Nature Commumications新上线文章

Nature Commumications新上线文章

中科院半导体所图信中心 欧美女星 2017-09-14 13:54:37 1349

BRCA2 suppresses replication stress-inducedmitotic and G1 abnormalities through homologous recombination

Weiran Feng &Maria Jasin

13 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00634-0

Perturbed cholesterol and vesiculartrafficking associated with Dengue blocking in Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypticells

Vincent Geoghegan,Kirsty Stainton, Stephanie M. Rainey, Thomas H. Ant, Adam A. Dowle, TonyLarson, Svenja Hester, Philip D. Charles, Benjamin Thomas & Steven P.Sinkins

13 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00610-8

A rechargeable iodine-carbon battery thatexploits ion intercalation and iodine redox chemistry

Ke Lu, Ziyu Hu,Jizhen Ma, Houyi Ma, Liming Dai & Jintao Zhang

13 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00649-7

Engineered factor Xa variants retainprocoagulant activity independent of direct factor Xa inhibitors

Daniel Verhoef,Koen M. Visscher, C. Ruben Vosmeer, Ka Lei Cheung, Pieter H. Reitsma, Daan P.Geerke & Mettine H. A. Bos

13 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00647-9

Tia1 dependent regulation of mRNA subcellularlocation and translation controls p53 expression in B cells

Manuel D.Diaz-Munoz, Vladimir Yu. Kiselev, Nicolas Le Novere, Tomaz Curk, Jernej Ule& Martin Turner

13 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00454-2

The Ino80 complex mediates epigeneticcentromere propagation via Active removal of histone H3

Eun Shik Choi,Youngseo Cheon, Keunsoo Kang & Daeyoup Lee

13 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00704-3

Genomic comparison of esophageal squamouscell carcinoma and its precursor lesions by multi-region whole-exome sequencing

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00650-0

Discovery of a proteolytic flagellin familyin diverse bacterial phyla that assembles enzymatically active flagella

Ulrich Eckhard,Hina Bandukwala, Michael J. Mansfield, Giada Marino, Jiujun Cheng, IainWallace, Todd Holyoak, Trevor C. Charles, John Austin, Christopher M. Overall& Andrew C. Doxey

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00599-0

A genome-wide association study identifies anovel susceptibility locus for the immunogenicity of polyethylene glycol

Chia-Jung Chang,Chien-Hsiun Chen, Bing-Mae Chen, Yu-Cheng Su, Ying-Ting Chen, Michael S.Hershfield, Ming-Ta Michael Lee, Tian-Lu Cheng, Yuan-Tsong Chen, Steve R.Roffler & Jer-Yuarn Wu

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00622-4

Misalignment with the external lightenvironment drives metabolic And cardiac dysfunction

Alexander C. West,Laura Smith, David W. Ray, Andrew S. I. Loudon, Timothy M. Brown & David A.Bechtold

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00462-2

Mergeable nervous systems for robots

Nithin Mathews,Anders Lyhne Christensen, Rehan O'Grady, Francesco

Mondada &Marco Dorigo

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00109-2

Orbital bistatic radar observations ofasteroid Vesta by the Dawn mission

Elizabeth M.Palmer, Essam Heggy & Wlodek Kofman

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00434-6

Giant magnetoelectric effects achieved bytuning spin cone symmetry In Y-type hexaferrites

Chakoumakos,Dashan Shang, Liqin Yan, Fangwei Wang & Young Sun

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00637-x

GCN5L1 modulates cross-talk betweenmitochondria and cell signaling To regulate FoxO1 stability and gluconeogenesis

Lingdi Wang, IainScott, Lu Zhu, Kaiyuan Wu, Kim Han, Yong Chen, Marjan Gucek & Michael N.Sack

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00521-8

A 3D magnetic tissue stretcher for remotemechanical control Of embryonic stem cell differentiation

Vicard Du,Nathalie Luciani, Sophie Richard, Gaetan Mary, Cyprien Gay, Francois Mazuel,Myriam Reffay, Philippe Menasche, Onnik Agbulut & Claire Wilhelm

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00543-2

Rapid global ocean-atmosphere response toSouthern Ocean freshening during the last glacial

Chris S. M.Turney, Richard T. Jones, Steven J. Phipps, Zoe Thomas, Alan Hogg, A. PeterKershaw, Christopher J. Fogwill, Jonathan Palmer, Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Florian Adolphi, Raimund Muscheler, Konrad A. Hughen, Richard A. Staff, MarkGrosvenor, Nicholas R. Golledge, Sune Olander Rasmussen, David K. Hutchinson,Simon Haberle, Andrew Lorrey, Gretel Boswijket al.

12 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00577-6

NFATc1 controls the cytotoxicity of CD8+ Tcells

StefanKlein-Hessling, Khalid Muhammad, Matthias Klein, Tobias Pusch, Ronald Rudolf,Jessica Floter, Musga Qureischi, Andreas Beilhack, Martin Vaeth, CarstenKummerow, Christian Backes, Rouven Schoppmeyer, Ulrike Hahn, Markus Hoth,Tobias Bopp, Friederike Berberich-Siebelt, Amiya Patra, Andris Avots, Nora Muller,Almut Schulzeet al.

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00612-6

Tbx3-dependent amplifying stem cell progenydrives interfollicular epidermal expansion during pregnancy and regeneration

Ryo Ichijo, HirokiKobayashi, Saori Yoneda, Yui Iizuka, Hirokazu Kubo,Shigeru Matsumura, SatsukiKitano, Hitoshi Miyachi, Tetsuya Honda & Fumiko Toyoshima

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00433-7

Photo-triggered solvent-free metamorphosis ofpolymeric materials

Satoshi Honda& Taro Toyota

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00679-1

Observing a scale anomaly and a universalquantum phase transition In graphene

O. Ovdat, JinhaiMao, Yuhang Jiang, E. Y. Andrei & E. Akkermans

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00591-8

Heparan sulfate proteoglycans present PCSK9to the LDL receptor

Camilla Gustafsen,Ditte Olsen, Joachim Vilstrup, Signe Lund, Anika Reinhardt, Niels Wellner,Torben Larsen, Christian B. F. Andersen, Kathrin Weyer, Jin-ping Li, Peter H.Seeberger, Soren Thirup, Peder Madsen & Simon Glerup

11 September 2017 |doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00568-7

p190RhoGAP proteins contain pseudoGTPasedomains

Amy L. Stiegler& Titus J. Boggon

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00483-x

Emergence of charge density waves and apseudogap in single-layer TiTe2

P. Chen, Woei WuPai, Y.-H. Chan, A. Takayama, C.-Z. Xu, A. Karn, S. Hasegawa, M. Y. Chou, S.-K.Mo, A.-V. Fedorov & T.-C. Chiang

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00641-1

The Candida albicans transcription factorCas5 couples stress responses, drug resistance and cell cycle regulation

Jinglin L. Xie,Longguang Qin, Zhengqiang Miao, Ben T. Grys, Jacinto De La Cruz Diaz, KennethTing, Jonathan R. Krieger, Jiefei Tong, Kaeling Tan, Michelle D. Leach, TroyKetela, Michael F. Moran, Damian J. Krysan, Charles Boone, Brenda J. Andrews,Anna Selmecki, Koon Ho Wong, Nicole Robbins & Leah E. Cowen

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00547-y

Hypoxia inducible factor HIF-1 promotesmyeloid-derived suppressor Cells accumulation through ENTPD2/CD39L1 inhepatocellular carcinoma

David Kung-ChunChiu, Aki Pui-Wah Tse, Iris Ming-Jing Xu, Jane Cui, Robin Kit-Ho Lai, Lynna LanLi, Hui-Yu Koh, Felice Ho-Ching Tsang, Larry Lai Wei, Chun-Ming Wong, IreneOi-Lin Ng & Carmen Chak-Lui Wong

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00530-7

Dichotomy between in-plane magneticsusceptibility and resistivity anisotropies in extremely strained BaFe2As2

Mingquan He, LiranWang, Felix Ahn, Frederic Hardy, Thomas Wolf, Peter Adelmann, Jorg Schmalian,Ilya Eremin & Christoph Meingast

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00712-3

Aerosols as a source of dissolved blackcarbon to the ocean

Hongyan Bao, JuttaNiggemann, Li Luo, Thorsten Dittmar & Shuh-Ji Kao

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00437-3

Molecular analogue of the perovskiterepeating unit and evidence For direct MnIII-CeIV-MnIII exchange couplingpathway

Annaliese E.Thuijs, Xiang-Guo Li, Yun-Peng Wang, Khalil A. Abboud, X.-G. Zhang, Hai-Ping Cheng& George Christou

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00642-0

Atomic structures of Coxsackievirus A6 andits complex with a neutralizing antibody

Longfa Xu,Qingbing Zheng, Shaowei Li, Maozhou He, Yangtao Wu, Yongchao Li, Rui Zhu, HaiYu, Qiyang Hong, Jie Jiang, Zizhen Li, Shuxuan Li, Huan Zhao, Lisheng Yang,Wangheng Hou, Wei Wang, Xiangzhong Ye, Jun Zhang, Timothy S. Baker, TongChenget al.

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00477-9

A single early-in-life macrolide course haslasting effects on Murine microbial network topology and immunity

Victoria E. Ruiz,Thomas Battaglia, Zachary D. Kurtz, Luc Bijnens, Amy Ou, Isak Engstrand, XuhuiZheng, Tadasu Iizumi, Briana J. Mullins, Christian L. Muller, Ken Cadwell,Richard Bonneau, Guillermo Perez-Perez & Martin J. Blaser

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00531-6

Seed-induced acceleration of amyloid-[beta]mediated neurotoxicity in vivo

Ramona F. Sowade& Thomas R. Jahn

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00579-4

Coherent long-distance displacement of individualelectron spins

H. Flentje, P.-A.Mortemousque, R. Thalineau, A. Ludwig, A. D. Wieck, C. Bauerle & T. Meunier

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00534-3

Microwaves effectively examine the extent andtype of coking over Acid zeolite catalysts

B. Liu, D. R.Slocombe, J. Wang, A. Aldawsari, S. Gonzalez-Cortes, J. Arden, V. L. Kuznetsov,H. AlMegren, M. AlKinany, T. Xiao & P. P. Edwards

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00602-8

3D calcite heterostructures for dynamic anddeformable mineralized matrices

Jaeseok Yi, YucaiWang, Yuanwen Jiang, Il Woong Jung, Wenjun Liu, Vincent Andrade, Ruqing Xu,Ramya Parameswaran, Ivo R. Peters, Ralu Divan, Xianghui Xiao, Tao Sun, YoujinLee, Won Il Park & Bozhi Tian

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00560-1

Statistical modelling predicts almostcomplete loss of major Periglacial processes in Northern Europe by 2100

Juha Aalto,Stephan Harrison & Miska Luoto

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00669-3

Controlling selectivities in CO2 reductionthrough mechanistic understanding

Xiang Wang, HuiShi & Janos Szanyi

11 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00558-9

Metabolic stress-induced cardiomyopathy iscaused by mitochondrial dysfunction due to attenuated Erk5 signaling

Wei Liu, AndreaRuiz-Velasco, Shoubao Wang, Saba Khan, Min Zi, Andreas Jungmann, Maria DoloresCamacho-Munoz, Jing Guo, Guanhua Du, Liping

Xie, DelvacOceandy, Anna Nicolaou, Gina Galli, Oliver J. Muller, Elizabeth J. Cartwright,Yong Ji & Xin Wang

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00664-8

Direct measurement of individual phononlifetimes in the clathrate compound Ba7.81Ge40.67Au5.33

Pierre-FrancoisLory, Stephane Pailhes, Valentina M. Giordano, Holger Euchner, Hong DuongNguyen, Reiner Ramlau, Horst Borrmann, Marcus Schmidt, Michael Baitinger,Matthias Ikeda, Petr Tomes, Marek Mihalkovic, Celine Allio, Mark RobertJohnson, Helmut Schober, Yvan Sidis, Frederic Bourdarot, Louis Pierre Regnault,Jacques Ollivier, Silke Paschenet al.

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00584-7

interleukin-11 induces and maintainsprogenitors of different cell lineages during Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration

Hiroshi Tsujioka,Takekazu Kunieda, Yuki Katou, Katsuhiko Shirahige, Taro Fukazawa & TakeoKubo

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00594-5

Scalable carbon dioxide electroreductioncoupled to carbonylation chemistry

Mikkel T. Jensen,Magnus H. Ronne, Anne K. Ravn, Rene W. Juhl, Dennis U. Nielsen, Xin-Ming Hu,Steen U. Pedersen, Kim Daasbjerg & Troels Skrydstrup

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00559-8

HIV-1-mediated insertional activation ofSTAT5B and BACH2 trigger Viral reservoir in T regulatory cells

Daniela Cesana,Francesca R. Santoni de Sio, Laura Rudilosso, Pierangela Gallina, AndreaCalabria, Stefano Beretta, Ivan Merelli, Elena Bruzzesi, Laura Passerini,Silvia Nozza, Elisa Vicenzi, Guido Poli, Silvia Gregori, Giuseppe Tambussi& Eugenio Montini

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00609-1

The most active Cu facet for low-temperaturewater gas shift reaction

Zhenhua Zhang,Sha-Sha Wang, Rui Song, Tian Cao, Liangfeng Luo, Xuanye Chen, Yuxian Gao,Jiqing Lu, Wei-Xue Li & Weixin Huang

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00620-6

Demonstration of a beam loadednanocoulomb-class laser wakefield accelerator

J. P. Couperus, R.Pausch, A. Kohler, O. Zarini, J. M. Kramer, M. Garten, A. Huebl, R. Gebhardt,U. Helbig, S. Bock, K. Zeil, A. Debus, M. Bussmann, U. Schramm & A. Irman

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00592-7

Evolution of protein-coupled RNA dynamicsduring hierarchical Assembly of ribosomal complexes

Sanjaya C.Abeysirigunawardena, Hajin Kim, Jonathan Lai, Kaushik Ragunathan, Mollie C.Rappe, Zaida Luthey-Schulten, Taekjip Ha & Sarah A. Woodson

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00536-1

Usb1 controls U6 snRNP assembly throughevolutionarily divergent Cyclic phosphodiesterase activities

Allison L.Didychuk, Eric J. Montemayor, Tucker J. Carrocci, Andrew T. DeLaitsch, StefaniE. Lucarelli, William M. Westler, David A. Brow, Aaron A. Hoskins & SamuelE. Butcher

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00484-w

Coherent diffractive imaging of single heliumnanodroplets with a High harmonic generation source

Daniela Rupp, NilsMonserud, Bruno Langbehn, Mario Sauppe, Julian Zimmermann, Yevheniy Ovcharenko,Thomas Moller, Fabio Frassetto, Luca Poletto, Andrea Trabattoni, FrancescaCalegari, Mauro Nisoli, Katharina Sander, Christian Peltz, Marc J. Vrakking,Thomas Fennel & Arnaud Rouzee

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00287-z

Inhibition of Y1 receptor signaling improvesislet transplant outcome

Kim Loh, Yan-ChuanShi, Stacey Walters, Mohammed Bensellam, Kailun Lee, Katsuya Dezaki, MasanoriNakata, Chi Kin Ip, Jeng Yie Chan, Esteban N. Gurzov, Helen E. Thomas, MichaelaWaibel, James Cantley, Thomas W. Kay, Toshihiko Yada, D. Ross Laybutt, Shane T.Grey & Herbert Herzog

08 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00624-2

Ultrawide thermal free-carrier tuning of dielectricantennas coupled To epsilon-near-zero substrates

Prasad P. Iyer,Mihir Pendharkar, Chris J. Palmstrom & Jon A. Schuller

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00615-3

On the role of initial velocities in pairdispersion in a microfluidic chaotic flow

Eldad Afik &Victor Steinberg

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00389-8

Self-supporting sulfur cathodes enabled bytwo-dimensional carbon yolk-shell nanosheets for high-energy-densitylithium-sulfur batteries

Fei Pei, Lele Lin,Daohui Ou, Zongmin Zheng, Shiguang Mo, Xiaoliang Fang & Nanfeng Zheng

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00575-8

Tau exacerbates excitotoxic brain damage inan animal model of stroke

Mian Bi, AmadeusGladbach, Janet Eersel, Arne Ittner, Magdalena Przybyla, Annika Hummel, SookWern Chua, Julia van der Hoven, Wei S. Lee, Julius Muller, Jasneet Parmar,Georg von Jonquieres, Holly Stefen, Ernesto Guccione, Thomas Fath, Gary D.Housley, Matthias Klugmann, Yazi D. Ke & Lars M. Ittner

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00618-0

Capture of organic iodides from nuclear wasteby metal-organic framework-based molecular traps

Baiyan Li,Xinglong Dong, Hao Wang, Dingxuan Ma, Kui Tan, Stephanie Jensen, Benjamin J.Deibert, Joseph Butler, Jeremy Cure, Zhan Shi, Timo Thonhauser, Yves J. Chabal,Yu Han & Jing Li

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00526-3

Copy number rather than epigeneticalterations are the major dictator Of imprinted methylation in tumors

AlexMartin-Trujillo, Enrique Vidal, Ana Monteagudo-Sanchez, Marta Sanchez-Delgado,Sebastian Moran, Jose Ramon Hernandez Mora, Holger Heyn, Miriam Guitart, ManelEsteller & David Monk

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00639-9

Bio-degradable highly fluorescent conjugatedpolymer nanoparticles For bio-medical imaging applications

Tatjana Repenko,Anne Rix, Simon Ludwanowski, Dennis Go, Fabian Kiessling, Wiltrud Lederle &Alexander J. C. Kuehne

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00545-0

A thiol probe for measuring unfolded proteinload and proteostasis in cells

Moore Z. Chen,Nagaraj S. Moily, Jessica L. Bridgford, Rebecca J. Wood, Mona Radwan, Trevor A.Smith, Zhegang Song, Ben Zhong Tang, Leann Tilley, Xiaohong Xu, Gavin E. Reid,Mahmoud A. Pouladi, Yuning Hong & Danny M. Hatters

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00203-5

Fas cell surface death receptor controlshepatic lipid metabolism By regulating mitochondrial function

Flurin Item,Stephan Wueest, Vera Lemos, Sokrates Stein, Fabrizio C. Lucchini, Remy Denzler,Muriel C. Fisser, Tenagne D. Challa, Eija Pirinen, Youngsoo Kim, Silvio Hemmi,Erich Gulbins, Atan Gross, Lorraine A. O'Reilly, Markus Stoffel, Johan Auwerx& Daniel Konrad

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00566-9

Engineered proteins with sensing andactivating modules for automated reprogramming of cellular functions

Jie Sun, Lei Lei,Chih-Ming Tsai, Yi Wang, Yiwen Shi, Mingxing Ouyang, Shaoying Lu, Jihye Seong,Tae-Jin Kim, Pengzhi Wang, Min Huang, Xiangdong Xu, Victor Nizet, Shu Chien& Yingxiao Wang

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00569-6

Tanycytes control the hormonal output of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroidaxis

HelgeMuller-Fielitz, Marcus Stahr, Mareike Bernau, Marius Richter, Sebastian Abele,Victor Krajka, Anika Benzin, Jan Wenzel, Kathrin Kalies, Jens Mittag, HeikeHeuer, Stefan Offermanns & Markus Schwaninger

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00604-6

In situ wrapping of the cathode material inlithium-sulfur batteries

Chenji Hu, HongweiChen, Yanbin Shen, Di Lu, Yanfei Zhao, An-Hui Lu, Xiaodong Wu, Wei Lu &Liwei Chen

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00656-8

Multiscale cytometry and regulation of 3Dcell cultures on a chip

Sebastien Sart,Raphael F.-X. Tomasi, Gabriel Amselem & Charles N. Baroud

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00475-x

In vivo quantitative imaging of tumor pH bynanosonophore assisted multispectral photoacoustic imaging

Janggun Jo, ChangH. Lee, Raoul Kopelman & Xueding Wang

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00598-1

Planar polarized Rab35 functions as anoscillatory ratchet during Cell intercalation in the Drosophila epithelium

Cayla E. Jewett,Timothy E. Vanderleest, Hui Miao, Yi Xie, Roopa Madhu, Dinah Loerke & J.Todd Blankenship

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00553-0

Tunable inverted gap in monolayerquasi-metallic MoS2 induced by Strong charge-lattice coupling

Xinmao Yin, QixingWang, Liang Cao, Chi Sin Tang, Xin Luo, Yujie Zheng, Lai Mun Wong, Shi JieWang, Su Ying Quek, Wenjing Zhang, Andrivo Rusydi & Andrew T. S. Wee

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00640-2

Conductance through a helical state in anIndium antimonide nanowire

J. Kammhuber, M.C. Cassidy, F. Pei, M. P. Nowak, A. Vuik, O. Gul, D. Car, S. R. Plissard, E. P.A. M. Bakkers, M. Wimmer & L. P. Kouwenhoven

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00315-y

Genetic correlations reveal the sharedgenetic architecture of transcription in human peripheral blood

Samuel W.Lukowski, Luke R. Lloyd-Jones, Alexander Holloway, Holger Kirsten, GibranHemani, Jian Yang, Kerrin Small, Jing Zhao, Andres Metspalu, Emmanouil T.Dermitzakis, Greg Gibson, Timothy D. Spector, Joachim Thiery, Markus Scholz,Grant W. Montgomery, Tonu Esko, Peter M. Visscher & Joseph E. Powell

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00473-z

Prophage-triggered membrane vesicle formationthrough peptidoglycan damage in Bacillus subtilis

Masanori Toyofuku,Gerardo Carcamo-Oyarce, Tatsuya Yamamoto,Fabian Eisenstein, Chien-Chi Hsiao,Masaharu Kurosawa, Karl Gademann,Martin Pilhofer, Nobuhiko Nomura & LeoEberl

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00492-w

The Ca2+ influx through the mammalianskeletal muscle dihydropyridine receptor is irrelevant for muscle performance

Anamika Dayal, KaiSchrotter, Yuan Pan, Karl Fohr, Werner Melzer& Manfred Grabner

07 September 2017| doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00629-x







