

林苑 欧美女星 2018-02-26 17:44:02 594


    2018年6月9-10日班戈大学孔子学院将举办“第一届跨文化交际、翻译、外语教学法国际学术会议”,现开始向全球学者发出最诚挚的邀请,欢迎报名参会,踊跃投稿。参会论文摘要与海报提交截止日期为2018年3月15日。本次会议免会议费,但交通及住宿自理。欢迎大家前来风景优美、学风纯正、人杰地灵的北威参加学术会议!有关威尔士班戈大学、班戈孔子学院以及班戈大学周边北威风光的介绍,林苑公众号曾推出一系列文章,比如“北威教育与风光|班戈大学与彭林岩矿、彭林城堡(Bangor University、Penrhyn Quarry&Castle)” 、“我坐在世界的尽头看灯塔|北威安格尔西岛南栈灯塔(South Stack Anglesey)”、“林苑诗词| 怜悯是黄昏 最后的眷恋”、“北威风光|博德南特花园:花开半夏 胜日寻芳 诗情画意”、“六一专辑|领略英国北威尔士桃源般的静谧小镇”等,欢迎点击查看相关内容。具体会议详情,请看下文。

1st International Conference on Intercultural Communication, Translation, and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages

9–10 June 2018


    We are delighted to welcome you all to the 2018 Conference entitled ‘Intercultural Communication, Translation, and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages’ to be held at Bangor University in picturesque North Wales from 9–10 June 2018.

    This is the first of a new conference series organised by our Confucius Institute at Bangor University and it aims to bring together scholars and researchers from various countries, academic fields and cultures to share experiences, and discuss issues related to intercultural communication, translation and different methodologies used to teaching foreign languages.

    This conference is aiming to encourage discussion, debate and exchange of ideas between delegates at all levels, both specialists in related fields and those with general interest in these subjects. We are looking forward to discuss the latest findings, current challenges and exciting possibilities in teaching and translating foreign languages, as well as issues in the crucial, timely subject of Intercultural Communication.

    The Conference will feature a diverse format of presentations, keynote lectures, talks and poster presentations revolving around several themes and poster sessions. There will be a social programme and trips to savour the beautiful mountain and coastal scenery and rich cultural heritage of Bangor and north Wales.

We will cover the following topics:

  • New trends in teaching foreign languages

  • Developing individual language skills in foreign language classes

  • Research methodology for teaching and translating foreign languages

  • Student – teacher interaction in foreign language classes

  • Problems and challenges in teaching translation

  • Translation practice and foreign languages

  • Theories related to the field of intercultural communication

  • Application of intercultural practices in different disciplines and activities

  • Emerging challenges for intercultural communication research

Confirmed keynote speakers:

  • Dr Lianyi Song- Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
    SOAS, UK

  • Dr SONG Lianyi is principal teaching fellow in Chinese at the SOAS, University of London. He has taught Chinese as a foreign language in the UK for over 25 years. He has been an active member, now an advisor, of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society (BCLTS) and was the chairman of the BCLTS between 2003 and 2005. In addition to teaching Chinese as a foreign language at all levels, he also teaches postgraduate courses such as Chinese language learning and teaching and English into Chinese translation. His research and publications cover various aspects of language teaching pedagogy, especially in assessment and teaching characters.

  • Prof Zhang Qing- School of Foreign Languages of Chinese University of Political Science and Law, China

  • Professor Zhang Qing, Ph.D., Dissertation Supervisor, and Vice Dean of Foreign Language School in China University of Political Science and Law. She is a Member of Graduate English Teaching Branch of Beijing Higher Learning Education Association, Member of Institute for Forensic Linguistics of China, Member of Forensic Linguistics Branch of China Behavior Law Association, Expert Member of Judicial Case Academy of the Supreme People’s Court, Fulbright Research Scholar (2015-2016), Visiting Scholar of University of Washington, Attorney Admitted to the New York Bar. Her Research Interests are Forensic Linguistics, Legal English, and American Law Study.

  • Prof Cui Yazhen- School of Humanities, Chinese University of Political Science and Law, China

  • Yuzhen Cui, Ph. D., is associate professor of Chinese University of Political Science and Law(CUPL) and deputy director of The Legal Language Research Center(CUPL). She received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Peking University in Chinese Department and her Ph. D. from City University of Hong Kong in linguistics. Her research interests focus on applied linguistics, forensic linguistics, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics. And her academic specialty is to study Chinese discourses especially Chinese forensic discourses from the pragmatic perspective.

  • Dr Ying Yan- School of Arts, University of Leicester, UK

    Dr Yan Ying is lecturer in Translation Studies and director of the Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Leicester. She edited the first collection of Contemporary Welsh Literature and Art in Chinese translation (a special issue of Foreign Literature and Art) and translated Francesca Rhydderch's prize-winning novel, The Rice Paper Diaries, into Chinese. She also published researches on Chinese American literature and Chinese immigrant writing, and translated Jack Kerouac, Marilynne Robinson, Martin Amis and many others into Chinese.

  • Ms Jing Fang – Institute for Chinese Studies, University of Oxford, UK

Ms Jing Fang graduated from Beijing Normal University and University of Edinburgh. She has engaged in teaching Chinese literature and language, and teaching Chinese as a foreign language for over 30 years. She is a Senior Advisor of HANBAN and used to teach at the University of International Business and Economics (Beijing) and the University of Edinburgh. Since 2000 she has been teaching at the University of Oxford.

Call for Papers

    If you are interested in presenting a talk or poster at the conference, please view the abstract submission guidelines and form.

Abstract submission guidelines

    The abstract should be no longer than 300 words. The 300 word limit does not include the title, author or affiliation information.The abstract should contain:

  • the specific goals of the study

  • the methods used

  • a summary of the results

  • a conclusion

    Please, do not submit an abstract for planned work. The work discussed in the abstract should be defined clearly.

    Please indicate up to three appropriate keywords for your abstract, which will use for planning the sessions.

    Please indicate whether you prefer to deliver a talk or a poster presentation.

Submission deadline

    Abstracts – talks and posters: 15th March, 2018

    Confirmation of abstract acceptance will be sent by 20th April 2018

    Please note that although we do encourage submissions from a broad range of topics and perspectives, we will only be able to accept contributions that directly inform our understanding of Intercultural communications, translation, and methods of teaching foreign languages. We will do our best to accommodate your preference for talk/poster, but given the tight schedule we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your preference.

    To submit your abstract, please visit the website: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/confucius-institute/conference/call.php.en 


    Registration is now open and is free of charge, but attendees are responsible for making their own accommodation arrangements.

    For conference registration, please visit the website: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/confucius-institute/conference/registration.php.en


    Information about local accommodation can be found below:

The Management Centre

    The Management Centre is graded as Visit Wales 4 star Guest Accommodation and offers 56 en-suite guest bedrooms that have achieved the Visit Wales Business Class Gold Standard. For more information and booking please click here: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/management_centre/photogallery/categories/accommodation/accommodation.php.en.

Bangor University Accommodation

    For more information and for booking Bangor University en-suite single room accommodation please click here:https://www.bangor.ac.uk/commercial-services/holiday-accommodation.php.en .

    To keep discussion lively and to maximise chances for social interaction between participants, meeting attendance will be capped at 50 participants, so registration in advance is highly recommend.

    We look forward to welcoming you to scenic north Wales in June 2018!







春节专辑| 韩愈《春雪》(许渊冲等英译四版,内含外国汉学家点评、朗诵音频、书法、春雪视频)

情人节专辑| 王维《相思》(英译12版,内含风靡全国的“中国唱诗班”系列国产手绘动画视频)

元旦专辑(典籍英译)| 北宋诗人邵雍之《山村咏怀》及五个英译本(添加了评析、音频、书法)





悼念杨绛先生专辑|"我和谁都不争,和谁争我都不屑"(瓦特·兰德"I strove with none"及九个汉译本)

读诗赏译(许渊冲寿辰专辑)| 林徽因《别丢掉》及四个译本(许渊冲、许景城、Michelle Yeh、赵彦春 译)

翻译论坛(更新版)| 赵雷《成都》及两个英译本

读诗赏译| 杜秋娘《金缕衣》及7个英译本(有W.J.B. Fletcher等译本)

读诗赏译| 杜牧《清明》及25个英文译本(目前为止搜集最为全面)

读诗赏译(音频更新)| 戴望舒《雨巷》及9个英译本(迷倒万千少女心,迷茫阡陌少年郎)

读诗赏译| 戴望舒《雨巷》及9个英译本(迷倒万千少女心,迷茫阡陌少年郎)

翻译论坛| 重庆湖广会馆的一幅对联及其英译


你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天 | 杨缕双语读诗 No.685

读诗赏译| 席慕容《乡愁》及两个英译本

读诗赏译| 卞之琳《断章》及七个英译文

读诗赏译| 徐志摩《再别康桥》及四个英译本(有Edward Connynham译本)

读诗赏译| 徐志摩《偶然》及两个英译本

读诗赏译| 席慕容《青春》及3个英译本

读诗赏译| 汪国真《告别,不是遗忘》

典籍英译教材推荐| 赵彦春、覃军《弟子规》英译本对比


世界读书日专辑| 柯灵《书的抒情》及英译文

翻译论坛| 刘禹锡《陋室铭》及7个译本

延伸阅读| 从功能对等理论角度分析《陋室铭》英译文

典籍英译| 苏洵《六国论》及多个英译本

典籍英译| 陶渊明的《桃花源记》及9个英译文(上)(有林语堂、罗经国、孙大雨等译本)

典籍英译| 陶渊明的《桃花源记》及9个英译文(下)(有林语堂、罗经国、孙大雨等译本)

散文英译| 朱自清《匆匆》及五个英译本(增添葛浩文译本)


典籍英译 | 特朗普孙女演唱的《茉莉花》英译五本

母亲节专辑| 献给妈妈:天之大,唯有你的爱是完美无瑕(英译《天之大》配音乐故事 MV太感人啦)

翻译论坛(音频更新)|《教我如何不想她》(刘半农 作 赵元任 唱)及五个英译本



歌曲英译| 李健《最美的春天 》

歌曲英译| 李健、孙俪的《风吹麦浪》

歌曲英译| 弘一法师李叔同之《送别》

金曲英译| 田馥甄《小幸运》

金曲英译| 《琅琊榜》插曲《红颜旧》

金曲英译| 李宗盛、张艾嘉之《爱的代价》

金曲汉译| Enya之“Only Time”

金曲汉译(感恩节专辑) | 恩雅之“So I Could Find My Way”


T.S. 艾略特专辑| The Waste Land《荒原》(两个汉译本)

当代威尔士文学| 吉莲·克拉克(Gillian Clarke):为族群发声、为生态言说的威尔士民族诗人

当代威尔士文学| 威尔士民族诗人吉莲·克拉克(Gillian Clarke)诗歌选译(含有其代表作长诗《远乡来信》)

英诗汉译| Landscape With The Fall of Icarus



翻译论坛(添加音视频)|If — Rudyard Kipling(多个汉译本欣赏)

读诗赏译| 自淫简史 (A Short History of Autoeroticism)三个译本


纪念R.S.托马斯专辑(更新版)|《朝圣》:有一个岛,去到那里没别的路, 只能乘一只小船,走圣人们走过的路

纪念R.S.托马斯专辑|《朝圣》:有一个岛,去到那里没别的路, 只能乘一只小船,走圣人们走过的路

许渊冲九十六华诞专辑| Hope《希望——致许渊冲教授》

情人节专辑| 英诗 A Song of Love《爱之颂》

英诗原创| Menai Elegies-The First Elegy

英诗原创| Menai Elegies-The Second Elegy

英诗原创| Menai Elegies-Words

英诗原创| The Spirit of R.S. Thomas

英诗原创|The Echoes Come Finally

英诗原创| Murmurations

英诗原创| Moment

英诗原创| The Unknown Quarter


威尔士文学|《朝圣》:虔诚的双眼勾兑温和的光芒, 渴望撕开一缕缝隙,  进驻夜的永恒



林苑诗词| 怜悯是黄昏 最后的眷恋

林苑诗词| 那一场的等待是白色与黑色的金戈铁马

林苑诗词| 雨


汉诗原创| 喝火令·除夜

汉诗原创| 茫

汉诗原创| 醒


我坐在世界的尽头看灯塔|北威安格尔西岛南栈灯塔(South Stack Anglesey)

北威教育与风光|班戈大学与彭林岩矿、彭林城堡(Bangor University、Penrhyn Quarry&Castle)

北威风光|博德南特花园:花开半夏 胜日寻芳 诗情画意


班戈风采| 舞动,双龙交相辉映 飞扬,丹青千古流芳

英伦游记| 伦敦寻访马克思


翻译研究| 朱子禾:维奈和达贝尔内翻译模式下的《别丢掉》译文对比分析


中国译学研究| 潘文国:从“格义”到“正名”——翻译传播中华文化的必要一环


翻译论坛| 系统功能语言学视角下的翻译质量评估——以《你是人间的四月天》英译为例

翻译论坛| 识解路径图式下的位移动词——《雨巷》英译中位移动词翻译的对比研究








