中国式骗子:薛蛮子、金融科技、P2P和ICO 德勤Fintech全球报告:八种力量正改变金融科技的未来

中国式骗子:薛蛮子、金融科技、P2P和ICO 德勤Fintech全球报告:八种力量正改变金融科技的未来

国际投行研究报告 日韩男星 2017-09-11 10:28:38 179

中国式骗子:薛蛮子、金融科技、P2P和ICO 德勤Fintech全球报告:八种力量正改变金融科技的未来
















传统的银行无法适应互联网时代,才有了马云的余额宝,才有了支付宝,而传统的银行用传统的体制和模式完全无法适应变革。比如小编手机中有好几个银行的APP,如果你要二维码支付,你必须登录,然后找到。。。。世界上哪个傻逼会这么做?所以银行的二维码支付失败是完全必然的,事实上 ,去年苹果和银联以及很多银行还一起推过苹果支付,我艹,浪费这么多钱然后就没有声音了。传统的死亡是个事实,谁都改变不了。



Based on these insights, we’ve identified eight forces that have the potential to shift the competitive  landscape of financial services:

1. Cost commoditization 成本的商品化

2. Profit redistribution利润再分配

3. Experience ownership

4. Platforms rising

5. Data monetization

6. Bionic workforce

7. Systemically important techs

8. Financial regionalization

In the pages that follow, we describe each of these forces and break down the implications for incumbents,fintechs, and regulators. We also offer supporting examples from across seven financial services sectors:payments, insurance, digital banking, lending, investment management, equity crowdfunding, and market infrastructure.

Operating cost is becoming less of a competitive advantage. Firms are exploring new technologies and working with other organizations—competitors and new entrants alike—to accelerate the commoditization of their costbases so they can preserve margins and focus on more promising strategies.

One approach is to create a new utility that standardizes processes and avoids duplication of work among thecompanies it serves. Another is to source out an expanded range of activities (risk management is a recentexample). Finally, there’s automation. While financial institutions have always embraced enabling technologies,new tools have become available to streamline processes such as loan origination, audit compliance, and accountreconciliation.

Between cost-sharing with peers and the use of industry-standard tools, the financial services value chain willflatten. In response, the industry will pay greater attention to partnerships and the overall ecosystem. Security andpermissions will be treated independently to minimize the threat from any new external connection. Firms will also step up their protection of user data as they share more information with external organizations.

Incumbent firms have additional work to do. They’ll need to find ways to differentiate their customer-facingprocesses as their middle and back offices become indistinguishable from those of competitors. Regulators will stay busy tracking utilities and business service providers for potential risk.

Technology is shaking up the financial services value chain. Investment firms are using exchange-traded funds(ETFs) to entice customers away from savings deposits. Online sellers are accepting payments via web applications,precluding the need for a traditional merchant bank account. Incumbent institutions are pairing with startups in waysthat put them in competition with their traditional partners. And regulators are curtailing financial institutions’ controlover access to infrastructure. The result of all this activity? An industry-wide redistribution of profits.

Intermediaries will feel the pinch from both sides. As technology reduces the cost of bypassing them to reach the endcustomer, intermediaries will need to find other opportunities to profitably add value. Meanwhile, fintech companieswill gain an expanding pool of potential partners that offer scale and customer reach. The challenge for regulators willbe to understand how shifting fortunes are reshaping the value chain, with long-regulated companies giving ground to new ones.

Traditionally, many financial institutions distribute the products they create. But with platforms and alternative channels on the rise, prudent incumbents are planning for conditions where distribution is beyond their control.

Recognizing that the balance of power swings to those who own the customer experience, dedicated producers of financial offerings are weighing strategies that call for extreme scale or focus.

Current trends offer an early glimpse of this post-integrated world. Customers buy ETFs from a wide range of companies that offer robo-advisory services. They download apps from providers that stringently control which products to display. And when it comes to advisory services, retail businesses are liable to be influenced by benchmarks and recommendations from a distributor with sweeping visibility into comparable retail data.

If trends like these take hold, customers will interact with increasingly fewer distributors as the market consolidates.

Large technology firms and incumbent financial institutions have the advantage, the former due to their rich customer data and the latter because of their brand and existing customer base. However, that won’t stop other firms from seeking to become distributors, for their own products as well as for others. Fintechs may find niches that help them compete. And if an incumbent firm fails to establish a distributorship, it risks declining profits as its products become commodities.

The regulator’s role in all this will be to guard against abuses of the market power that product distributors hold. This will be so especially for open platforms where distributors control the customer shopping experience. Another open question, one with far-reaching consequences, is how distributors and manufacturers will share liability in such an environment.

Customers are demanding more choices in financial services—and, increasingly, they expect one-stop shopping.

Institutions are scrambling to respond, turning to digital platforms that enable them to deliver in multiple geographies, often alongside other providers.

Eventually, these platforms will become the primary means of distributing financial products. Business and retail customers, for example, will be able to purchase credit and asset management services from an online storefront of competing vendors. Buyers and sellers in the capital markets will be matched through platforms that accommodate a wide range of trades.

This development will have several effects on the industry. For firms, product differentiation will become critical.

That means putting an end to loss leaders—products will have to stand on their own—and accepting that price shoppers will favor large incumbents who enjoy product economies of scale. Meanwhile, platform owners will have to balance product manufacturer needs against customer demand. Platforms will naturally capture market data from all participants, adding to the market power of the platform owner.

All participants must address the liability of products placed on public platforms, and regulators will have to decide on the responsible party in each market.

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