

竖起耳朵听 欧美男星 2017-12-17 07:08:45 393


A Fine Afternoon for Tea

Seventeen years later, Tsai has gone from ingenue to icon, but she was still ready to welcome Cruise to Taiwan — this time with a cake.

The singer, a devoted cake decorator, presented Cruise with a fondant creation that took her seven days to make, according to the film's distributor, United International Pictures.

One half was a chocolate cake in the shape of an Egyptian sarcophagus and the other an exquisitely detailed monster in ancient Chinese garb.

According to United International Pictures, Cruise was so dazzled by the effort he asked three times whether she had truly baked the cake herself.

Tsai dared him to break into the sarcophagus, joking that to do so would be unleashing a curse.

Cruise was happy to do it, digging into the chocolate sarcophagus and declaring it his most dangerous stunt yet.

After a bite, he said he would need to step up his exercise regimen to stay at 6 percent body fat, United International Pictures said in a press release.

Cruise had brought a gift of his own — a bouquet of peonies for Tsai plus a pink diary he said he had written a secret in.

The recipient said she would write her own secrets in the diary, and that the diary would become a secret between the two.

The film distributor said Cruise and Jolin had enjoyed cups of oolong tea, "knocking them back like they were tequila shots."







