以音乐的态度,诠释浪漫与自由| 3.3 VIPROOM x DJ EAZY

以音乐的态度,诠释浪漫与自由| 3.3 VIPROOM x DJ EAZY

VIPROOM 欧美男星 2018-02-28 18:18:48 279


 「  VIPEOOM x  DJ EAZY  」     

March 3th /2018.03.3 


来自法国的电音先驱 DJ EAZY 。这位法国EDM魔术手的实力与风格,将这个国度的浪漫与自由诠释的淋漓尽致。

the electrician pioneer from France. The French EDM magic hand strength and style, the French romantic interpretation of this country and freedom most vividly.


来自法国的音乐制作人、DJ,Izzet aka Eazy,以擅长调控一流的格调和气氛声名在外。不仅散发着法国人独有的浪漫气息,还带着对于EDM的无限激情 。

从2001年,DJ EAZY 开始自己的DJ 职业生涯。在他的圈子里,他是公认的黑胶碟片般神奇的魔术师,他的演出受到观众的一致好评。

A French producer, DJ, Izzet aka Eazy, is renowned for his style and ambience. Not only exudes the unique French romance, but also with the infinite passion for EDM. From 2001, DJ EAZY started his own DJ career. In his circles, he is recognized as the magical magician of vinyl disc, his performance by the audience alike.

「 从 HIP-HOP 到 EDM 」

让人惊讶的是,DJ EAZY最初是专注于Hip-Hop和R&B风格,取得不错的成绩之后,DJ EAZY发现自己对于电子音乐有着浓厚兴趣。后来凭借自己对于音乐超乎常人的阅读能力,将电子音乐元素融入自己的风格并且成功转型成为一名才华横溢的老炮DJ。

Surprisingly, DJ EAZY initially focused on Hip-Hop and R & B styles, and with good results, DJ EAZY found herself interested in electronic music. Later, with his extraordinary reading ability for music, the electronic music elements into their own style and the successful transformation into a talented old gun DJ.

「 与 众 多 知 名 殿 堂 级 艺 人 展 开 合 作  

在电音圈逐渐声名大噪的DJ EAZY,凭借自己独特的曲风以及极具创造性的创作才华被国内外众多艺人认可,并开始与之展开合作。BigAli,Fatman Scoop,Example,Booba, 以及和百大dj Calvin Harris,Skrillex,A-Trak,Dillon Francis,Dj Snake都曾与他在音乐上有着深度合作。

DJ EAZY, which is gaining prominence in the voice coil, has been recognized by many domestic and foreign artists and started to cooperate with his unique genre and creative creations. BigAli, Fatman Scoop, Example, Booba, and Harvard dj Calvin Harris, Skrillex, A-Trak, Dillon Francis and Dj Snake all worked with him on the music.

「 黑 胶 碟 片 魔 术 师 」

DJ EAZY被业界称为黑胶碟片的魔术师。其魔鬼式的演出影响范围极广,个人私制的唱片也被电台NRJ节目长期播放。在EDM界,DJ EAZY的音乐创作才华一直处于巅峰状态, 他就像一匹神秘的黑马,你无法知道他未来又会以何种方式给我们带来脍炙人口的音乐。

DJ EAZY by the industry as a vinyl disc magician. Its devil-style performances have an extremely wide range of influence, and privately owned recordings have also been shown on radio NRJ programs for a long time. In the EDM world, DJ EAZY music genius has been at its peak, he is like a mysterious dark horse, you can not know in the future how it will bring us win universal praise music.

「 受 邀 参 加  全 球 性 音 乐 节 巡 演 」

DJ EAZY 的音乐才华和对电子音乐风格的敏锐度让他得到了在法国、比利时、德国、瑞士、澳大利亚、新加坡摩洛哥、香港、中国、泰国、柬埔寨...等国家许多著名音乐节演出的机会。

DJ EAZY's musical talents and his sensitivity to electronic music styles have given him the chance to perform at many famous music festivals in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Singapore, Morocco, Hong Kong, China, Thailand and Cambodia.


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