【旅游胜地】走进苏丹 Travel to Sudan

【旅游胜地】走进苏丹 Travel to Sudan

世中联国际健康旅游专委会 日韩男星 2018-02-09 12:24:15 1291




苏丹共和国(The Republic of the Sudan)位于非洲东北部,红海西岸,是非洲面积最大的国家。苏丹北邻埃及,西接利比亚、乍得、中非共和国,南毗刚果(金)、乌干达、肯尼亚,东壤埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚。东北濒临红海,海岸线长约720公里。苏丹拥有良好的自然环境,享有丰富的旅游资源。 苏丹是非洲野生物,鸟和尼罗自然风景等具有旅游投资价值最丰富的国家之一。由于红海海岸地区不受污染,旅行者可以享受到清新的海湾和珊瑚礁。苏丹同时也享有古文明遗产,吸引了众多的国内外游客。苏丹国家基本信息中文名称:苏丹共和国英文名称:The Republic of the Sudan简称:苏丹所属洲:非洲首都:喀土穆主要城市:苏丹港、北喀土穆、恩图曼国庆日:1月1日国歌:《苏丹共和国国歌》官方语言:阿拉伯语货币:苏丹磅政治体制:总统制共和制人口数量:3539.2万(2005年)主要民族:黑人,阿拉伯人主要宗教:伊斯兰教国土面积:250万平方公里





苏丹不仅是非洲面积较大的一个国家,也是旅游资源非常丰富的一个国家。苏丹被认为是世界上拥有多样化和独特旅游景点的十个国家当中的一个。苏丹几乎大部分区域都有旅游景点,但只有极少部分旅游景点已成功转型成真正的旅游目的地,能为游客享受其游览提供必要服务。苏丹大部分旅游景点需要通过发展基础设施建设,来转型成旅游目的地。虽然苏丹的旅游景点位于乡村地区,但是,开发这些景点将有助于乡村地区的发展,并且可使苏丹旅游、古迹和野生动物部(The Ministry of Tourism, Antiquities and Wild Life)遵守联合国世界旅游组织(United Nation World Tourism organization,简称UNWTO)制定的义务与职责。 





红海海岸线(Red Sea Coastline)延伸近740公里,拥有非常优质的沙滩。苏丹境内的红海海水仍未经开发,清澈透亮,吸引了那些喜爱水肺潜水、水下观光及摄影、船舶运动和滑水的游客。法国著名海洋专家古斯多博士(Dr. Coustu)曾在其纪录片《海底世界》(world without Sun))中明确指出,苏丹境内的红海海水清澈明亮,拥有美丽的、五彩斑斓的海洋生物,最迷人的、未被触碰的珊瑚礁依旧保持其原始形态,未被开发。此外,他还声称苏丹的海岸仍未存在任何环境污染问题。其中一个最具吸引力的地方是森吉纳博(Sengeenab)——一个受保护的正圆形岛屿,有着迷人的、五颜六色的鱼类和珊瑚礁。





























Environment and Tourism In Sudan

(Please scroll up and down to browse)

Sudan enjoys various tourist resources due to the availability of enormous natural capabilities. It is regarded as one of the richest African countries in wildlife, birds and Nile natural scenery which encourages tourism investment. The climate in Sudan is characterized by varied climatic conditions which are moderate all the year round in the Red Sea area especially in the highlands such as Erkwiet Summer Resort.

The special concern being attached to the promotion of tourism in Sudan is necessitated by many factors represented in the necessity of activating domestic internal tourism, notably among the youths to familiarize with their country. Tourism activity also makes youths realize the power of Almighty Allah, thus deepening their faith in Him. It as well inculcates them with love for their country and is further considered an important economic resource as it brings foreign currency to the country. Tourism also promotes acquaintance and friendly relations with other people who are attracted to our country by its vast tourist resources.

In this way, tourism plays two key roles. First it boosts Sudan's good image to the outside world, reflecting the good nature of its people, its civilization, its popular heritage and its arts. Secondly, it contributes to the boosting of popular diplomacy of the country.

Sudan witnessed many successive civilizations such as those of Meroe and Kouh. The antiquities of those civilizations are still seen in many areas of the Northern State, Shendi area, Al-Bejrawia, Al-Naqa', Al-Musawarat, Merawie, karima, Al-Berkal Mountain and others. These tourist resources can generate a great revenue of foreign currency for the country if they are utilized and promoted in the best way in the international tourism markets.

Such being the case, the promotion of these resources gives Sudanese citizens the opportunity to spend their vacations inside the country, a matter which reduces the negative effects resulting from traveling abroad for tourist purposes.

Tourism activity started in Sudan since the dawn of independence with the country's meager resources being carefully and honestly directed to reflect Sudan's splendid tourist image to the outside world. The state, represented in the General Administration of Wildlife, embarked on the establishment of many game parks and reserves so that wild animals are well protected, bearing in mind that they are a national wealth to be treasured and passed on to the coming generations (game reserves of Nemolie, Booma, Al-Zaraf in the Southern States).

Antiquities Sites and Natural Areas:
Sudan is considered one of the few countries which enjoy a variety of tourism resources. These resources are represented in the Red Sea Coast which extends for more than 700 kilometers and is characterized by many tourist attractions, including diving and under-water photography, besides boat-rowing and water skiing.

The Red Sea Coast enjoys many gulfs and coral reefs as the area is free from contamination which plagues many seas and tourist areas in the world.
Sudan also enjoys an ancient heritage in the field of civilizations and antiquities representing a great attraction for tourists both from within and outside the country.

This heritage is centered in the Northern areas including Al-Nag'a Al-Musawarat, Karima, Al-Berkal, Merowie, Dongola and others. These areas and others saw ancient civilizations proved by the remains of the pyramids and temples, with a great part of them still lying unearthed. These areas attract many experts and researchers in this field. In addition, they are considered archaeological sites not experiencing any tourist leap before despite the availability of huge resources in them.

Central areas in Sudan including Sennar and Sinja contain antiquities of Al-Funj Kingdom (The Black Sultanate). The antiquities of this area bear testimony to the long and authentic history of the kingdom. There are many antiquities of the Mahdi State in east and west of Sudan and in the National Capital. These antiquities which reflect the glory and history of the Sudanese people, beside the existence of many other antiquities in other areas deserve concern to attract tourists from abroad to get acquainted with the history of the country.

In East Sudan, at Sawakin area, on the Red Sea, there are great antiquities indicating the existence of a historically great period of Sudan's history. Sawakin island, for example, is considered one of the areas which witnessed urban development and unique styles of architecture. It is now regarded as one of the world's few areas in this field. There are many tourists interested in this aspect of history and who can be attracted to these sites.

The state also set up Al-Dinder National Tourist Park for wildlife in the central state in 1935. This park is considered one of the greatest game reserves in Africa. It occupies a unique position north of the equator on an area of 2,470 square miles.

In 1990, the Government announced the establishment of Sanganieb national marine reserve on an area of about 12 square kilometers as a first Sudanese sea reserve at the Red Sea area. The government also set up Arous Tourist Village at the Red Sea area and villages of Jemieza in the Equatorial State. Areas of games are represented in the Red Sea Hills and birds hunting at Kindy Lake in Darfur state after it had been protected against poaching.

There are also game areas in South Sudan, Al-Dari Mountain, Al-Fuweir area, Al-Rugia Al-Zargha area, Talha Al-Misairi and Foanghar Mountain in Kordofan State.

Jebel Marra

Jebel Marra lies in western Sudan, one of the most distinct places in Darfur region. It stretches for several hundred miles from the small town of Kas in the South up to the outskirts of Al Fasher in the North, covering an area of almost 12800 square kilometers. Jabal Marra is 10,000 ft above sea level, the second highest in the country. It consists of a range of mountains 240 km long and 80 km wide, with waterfalls, volcanic lakes in an outstanding scenic beauty. The climate of the mountain is mild and of Mediterranean nature, where it rains almost the whole year round and that allows for the growth of abundant vegetation of citrus, apples and clusters of dense forest trees. Jebel Marra’s heavy rainfall and numerous gorges supply vast arable lands with a continuous flow of water turning it into ideal soil for the cultivation of sorghum, millet, vegetables and a wide variety of orchard trees.









