带来一位House音乐领域大名鼎鼎的人物:Adesse Versions(Kevin Gorman)。这位英国DJ/制作人从2001 年开始活跃至今,已经在Numbers, Ostgut Ton, Cocoon 以及Local Talk等全球知名的电音厂牌中多次发行过音乐作品,而且近期他刚刚在Toy Tonics 也发行了自己的最新作品。

试听:Adesse Versions - 《Pride》

Kevin Gorman 在2012 年开始用“Adesse”这个名字,本来这只是他在准备Boiler Room 演出时候编辑一个黑胶Set 时使用的名字,但值得纪念的是,他把整体Set 都做记录了下来而且做成了一张独一无二的黑胶,其中最突出的就是由坂本制作的“Baayi”,成为了“Adesse Versions”这个名字里程碑似的纪念。

Pulp Fusion EP [Delusions Of Grandeur 2018]

这个项目内容(包括原始版本和混音版本)迅速传播开来,立刻稳固了他在编辑音乐领域内的突出地位。这次发行包括了Pressured 和Pride,已经获得了诸如Jackmaster, Larry Heard, Derrick May 和Gilles Peterson 等杰出艺术家的大力支持。

对于Adesse Versions 音乐风格的最佳描述莫过于“单刀直入”,用一种粗粝的剪切和复制的方法来从经典House 音乐中取样,让音乐的暗流浮出水面,然后打出复杂的节奏,使得豪气冲天的House 音乐尽情地挑逗舞池中的人。作为一名DJ 和艺术家,他在国际演出上的脚步从未停歇,你能很轻易地在Panorama Bar 看到他的演出,也能在Rhythm Section 的厂牌中找到他最新发行的作品。

视频:Adesse Versions Boiler Room London DJ Set 

这次我们非常荣幸地可以邀请到他来北京和上海演出,届时,大家不仅会听到包含Funk, Disco和Afro Gems 等多种风格的Set,而且还能深入了解Adesse Versions 对于音乐的那份来自心底的激情和热爱,所有的这一切你都能在这场复古的演出中一并感受到。与此同时,“算盘”还将呈现Tanner & Juhstynn 这两位大家熟悉的老朋友,为整场演出增添更多有趣的声音。

 算盘 welcome another talented UK DJ/producer for a holiday weekend special at Dada Beijing & Dada Shanghai on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th April 2018.

After a double header in September and November with Optimo and Denis Sulta,  算盘 (suànpán) are pleased to present a proper house music don, in the form of Adesse Versions, aka Kevin Gorman. A UK DJ and producer who has been active from early 2001, Gorman’s music has spanned a number of valued and innovative record labels including Numbers, Ostgut Ton, Cocoon and Local Talk, with recent productions on Toy Tonics.

视频:Adesse Versions - That's What Friends Are For 

The Adesse alias began in 2012 as a simple vinyl edits project, which led to a Boiler Room set, memorable for being entirely his own music cut to dubplates. One standout was a Sakamoto edit called ‘Baayi’; becoming the first Adesse Versions wax. The project quickly expanded with the release of original tracks and remixes, quickly securing their prominence amongst his notable edits. Releases including, Pressured, and Pride have garnered huge praise for the artist, with unrivalled support from prominent figures such as Jackmaster, Larry Heard, Derrick May and Gilles Peterson.

The Adesse Versions style could be best described as raw and timeless, with a rough cut and paste approach to sampling and uplifting undercurrent to the ethos of classic house music. His complex beats, mixed with soaring house euphoria tease the desirability of the dance floor. As an artist and DJ, his international demand seems not to be slowing down, and you’re likely to find him performing in Panorama Bar and releasing on labels like Rhythm Section.

 Pride [Numbers. 2015] 

We’re super excited to have him in Beijing and Shanghai, where we can expect a number of exclusive edits of funk, disco and afro gems, alongside a diverse inclusion of music discovered a from an underlying knowledge and deep passion for what he does. All this with an old-school house influence tying them together. 算盘 residents Tanner & Juhstynn will be on hand to take care of proceedings at Dada Beijing on Saturday 28th April.

O N L I N E _ I N T E R V I E W S

Adesse Versions: Stepping out of the Shadows



 Pressured [Make Love In Public Spaces 2013] 


Adesse Versions专访文章












