IV-087 If Not for You 若不为你

IV-087 If Not for You 若不为你

如歌岁月如影随形 欧美女星 2018-01-13 23:36:11 451

If Not for You 若不为你

Written & released by Bob Dylan [24May, 1941 - ]

Who was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature on 13Oct, 2016

For "creating new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition"

From his 11th album New Morning on 19Oct, 1970

Released by George Harrison [25Feb, 1943- 29Nov, 2001]

From his 1st solo album All Things Must Pass on 27Nov, 1976

Released by Olivia Newton John [26Sep, 1948 - ]

From her debut album If Not for You in Nov, 1971

Edited & translated by wy on 12Jan, 2018


If not for you 若不是因为你

Babe, I couldn’t even find the door 怎能找到出路

I couldn’t even see the floor 我将失去依托

I’d be sad and blue, if not for you 满心悲伤忧郁


If not for you 若不是因为你

Babe, the night would see me wide awake 长夜注定难眠

The day would surely have to break 清晨即使破晓

But it would not be new, if not for you 也会索然无趣


If not for you 若不是因为你

My sky would fall, rain would gather too 天塌挟着暴雨

Without your love I’d be nowhere at all 我将不知所措

I’d be lost, if not for you 为爱迷失自己


If not for you 若不是因为你

The winter would hold no spring 寒冬不再孕育春天

You couldn’t hear a robin sing 小鸟歌声不再响彻

I just wouldn’t have a clue, if not for you 我将难以找着头绪


If not for you 若不是因为你

My sky would fall, rain would gather too 天塌挟着暴雨

Without your love I’d be nowhere at all 我将不知所措

I’d be lost, if not for you 为爱迷失自己


If not for you 若不是因为你

The winter would hold no spring 寒冬不再孕育春天

You couldn’t hear a robin sing 小鸟歌声不再响彻

I just wouldn’t have a clue, if not for you 我又怎能找着头绪



1 若不是因为你,刘思铭作词、刘志宏作曲、周华健[22Dec,1960 - ]演唱,专辑《爱相随》发行于1995715

2 Morning Has Broken [破晓时分, I-077], lyrics by Eleanor Farjeon & music to the tune of Bunessan, released by Cat Stevens [21Jul, 1948 - ] in 1971

Morning Has Broken 破晓时分

3 The Rose [冬去春来, I-026],written by Amanda McBroom [9Aug, 1947- ] in Mar, 1980, released by Bette Midler [1Dec, 1945 - ] in Mar, 1980 as the soundtrack to the Rose on 9Nov, 1979

The Rose 冬去春来







