1⃣️ 宋仲基是你喜欢的类型吗?
Is Song Joong Ki your type ?
2⃣️ 不要多管闲事。
Mind your own business.
3⃣️ 这次不要放我鸽子哦。
Don't stand me up this time.
4⃣️ 我不敢苟同。
I beg to differ.
5⃣️ 你到底想说什么?
What are you trying to get at?
6⃣️ 我想请三天假可以吗?
Can I take three days off?
7⃣️ 我向你保证。
I give you my word. 或 You have my word.
8⃣️ 这不值得。
It's not worth it.
9⃣️ 再接再厉,继续加油。
Keep up the good work.