

Playout 欧美男星 2017-11-08 22:28:26 350

逛微博不经意听见一首振奋人心的歌曲《湖人颂》,一开场就唱出了湖人粉写给Los Angeles Lakers最强烈的心声,追溯了几代传奇:



George Mikan







Jerry West成为NBA的LOGO门面


在1979摘下Magic Johnson



Go Vectorius



《Forever》——Drake/Kanye West/Lil Wayne/Eminem

提及说唱歌手的Beat和Flow真的难分秋色,Rap也不是说得越快就越好,我们没权利去评价出个高低。不如仔细听听这首歌是如何赞美LeBron James的,这也是人生:你可以被质疑,你可以无数次跌倒,甚至你爱的人离你而去,可只有自己才知道心里要的是什么。

Okay, hello it's the Martian, Space Jam Jordans

I want this shit forever, wake up and smell the garden

Fresher than the harvest, step up to the target

If I had one guess then I guess I'm just New Orleans

And I will never stop like I'm running from the cops

Hop up in my car and told my chauffeur to the top

Life is such a fucking roller coaster then it drops


《Champions》——Ron Artest

很多《NBA 2K》玩家都是听了这首歌之后才恍然大悟知道他是谁,没错!正是小前锋Ron Artest(慈世平)。

They say we warriors

they say we did it again (hands high for the champions)

We are victorious

We only in it to win (stand up for the champions)

No surrender no retreat

We take the battlefield over every time (and clap yo hands for the champions)

Peak Artest II



《Feel This Moment》——Pitbull/Christina Aguilera

2013 NBA季后赛和2014 NBA季后赛主题曲,主角是夜店大叔Pitbull相继合作Christina Aguilera和Ke$ha为NBA献声,不管在哪,他都表现出一脸赢家的样子。

One day when the light is glowing

I’ll be in my castle golden

But until the gates are open

I just wanna feel this moment(ohhh)

I just wanna feel this moment (ohhh)

I just wanna feel this moment

Feel this moment...

I see the future but live for the moment, make sense don't it

Air Jordan XX8

历史上三分球的第一人Ray Allen,所以我选择这双鞋,歌词中提及的“但是今朝,我只享受这一瞬的永恒”,也巧妙的应景了他在2013年总决赛三分绝杀时的辉煌里程。




It's going down, i'm yelling timber

You better move, you better dance

Let's make a night you won't remember

I'll be the one you won't forget

adidas Crazyquick

2014年Tim Duncan夺冠时穿的鞋,后来就一直穿该鞋款。歌名更显通俗易懂,Tim和Timber呼应在一起,不失诙谐幽默。


《Purp & Yellow》——Snoop Dogg


Swish twenty-four that's Black Mamba

Snoop Dogg he's a dope rhymer

Collaborate with the Golden State

In a yellow six deuce with the purple plates

I dip and dodge

I hit three and roll

Fish and chips

Bounce pass down to Pau Gasol

We don't give a damn about the big three

LA Lake show we bout to three-peat

And you can bet that's on the set

Ron Artest about to get wet

I'm on the flo' and thats a fact

Sittin' next to uncle Jack blazin' up the purple sack

Nike Zoom Kobe V

选择它很顺理成章,2009-10赛季,Kobe踏上了他的卫冕之路,在与LeBron James对决的圣诞大战中带来了Nike Zoom Kobe V,鞋款回归了前后Zoom Air的配置,保证其缓震性能,并且不负众望带领湖人队夺冠,Nike Zoom Kobe V也成为了总冠军战靴。


《Gorillas》——Army of the Pharaohs

Army of the Pharaohs(A.O.T.P),又称“法老军团”,为NBA Live 07推出系列音乐之一。不好意思!除了名字和音乐查不到任何信息,据称是当地说唱的嘻哈神秘组织。

Yeah, we the realest, ain't nobody stoppin' the fam

And we gorillas, walk around with glocks in our hand

And we some killas, run it like the Mafia ran

And you should feel us 'cause we turn your fuckin' block into sand

Converse Wade 1.0 Playoff

Converse Wade 1.0 Playoff作为2006年Dwyane Wade夺冠时穿的季后赛鞋款,鞋款活脱像是水陆两栖动物,采用了仿鳄鱼皮的设计。冥冥之中传递着专属性与神秘感,如“法老军团”一样,你也同样无法揣测Dwyane Wade的每一步计划。


《Remember The Name》——Fort Minor

让大家送膝盖的一首歌曲,NBA LIVE 2006和TNT电视台经典的宣传音乐,也是Mike Shinoda、Ryu、Takbir的自我解析。

You ready? Let's go

Yeah, for those of you that

want to know what we're all about

It's like this y'all come on

Nike Zoom LeBron 3"All-Star"

2006年LeBron James拿到休斯顿第一个全明星赛MVP时上脚的球鞋,像是歌词中提及的“他的感觉和每个人都不一样,尽管事实上有些人,仍然认为他们了解他,但他们错了,他知道规则”,我补充一句,“记着,我的规则我主宰”。


《Hero》——Mariah Carey

听到这歌会让人想起Michael Jordan退役的场景,不禁让老球迷打开了泪腺。歌曲隐含的意思讲一段:我们都是自己的英雄,因为我们总是在克服着每天的挫折。只要你直面困难,不放弃希望,就会找到内心的力量。有人说:《I Believe I Can Fly》是乔老爷的传神速写和豪言宣言,那《Hero》恰是他职业生涯的写照与荡气回肠的赞歌。

It's a long road

When you face the world alone

No one reaches out a hand

For you to hold

You can find love

If you search within yourself

And the emptiness you felt

Will disappear

Air Jordan 18

Air Jordan 18作为乔老爷NBA生涯中上脚的最后一双球鞋,离开的时候唱的便是这首歌。据悉,该鞋款将于明年1月回归,不知道会不会减配,不管怎样,如此意义非凡的一双鞋款却值得收入囊中。


《Dilemma》——Kelly Rowland/Nelly


No matter what I do

All I think about is you

Even when I’m with my Boo

Boy you know I‘m crazy over you

No matter what I do

All I think about is you

Even when I‘m with my Boo

You know I‘m crazy over you

adidas The Kobe II



《Can't Stop》——Red Hot Chili Peppers

NBA宣传歌曲,如果说U2的那首《Elevation》是为了中锋而做的,那么红辣椒乐队的这首《Can't Stop》就是做给后卫的了,让速度快到不能停止。

The world I love

The trains I hop

To be part of

The wave can't stop

Come and tell me when it's time to

T Mac 1鸳鸯

得分后卫Tracy McGrady的这双T Mac 1鸳鸯,鞋款很有特色以Superstar为基础,保留了经典的贝壳头设计,并不高端,但是不论从闷骚的外观还是速度都极受欢迎且永不止步于此。


《Fighter》——Christina Aguilera

作为NBA季后赛主题曲,非常大气磅礴的一首歌,强劲有力的节奏,Christina Aguilera带你追溯到十年前的NBA。

After all you put me through

You'd think I'd despise you

But in the end I wanna thank you

'Cause you made that much stronger

Nike Air Zoom Generation

歌曲首次发布2003年,所以,我选择2003年最重要的新人LeBron James,他的第一双签名鞋Nike Air Zoom Generation,也符合“战士”的形象。虽然今年鞋款复刻火爆,但我想这段青葱岁月从来都不能被炒作,更不能用金钱来衡量。


《Sirius》——Alan Parsons Project

来自七八十年代的乐队,该曲为NBA芝加哥公牛队Michael Jordan时期总决赛主场熄灯后的歌曲。

Air Jordan 11"Bred"

极其细腻的一首曲,搭配Air Jordan鞋迷魂牵梦绕的Air Jordan 11最能代表公牛队的黑红配色,这种可望而不可及的追逐也是如此缠绵。想一想,当年在国内发售的时候曾经出现过万人空巷的盛况。


《Wing$》——Macklemore & Ryan Lewis


Air Maxes were next

That air bubble, that mesh

The box, the smell, the stuffin, the tread, in school

I was so cool

I knew that I couldn't crease ‘em

My friends couldn't afford ‘em

Four stripes on their Adidas

On the court I wasn't the best, but my kicks were like the pros

Air Jordan 12"Wings"

选择这款Air Jordan 12"Wings",鞋款金色翅膀的纹路,寓意着歌曲中孩子们对篮球的渴望与执着,努力之后,才能真正意义上的飞翔。


《Yeah!》——Usher/Lil' Jon


shes all up in my head now,got me thinking that

it might good idea to take her with me,

cause she's ready to leave.

now i gotta keep it real now,cause on a one-to-ten

she's a certified twenty,and that just aint me.

cause i don't know if i take that chance just where is it gonna lead,

but what i do know is the way she dance makes shorty alright with me.

the way she getting low!

i'm like yeah,just work that out for me.

she asked for one more dance and i'm

like yeah,how the hell am i supposed to leave?

And1 Rise

相对应2004年老将Chauncey Billups拿到总决赛MVP时上脚的战靴,每次伴随着音乐,去看看这些不是我这个年代的“老东西”反而别有一番风味。


《I Believe I Can Fly》——R.Kelly

1996年由Michael Jordan主演的电影《空中大灌篮》的插曲,被收录在该电影的原声专辑《Space Jam》内,一次R.Kelly在篮球场上遇到了迈克尔·乔丹。乔丹询问他,能否为一部由他本人出演的电影创作一首歌曲。在未了解电影内容的情况下,R.Kelly答应了乔丹的请求。之后二人一道观看了电影,这使R.Kelly想到了“我相信我能飞”这个标题。

I used to think that I could not go on

And life was nothing but an awful song

But now I know the meaning of true love

I'm leaning on the everlasting arms

If I can see it, then I can do it

If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

Air Jordan 11"Space Jam"

不用解释,Michael Jordan电影中上脚的鞋款,说到贴合音乐,非它莫属了。毕竟Air Jordan 11是乔帮主最喜欢的篮球鞋,也被誉为最拉风的球鞋,即使是在保护性和实战型方面,截至Air Jordan 11出现前,凭着全掌Sole气垫也没有比它更舒服的篮球鞋。







