水果姐Katy Perry现身民主党全国代表大会(2016 Democratic National Convention)演唱会首次表演新单《Rise》以及经典热单《Roar》视频出炉!水果姐身穿紧身亮片条纹裙性感大方亮相,新歌Rise高潮更是毫无压力,低沉的嗓音到爆发的一瞬间,仿佛此刻风云变幻而起.【插播一条广告...

里约奥运会即将开幕,近日“水果姐”Katy Perry为本届奥运会主唱的宣传曲《Rise》全球揭晓.在这首激励人心,鼓舞士气的歌曲中,出现了博尔特、菲尔普斯等大牌体育明星,同时还有一位中国人的身影——中国飞人刘翔.画面中,选取了刘翔在2012年伦敦奥运会赛场上摔倒的一幕,穿插...

AndYou 242 2016-07-28 13:09:40

外籍在华发声媒体图文/Grace编辑"This is a song that's been brewing inside me for years, that has finally come to the surface. I was inspired to finish it now, rather than save it for my next album, because now more than ever, there is a need for our world to unite," the si...

-------------------------Rise (2016年里约奥运会宣传曲) - Katy PerryI won't just survive 我绝不会艰难苟活 Oh, you will see me thrive 你会看我从容应对 Can write my story 书写我的传奇 I'm beyond the archetype 我将超越刻画的原型 I won't just conform 我绝不会懦弱顺从 No matter how you shake my core ...

长治V加BAR 216 2016-07-27 13:29:13

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好音乐一起听 468 2016-05-05 23:31:42

Do you ever feel like a plastic bagDrifting through the windWanting to start again?Do you ever feel, feel so paper thinLike a house of cardsOne blow from caving in?Do you ever feel already buried deepSix feet under?Scream, but no one seems to hear a thingDo yo...