

中国民族学学会 欧美女星 2018-04-30 10:10:57 533

Open Anthropology《开放人类学》是美国人类学学会主管的文摘类期刊,所载期刊均为美国人类学学会期刊群中已发表的论文,并按照主题进行二次整理。该刊同时致力于所摘文章的免费阅览与下载(部分为限时免费)。“编辑手札”解释了选文依据与主题导读。最新一期重新审视了“健康”、“疾病”、“医学”与“健康护理”的社会生命。

Open Anthropology

Volume 2 , Number 1

March 2014

The Editor’s Note: The Social Life of Health, Illness, Medicine and Health Care: Anthropological Views

Alisse Waterston

Managed Care or Managed Inequality? A Call for Critiques of Market-Based Medicine

Barbara Rylko-Bauer and Paul E. Farmer – Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 16 (4): 476-502 (2002)

On the Collecting of Data Concerning Primitive Medicine

Erwin H. Ackerknecht – American Anthropologist.. Volume 47, Issue 3: 427-432 (1945)

Primitive Surgery

Erwin H. Ackerknecht – American Anthropologist. Volume 49, Issue 1: 25-45 (1947)

Body Ritual among the Nacirema

Horace Miner – American Anthropologist.Volume 58, Issue 3: 503-507 (1956)

Current Trends in the Study of Prehistoric Health

Stephen M. Duray – Teaching Anthropology: Society for Anthropology in Community College Notes.. Volume 4, Issue 1: 5-6 (1996)

Water, Urbanization, and Disease in Ancient Indonesia

John N. Miksic – Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association.. Volume 9, Issue 1:167-184 (1999)

Are Human Rights Merely a Politicized Luxury in the World Today

Gerald D. Berreman – Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly.. Volume 5, Issue 1:2-13 (1980)

A Space of Vulnerability in Poverty and Health: Political-Ecology and Biocultural Analysis

Thomas Leatherman – Ethos. Volume 33, Issue 1:46-70 (2005).

Defining Women’s Health: A Dozen Messages from More than 150 Ethnographies

Marcia C. Inhorn – Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Vol. 20, Number 3:345–378 (2006)

Tracing Landscapes of the Past in Class Subjectivity: Practices of Memory and Distinction in Marketizing Russia

Michele Rivkin-Fish – American Ethnologist. Volume 36, Issue 1: 79-95 (2009)

Dreaming the Dark Side of body: Pain as Transformation in Three Ethnographic Cases

Mitra C. Emad – Anthropology of Consciousness. Volume 14, Issue 2:1-26 (2003)

Book Review Introduction to Syndemics: A Critical Systems Approach to Public and Community Health by Merrill Singer

Lenore Manderson – Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Volume 26, Issue 4: 643-645 (2012)

Book Review: Community Health Care in Cuba by Susan E. Mason, David L. Strug, and Joan Beder, and Primary Health Care in Cuba by Linda M. Whiteford and Laurence G. Branch

Elise Andaya – Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Volume 26, Issue 2:304-307 (2012)

Global Health in Times of Violence edited by Barbara Rylko-Bauer, Linda Whiteford and Paul Farmer

Jean N. Scandlyn – Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Volume 25, Issue 2: 299-301 (2011)


Focaal – Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 全球人类学与历史人类学刊》,由著名的专注于人类学领域的Berghahn出版公司出版。 Focaal的特色是拒斥那种本土与异域、中心与边缘的传统分野。该刊致力于复兴“广义的人类学”,能够着眼于世界范围内的政治经济社会议题。 

Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology

Issue 80: The Political in/of Europe, Mar 2018

This themed issue of Focaal first introduces the vantage points of critical scholarship that distinguishes itself from the mainstream, and people and places that are geopolitically in Europe, but “not quite” European if viewed in relation to “Europe” as a normative trope. It follows with topics ranging from deindustrialized Latvian countryside to the militarization of US social science in such initiatives as Project Camelot.

Theme Section

Introduction: Desire for the political in the aftermath of the Cold War,

Dace Dzenovska and Nicholas De Genova

Emptiness and its futures: Staying and leaving as tactics of life in Latvia,

Dace Dzenovska

The desire for disinheritance in austerity Greece,

Daniel M. Knight

Conjuring "the people": The 2013 Babylution protests and desire for political transformation in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina, 

Larisa Kurtović

Finding a place in the world: Political subjectivities and the imagination of Iceland after the economic crash,

Kristín Loftsdóttir


Between Afropolitans and new Sankaras: Class mobility and the reproduction of academics in Burkina Faso,

Michelle Engeler

"Forging New Malay networks": Imagining global halal markets,

Johan Fischer

Shelling from the ivory tower: Project Camelot and the post-World War II operationalization of social science,

Philip Y. Kai


Etnofoor是一份装帧别致的人类学杂志,编辑总部在荷兰。以往通常按关键词/主题出刊,稿件均为邀约。近来开放了征稿,并添加了与往期杂志对话的栏目。所涉猎的主题常常令人耳目一新,比如“security”,“the sea”,“participation”等。这里介绍的“幽默”专刊,起因是为了纪念对此主题贡献颇丰的2015年荣休的荷兰人类学家Henk Driessen。同时,“幽默”也是Etnofoor 1988年首发刊的主题。

Humour 28(1)

Introduction: Humour and Anthropology

Michiel Swinkels and Anouk de Koning

‘Down With Some Things!’  The Politics of Humour and Humour as Politics in Turkey’s Cezi Protests

Mahiye Seçil Daǧtaş

‘Pushing the Edge’ of Race and Gender Hegemonies through Stand-up Comedy: Performing Slavery as Anti-racist Critique

Katja Antoine

Uncomfortable Laughter: Reflections on Violence, Humour and Immorality in Argentina

Eva van Roekel

Humour and Humility: Narratives of Modernity on Nukulaelae Atoll

Niko Besnier   

Humour and Lying: Male Sociality among Coastal Sinhalese

Maurice Said   

Humour in the Negotiations of Social Identity in the Tongan Diaspora

Elisabeth Betz and Toon van Meijl       

Scatological Children’s Humour: Notes from the Netherlands and Anywhere

Sjaak van der Geest

Afterword: Humour Matters

Henk Driessen


Some Thoughts on the Critical Anthropology of Security,

Daniel M. Goldstein



责编:芦苇一根           美编:张玲






