乐评 | 在瓶中装好、以Lana Del Rey的品性系牢、再抛入海浪的沉浮中

乐评 | 在瓶中装好、以Lana Del Rey的品性系牢、再抛入海浪的沉浮中

英乐之声EM 欧美女星 2018-09-22 20:13:19 825

    失踪已久的弃砖天后再次出现!打雷表示最近和Jack Antonoff在录音棚制作音乐,全新专辑在2019年初之前不会完成,但打雷想分享一些初期的作品给粉丝,史无前例地提前发行了两首新单。其中的第一首Mariners Apartment Complex是一首具有民谣气质却又迷幻的单曲。经过深思熟虑,Lana依然决定将她最喜爱的忧伤与浪漫两种主题贯穿整首歌曲,打造出独特的忧郁气质。此外,本次的MV由打雷的妹妹,全方位媒体艺术家Chuck全方位制作。伴随黑白色调的MV,俯视海浪的独特视角,都使得整首歌的忧伤迷幻更加凸显。


本篇难度:★★ 4.0

“Mariners Apartment Complex” Is Lana Del Rey at Her Most Coolly Confident

Mariners Apartment Complex是拉娜德雷最冷淡的自信

Now is Lana Del Rey’s age of Peak California, of isolation and empty beaches, of neo-folk guitars and “Coachella—Woodstock in My Mind.” On today’s new “Mariners Apartment Complex,” notably produced with help from pop whisperer Jack Antonoff, she even sings about catching a wave. It’s hard to picture Lana Del Rey surfing, don’t you think? Maybe she loves it, but it feels too unruly, too upbeat for the woman who glided into our collective consciousness on a sky-mounted tire swing. The surfing isn’t, I don’t think, supposed to be any more literal than “Mariners Apartment Complex” is supposed to be a literal building. The first single from her rumored 2019 album is at once a rejoinder to her critics, a statement of purpose, and a way of saying, “Whatever you may think, you don’t really know me.”

现在Lana Del Rey对加州风格的痴迷达到了顶峰,这有关孤独和空荡的海滩,有关新民谣吉他和Coachella—Woodstock in My Mind(《科切拉音乐节——我心中的伍德斯托克音乐节》,收录于Lana Del Rey去年发行的专辑Lust for Life中)。在今天的新曲Mariners Apartment Complex中——值得一提的是这首歌在流行音乐幕后制作人Jack Antonoff的帮助下完成——她甚至唱到了有关追逐海浪的内容。很难去想象Lana Del Rey冲浪的画面,不是吗?也许她喜欢这样,但这太过桀骜不驯,对于这个登上天幕、随着轮胎的旋转轻轻掠入我们的集体记忆的女人来说,太过乐观积极。我认为,比起“Mariners Apartment Complex(水手的公寓楼群)”是字面意义上真实存在的建筑的可能性,她所谓的冲浪不会更加真实可信。作为她传说中将于2019年发行专辑的第一支单曲,这首歌在当下是对针对她的批评的一次应答,一段目的性的宣言,一种表达的姿态:“不管你们可能怎么想,你们不可能真正了解我。”

That’s not to say that “Mariners” won’t feel instantly familiar to students of Del Rey’s work, particularly last year’s Lust for Life and slow, longing tunes like “13 Beaches” and “White Mustang.” In what one can only imagine is the result of the Antonoff tune-up, the new song’s opening lines recall Anna Nalick’s mid-’00s alt-pop radio hit “Breathe (2 AM)”; by the tail end, it’s faded to the ultra-reverbed guitar of Del Rey's Ultraviolence days. The lyrics employ her usual callbacks to cultural touchstones, most obviously “Candle in the Wind,” Elton John’smelancholy tribute to poor late Marilyn Monroe, only three years older at the time of her death than Del Rey is now. Couldn’t be me, she sings, because she’s an existential danger to others: The “kinda girl who’s gonna make you wonder / Who you are, and who you been.”

这并不是说这首歌不会立即让研究Del Rey作品的人感到熟悉,尤其是去年的Lust for Life和缓慢的、充满渴望的曲子,如“13 Beaches”和“White Mustang”。可以想到的原因只有Antonoff调音后的结果,这首新歌的开头几句令人回忆起Anna Nalick在新世纪头十年中期发行的另类流行风格的电台热单 “Breathe (2 AM)”;在歌曲的尾声结束之前,它已经淡入了来自Del Rey Ultraviolence时期极富混响效果的吉他声中(Ultraviolence是Lana Del Rey在2014发行的录音室专辑)。这首歌的歌词采用了她惯用的对文化层面试金石的唤起,最明显的如“Candle in the Wind”——Elton John对可怜的玛丽莲·梦露悲哀的悼念,梦露去世时只比现在的Del Rey大三岁。我不会是玛丽莲·梦露,她唱道,因为对大众来说她是一个具有存在主义特色的危险品:“那种会让你疑惑的女孩/疑惑你是谁,你曾经又是谁”

That’s the surface, then, but the rip current comes in half-whispered refrains of “I’m your man” and the shadow of another of Del Rey’s departed icons, Leonard Cohen. His much-celebrated “I’m Your Man” is a lust song that transcends desire: Cohen is a lover, he is a fighter, he is a supplicant, he is anything you want him to be in the moment, and he is that totally. Your man. “You’re lost at sea, then I’ll command your boat to me,” Del Rey sings, and there it is again: “I’m your man.” She asks your understanding (“They mistook my kindness for weakness”), your forgiveness (“I fucked up, I know that, but Jesus”), your grace (“Can’t a girl just do the best she can?”) and in return, she offers everything: her power as a cypher and her vulnerability as an individual, bottled up tight in the character of Lana Del Rey and cast into the waves.

那只是大海的表面,之后,退去的潮水随着耳语式的叠句“I’m your man”、伴着Del Rey已故的偶像Leonard Cohen的阴影,缓缓到来。他广为称赞的“I’m your man”是一首超越欲望的情欲歌曲:Cohen是一位情人,是一位斗士,是一位哀求者,他是你在特定瞬间想要他成为的任何人,并且他将完全地成为那个人——Your man(你的人)。“你在海中迷失,那么我将指挥你的小舟回到我的港湾,”Del Rey唱道,而且这儿又有那句:“I’m your man.” 她恳求你们的理解(“他们将善良错认为软弱”)、你们的原谅(“我搞砸了,我知道。但是上帝啊”)、你们的尊重(“就不能让一个女孩尽力去做吗?”)。作为回报,她提供了所有:她作为一个微不足道的普通人的力量和她作为一个个体的脆弱,在瓶中装好、以她的品性系牢、再抛入海浪的沉浮中。

unruly [ʌn'ruli] 

adj. 难驾驭的,不驯服的;(头发)难以梳理平整的

complaints about unruly behavior 


rejoinder [rɪ'dʒɔɪndər] 

n. 应答,应对;(冷嘲热讽的)应答

e.g. She would have made some cutting rejoinder but none came to mind. 


touchstone ['tʌtʃ.stoʊn] 

n. 试金石;检验标准

melancholy [ˈmelənˌkɑli] 

n. 忧思,愁思 adj. 忧愁的;(令人)沮丧的

e.g. She felt a little melancholy. 


existential [.eɡzɪ'stenʃ(ə)l]

adj. 与存在有关的;(关于)存在主义的

rip current 

n. 离岸流;退潮流

refrain [rɪ'freɪn] 

n. 叠句;叠歌,副歌;一再重复的话 

v. 忍住,节制

transcend [træn'send] 

v. 超出,超越;胜过(某人);

e.g. This was an issue transcending party politics. 


supplicant ['sʌplɪkənt] 

adj. 恳请的 n. 恳求者

cypher [ˈsaɪfɚ](亦作cipher)

n. 密码;<喻>无足轻重的人;不重要的东西 

打雷9分36秒新单Venich Beach

    Lana歌曲中的Venich Bitch其实是Venich Beach的同音,位于洛杉矶的Venich Beach(威尼斯海滩)紧邻圣莫妮卡海滩(Santa Monica Beach),同时也是巴罗纳河(Ballona Greek)及玛丽安德尔湾(Marina Del Rey)的入海口。这片海滩就像是一场免费、常年进行的大型嘉年华盛会,街边的各类艺人、举重表演者、波希米亚风格的居民以及奇异的精品店将这里点缀成的格外精彩。沿着威尼斯木板路前行,你也许会随时成为街头艺人们的“道具”。这里特色的文艺气息浓郁,从刺青、到染布再到占卜,各种嬉皮士风格的街头艺术充斥着整个海滩。找一个下午,来威尼斯海滩闲逛,细细感受这独特的“美式”文化,何尝不是旅行中的一种收获。

Venich Bitch官方试听版


1.By Anna Gaca




[本期责编] Czesław, Stan

    Lana Del Rey第六张录音室专辑定名Norman Fucking Rockwell并将于明年初发行!暂定收录11首单曲。十月或将再发新单,还将在专辑前出版个人诗集Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass!飞碟英语将在第一时间献上乐评!







