gcd 19177%荨\麻\疹的 病因、以及 症状!

gcd 19177%荨\麻\疹的 病因、以及 症状!

fg1515 日韩女星 2017-08-07 12:00:27 191


Huang qiu nods, turn to xue dong and niang all learn. They live in the family, but they still have various demands. It was unsatisfactory to have their brother and sister in vain.

There are a few people in the family, xie yi as the little servant girl in the bottom of the little girl, but huang qiuxue and zhang gengshan not a few know.

When xie yi came out from the inner court, she noticed that a few of her eyes had changed, and she was thinking of writing the story of xie zebaifu, and she didn't pay much attention to the reason. She returned to the room and waited.

He went out one day and came back before supper. "did madame eat?"

"Wait for the general, not yet!" On the hill and back, he went with him to two doors, and had all the details of his family.

Ink heng walked into the inner courtyard, washed, changed the casual clothes, went straight into the inner room, "nine children and happiness in?"

These two days shen songming to prepare to go to the east wei's matter, happy son today have found a circle, want to seek father. Even though we are already close to baicalin, mo heng? Not her father! Her father is not so long!

Mo heng sees happy son to seek father, a face is black to make a pot bottom, can pull long to pull long.

Joy was even less pleased with him, and if it weren't for nine or happy, it would have made a fuss. That's not her father! Her father is the ugly one! Not this good-looking one!

See nine children call father, happy son again open big eye doubt of look at him, mo heng again want to choke dead shen songming. Better go to Anton, and don't come back!

Pei qin asked him to ask him the question, "when did you even worship this ouyang master?"

"At the age of seven, he studied with him for more than two years." He touched her hand, and ordered a meal.

See him not to mention, the pei qin has guessed, "this xie ze's knowledge is not good, ouyang fu son does not want to accept?"

"He is good at playing and playing chess. He will send us nine, and two years of learning, at home, master." He said nine.

Now the court is in the process of preparing forage grass, so as long as the grass is ready to be ready, he will take the soldiers to fight the people of rong, there is no time to teach nine children. Nine children have been five years old this year. Although they have learned a lot of things, they have not entered the school seriously.

Nine children listen to want to enter school, immediately excited rise, "the father said to want to give me to find a good female teacher, father! What is this ouyang fuzi?"

"An old man." He doesn't like women, but he doesn't.

Nine children crinkly look to pei qin, "niang!"

Pei qin put a piece of egg into her mouth, "eat!" I don't see a dad in black.

'I will! I'll post them right away.

Happy look, also come, "I also want!"

Ink heng was feeding her with shrimp balls.

Happy son look at him, open mouth eat, turn head and also pei qin to feed.

The two children were all gummy, and mo heng looked at his face a lot. A family of four had finished his meal, but three people had been sweating.

After dinner, xiao yong came to play, the warmth in the room, and the two radishes washed the bath, press on the kang to read the story.

The next day mo heng out the door, touch pei wendong, "the matter of xie ze don't bother your elder sister again, you give him to seek a master to learn!"

Pei wendong wondered, he did not tell the elder sister.

Boey see two people talk, take the initiative to come out with PeiWenDong said she went to the PeiQin, want to find a good teacher, for Xie Ze hope he become useful, later she expect only a brother, her sister, to the whole heart for brother intends to in the future.

Pei wendong listens to her words, also did not blame her heart, "ouyang fu son then I go to again, really can't go to seek other teacher."

Xie yi-yan stops again, no longer importuned.

Pei wendong ran another time, still did not see the person, had to give up, seek other master.

When he returned home, he took nine children and brought him to the small courtyard of ouyang fuzi.

Nine swing essence, the arithmetic of follow PeiQin for half a year, Shen Songming went on to teach, also followed him to learn the reckoning, learned English, other Shen Songming think of her as a child prodigy should learn something, a lot of mess to fill her small head.






