

香港中文大学深圳OSA 日韩男星 2018-01-22 18:31:30 433


  Nothing can block your way, your yearning for freedom.


A man who loves rock and roll see it as his whole life.


A man who believes in freedom may be crazy about a rock.


This month,the University will hold the 2017-2018 annual music festival with the support of the Music Union and Shimmers.


The student bands and guest performers will get together on campus to present the busy you with a musical feast.


Are you ready to rock with us?


This is a passage that needs patience to digest)

演出阵容 | Cast




CUHK-Shenzhen Student Bands


演出成员 Members

Vocal/Guitar: 肖文哲Lucien 

Guitar: 父赞荣David 

Bass: 赵烜晨Leo 

Keyboard: 汪福山Foursay

Keyboard/Backing Vocal: 夏丁林Jackie

Drums: 王昱沣Charles

以独立摇滚和钢琴摇滚作为主要风格,推崇治愈和发人深思的软艺术摇滚,流浪天台曾改编翻奏过《Boston》《What if I was nothing》《Somewhere only we know》等曲目。因受到多种摇滚风格的影响,热爱音乐的他们正进行着自己的原创。

With a mixed musical style of independent and piano rock, and some metal music, Rovetop respects the soft and art rock that cures and enlightens the audience. They have performed adaptations of Boston, What if I was nothing, Somewhere only we know, etc. Influenced by Britpop, Noise Rock, Rovetop now is focusing on writing their own music.


(Saifa in the Darkness)

演出成员 Members

Guitar/Vocal: 黄洪锐 Hongrui (ex-Sapphire Blue) 

Bass: 王宇全 Yuquan (ex-NBDJS) 

Drums: 田朗邑 Langyi (B852)


Formed in Sep 2017 by the rock hunter guitarist, the bassist escaping from Tokyo, and the drum player. Influenced by Ling Toshite Shigure (JP) and toe (JP), the band combines elements such as emocore and math-rock. They struggle for identity. The band now has 7 original song written, and plan to record its EP in 2018.

Hepta + Underflow

演出成员 Members

Vocal: 江杨雅迪Jolin / 王嵩淇Tony 

Guitar: 高颜铭 Albus / 杨子晨Eason 

Bass: 李其航Lewis 

Keyboard: 蒋若涵Charlotte 

Drums: 何东立Charlie 

Violin: 程宇昊Hubert


Hepta本来是一支只会弹《Yellow》的四人乐队,简单的吉他前奏,伴随着鼓声,就是一首清爽的歌曲。后来加入了英皇女王和山歌晨,变成了Taylor Swift专业翻唱乐队。现在的Hepta,上到谭维维枪花,下到丢火车酷玩,无所不能。

It was a 4-man band that used to play only Yellow with simple guitar prelude and drum. Then it became Taylor Swift’s professional cover band of 7 people. Now Hepta can play all kinds of music.




Like an underground river, the band is run with the passion of dream. In the cold room 607, they have no urge to determine their music style. Their youth allow them to have big dream and belief. The underflow is waiting to burst!

Free Duke

演出成员 Members

Vocal: 陈嘉歌Golia 

Lead Guitar: 陈博涵Albert

Rhythm Guitar: 周楷程Casey 

Bass: 刘世鑫Xam 

Keyboard: 刘浩霖Collin 

Drums: 张文嘉Chloe 

Violin: 黄耀楷Cless

 Invited Guests

Keyboard: 黎梓琪Gilbert

Guitar: 金可蓉Rosalind 

Percussion: 罗准基Jason

他们成立于2016年,能弹能跳,能唱能笑,会严肃敢逗逼,有执着爱创新。一支不是提升音乐技巧就是提升音乐设备的乐队,已玩过二十余首歌曲并有丰富的原创曲目。键盘手Uncle M已入驻网易音乐,两位主唱将校园双冠揽入怀中。

Formed in 2016, this band plays, dances, sings, and laughs. They are both serious and funny, determined and innovative. It is a band which is either improving their music technique or their musical instrument and it has already played more than 20 songs and have a great number of original songs. Their keyboard Uncle M has joined NetEase Music and both of the vocals have won the champion of the Voice in previous years. Free Duke, Rock it forever!

DJ:丁宣语 Richard

理工学院大二学生,初中开始喜欢电子音乐,高中开始接触混音。混音风格以Electro House, Progressive Trance, Future Bass为主。他习惯在drop的时候错位bass和sub bass,偶尔也会强行Progressive掉一些榜单。目前在探索融入中国民族元素的混音风格。

Year 2 student from SSE. He has been obsessed with electronic music since junior high school and started to get to know about remix in high school. His genres are mostly Electro House, Progressive Trance and Future Bass, frequently staggers bass and sub bass at each drop, but sometimes deliberately makes progressive of several music charts. At present, he is working on a remix genre that can be fused with the Chinese ethnic music features.


Invited Bands

New Air

演出成员 Members

Vocal: 周莹 Jan 

Guitar: 陈麒元 KYC

Bass: 黄山  Shan

Keyboard/Guitar: 骰子(林得树) Deshu

Drums: 陈剑好 Jianhao

来自深圳,2015年11月正式固定成员成立,坚持原创,用音乐记录生活感受点滴,成立至今活跃在各个大型音乐节。乐队原创词曲多由主唱Jan创作,吉他手骰子、元参与编曲,音乐风格以pop rock、funk、soul融合为主。各自的特点碰撞下,才有了New Air专属风格。

Formed in Shenzhen, New Air has its fixed band members since November 2015. With frequent appearance at music festivals, they maintain originality in music and used it to keep track of the moments in daily life. Their music and lyrics are mainly written by vocal Jan and music arrangement by the two guitar players. With a mixture of pop rock, funk and soul, New Air has developed its own music style.

直火帮Straight Fire Gang

演出成员 Members


谢子通 XZT 


直火帮是一个由三位留学生组成的说唱团体。三位成员 Feezy, XZT, Zigga 来自上海和杭州。成立以来发布“立秋Chill Time”、“如果你听到了,那这可能不是写给你的”的两张 mixtape,和其余 20 多首单曲,均造成轰动。单曲“致美联航”也入选虾米寻光计划投票 Top10,一度位于嘻哈类第一。2018年1月15日,直火帮首张全场专辑TKCW发布,一天内售出3000张数字专辑。

Straight Fire Gang is a hip-hop group formed by three students, Feezy, XZT and Zigga from Shanghai and Hangzhou who studied overseas. The group has made quite a little stir through their 2 mixtapes (“Chill Time” and “If You Hear This, Then It's Probably Not For You”) and over 20 singles. The single “To United” reached Top Ten in the voting session of the Xiami Music’s Project “In Search of Light”, and even ranked 1st place in the hip-hop category at one time. On Jan 15, 2018, their debut album TKCW was released and 3000 digital albums were sold within 24 hours.

No Bull

演出成员 Members

Vocal: 孙天豪Jerry  

Guitar: 郑君廷Andrew  

Bass: 曾浩威Jackiz  

Keyboard: 卢宜键Yi Kin  

Drums: 沈彦泓Jonathan

音乐就是用音频表达出来的人性。No Bull 的主音歌手孙天豪致力表达出音乐的初衷,向观众分享着一首首描述生命中最深切感受的歌。连同鼓手沈彦泓,贝斯手曾浩威,键盘手卢宜键,吉他手郑君廷,每个都是香港一级乐手。大家准备好了吗?一起体验歌曲的节奏与感情的交流。

Music is the humanity expressed through rhythmic sounds. Jerry Sun, Vocalist of No Bull, has dedicated himself to expressing the true meaning of music. He shares with the audience songs which all depict the deepest part of life. Together with Drummer Jonathan Sim, Bass Jackiz Tsang, Keyboard Yi Ki Lo and Guitarist Andrew Cheung, all members of No Bull are among the top musicians in Hong Kong. Are you ready?

激肤My Skin Against Your Skin

演出成员 Members

Vocal: 黄盈谊 Ying-I

Bass: 尤世儒 Se-Lu

Drums: 王照翔 Chao-Hsiang


With a group of three, My Skin Against Your Skin (MSAYS) is a Taiwanese electronic music band famous for its unique and powerful rock sounds produced through only one bass and a drum machine. MSAYS self-titled EP was released on 17 March 2012, which earned “Best Band”, “Best Rock Single” and “Best Musician (Se-Lu Yu)” of the 3rd Golden Indie Music Awards. Additionally, it was nominated for the “Best Band Award” at the 2013 Golden Melody Awards, which is equivalent to America’s Grammy Awards in the Greater China region.

王牌计划Project Ace

演出成员 Members

Mc: 肥宝 

Vocal: Sammy  

Guitar: 伍凌枫  Flin

Bass/Producer: 李吉吉  Jiji

Drums: 崔石光  Stone

Sax: 张嘉祺 Jiaqi

Trumpet: 李郎曦  CC Li

DJ: Edi

PA的原创音乐包含了R&B,Hip-hop,Soul,Funk 等摩登大都市的音乐风格,体现极强的音乐性和潮流感兼具的音乐气质。《爵士日与夜》专辑发售首周即于iTunes 香港地区获得下载量榜首的好成绩。他们曾被摇滚教父崔健邀请登上《中国之星》的舞台,受邀参加香港Clockenflap、台北Park Park Carnival、爵士上海、ECHO PARK、迷笛、草莓等各大音乐节。

Project Ace focus on producing their own music and explore the possibility to infuse jazz with funk, soul, hip-hop, R&B and gospel music. Their album "Jazz Day & Night" topped at the Hong Kong iTunes Store within the first week of release. They have been invited by “Godfather of Chinese Rock” Cui Jian to the show Star of China and music festivals such as Clockenflap, Park Park Carnival, JZFestival, ECHO PARK, Midi and Strawberry.

【详细信息 | Information】


Jan 28, 2018 Sunday 15:40-21:30



     University Central Mall, CUHK-Shenzhen (Near Teaching A)


Notice:This event is only open to students, students' parents, and faculty of CUHK-Shenzhen, and invited guests.


Freedom, means the unflinching sense of rock and roll;


Music, gives the magic strength to the spirit of humanity.


Have you decided to rock with us?







特别鸣谢:聚乐部全体成员 一瓯茶 会饮咖啡店 潘多拉食堂

                  乐天二楼食堂 学勤食堂 








