荣联国际PERONDA 453 2016-10-14 18:57:32

INFINITE---无限‍室内和室外超大尺寸设计,从建筑到装饰,延伸到各个范围……从米兰普拉达基金会上由约翰·巴尔代萨里创作贾科梅蒂变化,到波图格萨画廊的超大幅雕塑绘画,及赫斯维克博览会门面,以无穷表面,无穷质地呈现出无限连续性的光感效应.INFINITE NORDISKA灵感源于意...

BuddhismLongquan 334 2016-10-04 18:25:18

Infinite life means there is no limit to existence, no boundary of the life, no end of the life. In this instance, with infinite life, what kind of meaning can we find? Is it good or bad for us? If our life is painful, that means our endless life will endure endless pain. If our life is happy, that means our happiness ...

最近,看到L的消息,总是跟着一个话题:#金明洙分手第二天# 还以为L欧巴也去服兵役了呢,原来是在拍摄新剧啊~韩国KBS电视台播出的独幕剧《分手第二天》讲述的是一个无名乐队“ONE MORE TIME"的队长刘叹(INFINITE 金明洙 饰演)素以美貌著称的某大型唱片公司的理事长,向他...