III-038 Snowbird 雪鸟欢唱

III-038 Snowbird 雪鸟欢唱

如歌岁月如影随形 欧美女星 2018-01-26 21:11:54 479

Snowbird 雪鸟欢唱

Written by Gene MacLellan [2Feb, 1938 - 19Jan, 1995]

Released by Anne Murray [20Jun, 1945 - ]

From the album This Way Is My Way in mid-1969

The 1st American Gold record ever awarded to a Canadian female solo artist

An inaugural song inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2003

Released by Anne Murray & Sarah Brightman [14Aug, 1960 - ]

From the album Anne Murray Duets: Friends & Legends on 13Nov, 2007

Edited & translated by wy on 18Oct, 2015


Beneath its snowy mantle 在白雪覆盖之下

Cold and clean 寒冷中不见尘埃

The unborn grass lies waiting 有一粒草籽等着

For its coat to turn to green 为绿色破土喝彩

The snowbird sings the song 雪鸟唱起这首歌

He always sings 如此耳熟能详

And speaks to me of flowers 告诉我那些花儿

That will bloom again in spring 春天会再次盛开


When I was young 那时候我还年轻

My heart was young then too 心中充满活力

Anything that it would tell me 看到世间万物

That's the thing that I would do 总想一一入怀

But now I feel 现在我却发现

Such emptiness within 好比是竹篮打水

For the thing that I want most in life 一生中最想拥有

Is the thing that I can't win 总是难以到来


Spread your tiny wings 张开柔弱的双翅

And fly away 快点飞到远方

And take the snow back with you 将雪花带回给我

Where it came from on that day 从那九天云外

What I love forever 一生不变的爱恋

Is untrue 其实并不真实

And if I could you know 只想让你知道

That I would fly away with you 愿与你远飞离开


The breeze along the river 顺流而下的微风

Seems to say 仿佛在对我说

That he'll only break my heart again 若是决定留下

Should I decide to stay 心只会再受伤害

So little snowbird take me 你可否捎上我

With you when you go 去随你一同飞翔

To that land of gentle breezes 那地方春风和煦

Where the peaceful waters flow 平静中水流云在



1 那些花儿,朴树[8Nov, 1973 - ]词曲并演唱,首张专辑《我去2000》发行于19991月;《那时花开》片尾曲,高晓松[14Nov, 1969- ]导演,上映于200251日;《芳华》电影推广曲,冯小刚[18Mar, 1958- ]、黄轩[3Mar, 1985 - ]等演唱

2 江亭,杜甫[712 – 770]作于上元二年[761]。诗曰:





3 春从天上来,作者张炎[1248 – 1320]。词曰:己亥春,复回西湖,饮静传董高士楼,作此解以写我忧



4 The Rose [冬去春来, I-026], written by Amanda McBroom[9Aug, 1947 - ] in Mar, 1980, released by Bette Midler [1Dec, 1945 - ] in Mar,1980 as the soundtrack to the Rose on 9Nov, 1979;  released by Westlife including Nicky Byrne [9Oct, 1978 - ] from their last cover album The Love Album on 20Nov, 2006

The Rose 冬去春来

5 一生中最爱,向雪怀作词、伍思凯[23Jul, 1966 - ]作曲、谭咏麟[23Aug, 1950 - ]演唱,同名专辑发行于199441








