She Says,听我说

She Says,听我说

取走 内地女星 2017-02-10 11:50:04 693

· 专辑:Sex And The City 2 (Original Motion PictureSoundtrack)

· 语言:英语





 Abit of the play


“Vagina says: Let’s start with saying out loud the word 'vagina', my vagina, our vagina.”


“Virginity says: whether the hymen is broken or not, whether there is penetration or not, whether it’s in the night or not, whether I’m with a man or woman, this is my business.”


“Masturbation says: wank is a normal sexual behavior.”



“Bitch says: why do women baffle women?”


"Sexual assault victim says: because of my fighting, I see the thousands of thousands of us who have been through sexual assault now are together."


“Orgasm says: do you know how many ways of moaning there are?”


“Menstruation says: I refuse to call period ‘Big Auntie’, I refuse to call menstruation ‘Old Friend’, and I refuse to call it ‘That’.”



“Sex worker says: as long as I wear a condom, I am clean. Why the hell I am the filthy person after he finished?”


“Gynecologist says: I will never forget these pregnant women, I will never forget those gruesome images of abortion because she’s expecting a girl.”



No matter what the world says, we are continuously going to be fearless and talk about vaginas. Let the world listen to vaginas, only when they listen will they truly understand and respect vaginas’ owners - women.




在汉堡出生和长大的马凯莉是一名德中双语的演员、主持人、模特和作家。活泼大方的性格、诙谐幽默的台风和颇具感染力的表现为她赢得了各大国际品牌的认可,例如Tommy Hilfiger、亚洲保时捷卡雷拉杯、奥迪、 Fashion One 电视网络、百事群音乐队大赛等。

Born and raised in Hamburg, Kai-Li Ma is a German-ChineseActor, TV Presenter / MC, Model and Writer. Her lively attitude, comedicapproach and infectious style of presenting has gained incredibly high claimsfrom international brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Porsche Carrera Cup Asia,Audi, Fashion One Television and Pepsi Battle of the Bands.



Xiaoyu Song is a full-time interpreter and feminist, member of BCome, hardcore fan of Harry Potter and Doctor Who, her biggest wish is world peace and earn enough money to see "Hamilton" live in New York.

Anna Lande来自美国加州,在法国巴黎工作后来到中国。她最近一次演出是织梦人制片公司的人气之作:“百老汇舞厅”。今年早些时候,她在“公主新娘”中扮演公主一角,这也是她的舞台首演。“我很开心能参与到'听我说'的演出中,这个话题真的非常重要。”

Anna Lande is a California native coming to China by way of Paris, France, Anna hasmost recently been seen and heard in Dream Weavers smash production: Cabaret Broadway. She made her Shanghai debut earlier this year in The Princess Bride as Princess Butter cup. "I'm so excited to participate in ‘She Says’. This is a really important conversation to have."


Kiki Wang, an editor of Chinese newspaper. She graduated from TongJi University in Shanghai. Her major is Chinese Literature. She has been an actress in "99Women" (drama) and “Shanghai Zen". She participated in writing the script of "99 drama project".

Gabby Gabriel是一名美国的艺术家、作家、人道主义者和企业家,生活在上海并爱着这个城市。Gabby是ShanghaiLove Notes的创始人,这个平台将摄影和诗词结合,讲述上海和有关心灵的故事。

Gabby Gabriel is an American artist, writer, humanitarian and entrepreneur living and loving Shanghai. Gabby is the founder of Shanghai Love Notes, which combines photography and poetry to tell the stories of Shanghai and the stories of the heart.

Denise Mininfield来自加州的伯克利,她与音乐和戏剧的不解之缘从学校就开始了。2000年在台北举办了演出,后又被邀请去新加坡演出,也从此开启了她的亚洲之旅。现在她活跃于上海乃至中国各地。

Denise Mininfield is from Berkeley, California. She started in music and theater in School. In 2000 traveled to Taipei for a tour. Then was invited to Singapore which was the start of her journey in Asia. Now living and working in Shanghai and all of China.

Lucy Liu 是一位普通的白领丽人,刚完成一个小梦想,正在实现大梦想的路上。她对生活充满热情。

Lucy Liu is an ordinary office lady who has realized herlittle dream and yet a big dream to realize. She is passionate about life.


Fariza Tailanova, born in Kazakhstan, 20 years old. Studying business in Sino-British college. Used to go to Shanghai Theater Academy to study acting as it's one true passion and favorite hobby of hers. Adventurous.

Jamie Stevens 在上海已经两年了,白天她是一名老师,月光下她则在剧院中表演,她近期在几部舞台剧参与了后台制作,其中包括《危险的联络人》和《落水狗》。对于她在上海的第一场舞台表演,她非常兴奋,也很期待在这里、在上海,和舞台的长久韵事。

Jamie Stevens has been in Shanghai for two years. A teacher by day, Jamie moonlights in the theater scene. She has been involved back stage in a few recent stage productions in Shanghai, including Dangerous Liaisons and Reservoir Dogs. She is excited to have her first appearance on a Shanghai stage. She looks forward to continuing her long standing love affair with theater here in Shanghai.


Behind the Scene

Ann C. James, Director &Producer 导演及制片


Annhas a diversified career that is connected through theater. She has held numerous acting and directing roles that took her around the world including Paris, Aruba and Amsterdam. She has been a real estate agent in Manhattan a director of education, starred in commercials and children’s theater, taught English in Shanghai, a drama facilitator and founder of her own international production company – Dream Weaver Productions. 

Sophie Wu 吴凡, Overall Planning 统筹


Sophie is the Founder of Women In Leadership League (WILL), she is very passionate about women empowerment. Apart from the NGO work, she works fulltime in a boutique law firm based in Shanghai helping cross-border companies and families.

Marcela Mimica, ScriptTranslation Contributor 剧本协译

Marcela Mimica来自智利。过去的7年她都在中国度过,她已经把中国当作自己的家了。金融专业的Marcela从事视频制作的工作,也会做西班牙语、英语和普通话的笔译。现在坐标为上海。

Marcela Mimica hails from Chile. She has spent the past seven years in China, a place she already refers to as home. A Finance graduate, Marcela works in video production, enjoys translating between Spanish, English and Mandarin, and lives in Shanghai these days. 

Ji'er Ma马吉儿, Marketing Writing Contributor 营销协作


Ji'er Ma has engaged in marketing, art gallery, interior design and so on. Her wide scope of knowledge has made her a person with imagination and humor. She likes dreaming and her dream is to become a president one day. She calls herself "Art Yeast".


About Women In Leadership League (WILL) 关于女性领导力联盟


Women In Leadership League(WILL) is a non-profit thatdedicates to empower women in their professional and personal lives byincorporating female and male rolemodels/mentors into a large variety of eventsincluding but not limited to workshops and trainings, art exhibitions, musicconcerts, theater plays, sport competitions and so on.

About Dream Weaver Productions 关于织梦制作公司


Situated in a historic theatre in old Shanghai, Dream Weaver Productions serves as a vital lab for the development of new works and a home for ground breaking productions of both new and classic theater of the highest caliber. As Shanghai's longest continuously running Off-Broadway international theatre, Dream Weaver has helped to define American drama, fostering fresh, daring, and relevant theater experiences.

About BCome Group 关于BCome小组


Established in 2012, BCome is a young feminist volunteer group. Most of its work is focused on writing and performing an independent play—“Our Vaginas, Ourselves.” In addition, the group is also devoted in promoting women’s equal rights and opposing sexual or gender-based violence. In general, BCome has a three-fold mission of raising awareness, creating the play, and social advocacy. The script of this play is translated into bilingual from BCome's original script.



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