1月25日各大娱乐头条都是萧亚轩分手了!On Jan. 25th All the headlines of the entertainment news are Xiao Yaxuan broke up with her boyfriend! 男方是新加坡百亿小开石正祥(Elroy).Her boyfriend Elroy is a millionaire in Singapore. 高富帅小鲜肉可真养眼啊!没想到他们俩就这样结束了!...
1月25日各大娱乐头条都是萧亚轩分手了!On Jan. 25th All the headlines of the entertainment news are Xiao Yaxuan broke up with her boyfriend! 男方是新加坡百亿小开石正祥(Elroy).Her boyfriend Elroy is a millionaire in Singapore. 高富帅小鲜肉可真养眼啊!没想到他们俩就这样结束了!...