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马新华人研究:苏庆华论文选集 第五卷
19世纪槟城华商五大姓的崛起与没落[马]黄裕端,[马]陈耀宗著;[马]  陈耀宗译北京:社会科学文献出版社2016.12
末路遗民 :古巴华侨访谈录雷竞璇牛津大学出版社2016.12
鲁迅在东南亚王润华 潘国驹 主编八方文化创作室2017
素音传音 ——韩素音百年诞辰纪念文集衣若芬著(新加坡)八方文化创作室2017


比较的幽灵:民族主义、东南亚与世界(美国) 本尼迪克特·安德森著 甘会斌译南京:译林出版社2012
马来群岛自然考察记(英) 阿尔弗雷德·罗素·华莱士著  金恒镳, 王益真译上海:上海文艺出版社2013
历史真相十二讲 伍依策略资讯研究中心(SIRD)2015


梦游者:1914年, 欧洲如何走向“一战”克里斯托弗·克拉克著 董莹, 肖潇译中信出版社2014
西方的兴起:人类共同体史(美) 威廉·麦克尼尔著 孙岳, 陈志坚,  于展等译北京:中信出版社2015
大英帝国衰亡史作者: 中西輝政,譯者:王敬翔   廣場2017
政治秩序的起源:从前人类时代到法国大革命(美) 弗朗西斯·福山著毛俊杰译桂林:广西师范大学出版社2014
茶叶大盗:改变世界史的中国茶(美) 萨拉·罗斯著 孟驰译北京:社会科学文献出版社2015
改变世界的地图(英) 杰里米·哈伍德著三联书店2016
沉船、瓷器与海上丝绸之路刘淼 胡舒扬北京:社会科学文献出版社2016.12
潮来潮去:海关与中国现代性的全球起源(英)方德万(Hans van de  Ven)著 姚永超,蔡维屏译山西人民出版社2017
五角大楼之脑:美国国防部高级研究计划局不为人知的历史(美) 安妮·雅各布森著 李文婕, 郭颖译北京:中信出版社2017
蹇蹇录:甲午战争外交秘录[日]陆奥宗光著 [日]中塚明  校注,赵戈非 王宗瑜 译三联书店2018
贸易打造的世界:1400年至今的社会、文化与世界经济[美]彭慕兰,[美]史蒂文·托皮克著;黄中宪,吴莉苇译 三联书店2018
美国战争文化[法]托马·拉比诺著,陈沁 安康 胡茂瑾译上海社会科学出版社2018
日俄战争:起源和开战[日] 和田春树,译者: 易爱华 /  张剑 生活·读书·新知三联书店2018.2
缔造和平:1919巴黎和会及其开启的战后世界Peacemakers: Six Months That  Changed the World——The Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and Its  Attempt to End War[加拿大]  玛格丽特·麦克米伦(Margaret MacMillan),邓峰译中信出版集团2018.3
雅尔塔:改变世界格局的八天Yalta: The Price of Peace[美] 沙希利·浦洛基(Serhii  Plokhy),林添贵译中信出版集团2018.3

Overseas  Chinese

『華僑華人と中華網 移民交易送金ネットワークの構造と展開』濱下武志岩波書店2013
Becoming HannahHannah Yeoh SIRD2014
Mapping Chinese Rangoon: Place and Nation among the Sino-BurmeseJayde Lin RobertsUniversity of  Washington Press2016
Chinese Encounters in Southeast Asia: How People, Money, and  Ideas from China Are Changing a RegionPál Nyíri and  Danielle TanUniversity of  Washington Press2017
Chinese in Colonial Burma: A Migrant Community in A Multiethnic  StateLi, YiPalgrave Macmillan2017
Qiaopi Trade and Transnational Networks in the Chinese DiasporaGregor Benton, Hong Liu and Huimei ZhangRoutledge2018
Dear China: Emigrant letters and Remittances, 1820-1980Gregor Benton and Hong LiuUniversity of  California Press2018.8

Southeast  Asia

History of the Dutch in Malaysia Dennis De Witt Nutmeg Publishing 2011
The  Chronology of Meetei Monarchs (from 1666 CE to 1850 CE)  敏泰诸王纪年
Waikhom Ananda Meetei2011.2
Catholic  Vietnam: A Church from Empire to NationCHARLES KEITHUniversity of California2012
The  History of Assam: From Yandabo to Partition, 1826-1947 阿萨姆史
Orient Blackswan2012.5
Challenges  and Responses to a World in CrisisWalden BelloThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2013
Stateless  Rohinya…Runing on EmptySuthep KritsanavarinThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2013
Floating  Lives of the Tonle SapMak Sithirith and Carl  Grundy-WarrThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2013
Crossing  Boundaries - Learning from the Past to Build the future: An archaeological  Collaboration between Cambodia, Laos and VietnamTran Ky PhuongThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2013
Water  Resource Management and its Interaction with Political Paradigms: Two  Comparative Cases in Dianchi Lake and the Three Parallel Rivers RegionZhou LeiThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2013
Social  Psychology in the Philippine ContextMa. Elizabeth J. Macapagal; Mira  Alexis P. Ofreneo; Cristina J. MontielAteneo Press2013
Taming  People's Power: The EDSA Revolutions and their ContradictionsLisandro E. ClaudioAteneo Press2013
The  Light of Liberty: Documents and Studies on the Katipunan, 1892-1897Jim RichardsonAteneo Press2013
Cambodia's  Contested Forest Domain: The Role of Community Forestry in the New MilleniumMark PoffenbergerAteneo Press2013
Transforming  Societies in Myanmar:The Dynamics of Conflict and Cooperation,The Shadows of  Success:Transformation and Marginalisation in Southeast AsiaLahpai Seng Raw and Jonathan  RiggThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2014
Rebirth  and Reinvention: Transforming Philippine OrganizationsMa. Regina M. Hechanova-Alampay;  Edna P. FrancoAteneo Press2014
Insurgents,  Clans, and States: Political Legitimacy and Resurgent Conflict in Muslim  Mindanao, PhilippinesFrancisco J. Lara Jr.Ateneo Press2014
Rido:  Clan Feuding and Conflict Management in MindanaoWilfredo Torres IIIAteneo Press2014
Arenas  of Conspiracy and Rebellion in the Late Nineteenth-Century Philippines: The  Case of the April 1898 Uprising in CebuMichael CullinaneAteneo Press2014
The Huk  Rebellion: A Study of Peasant Revolt in the PhilippinesBenedict KerkvlietAteneo Press2014
The  Manila Synod of 1582: The Draft of Its Handbook for ConfessorsPaul A. Dumol; John N.  Schumacher SJAteneo Press2014
Sakdalistas'  Struggle for Philippine Independence, 1930-1945Motoe Terami-WadaAteneo Press2014
For the  People, With the People: Developing Social Enterprises in the PhilippinesMa. Regina M. Hechanova-AlampayAteneo Press2014
Uncertain  Lives:Changing Borders and Mobility in the Borderlands of the upper MekongWasan Panyagaew and Bai ZhihongThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
Spaces  of Exception:Shifting Strategies of the Kokang Chinese Along the  Myanmar/China BorderMyint Myint KyuThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
Commoditization  of Culture in an Ethnic Community:The ‘Long-Necked’ Kayan (Padaung) in Mae  Hong Son, ThailandPhone Myint Oo The Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
Living  with Opium:Livelihood Strategies among Rural Highlanders in Southern Shan  State,MyanmarKhun Moe Htun The Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
ASEAN  ConnectivityJoseph RicksonThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
Factors  Influencing the Uses and Effects of Small Loans:The Case of Lamzaang, a Rural  Village in Northern Chin State(Myanmar)Cin Khan En Do PauThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
A  Threatened Identity: Social Structure and Traditional Leadership in Cho  (Chin) Society before ChristianitySalai Myochit The Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
The Role  of General Practitioners in the Myanmar Health Care System:A Study of Private  Clinics in Yangon Region, Myanmar  Pyone Mjinzu LwinThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
Evaluating  Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.) Adapted to Lowland Rainfed Conditions in  Central Myanmar: a Farmer Participatory ApproachKhin Swe Hlaing TunThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
Changes  and Challenges:The Khami Chin People of Southern Chin State and their  Adaptive Livelihood Strategies Kyin Lam MangThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
The Role  of Ethnic Media in the “New Myanmar”  Soe Lynn HtweThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
Mon-Khmer:Peoples  of the Mekong RegionRonald D.Renard and Anchaiee  Singhanetra RenardThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2015
No  Concessions: The Life of Yap Thiam Hien, Indonesian Human Rights LawyerDaniel S. LevUniversity of Washington Press2015
Poverty  and Ecology at the Crossroads: Towards an Ecological Theology of Liberation  in the Philippine ContextReynaldo D. RalutoAteneo Press2015
Antiquity,  Archaeological Processes, and Highland Adaptation: The Ifugao Rice TerracesStephen B. AcabadoAteneo Press2015
Recognition:  Examining Identity StrugglesRenante D. PilapilAteneo Press2015
My Myanmar years : a diplomat’s account of India’s relations with the region Preet MalikLos Angeles; London; New  Delhi:SAGE Publications2016
Mapping  Chinese Rangoon:Place and Nation among the Sino-BurmeseJayde  Lin RobertsUniversity of Washington Press2016
Understanding  Myanmar's development research report ; no.  01:Factors influencing the uses and effects of small loans  :  the case of Lamzaang, a rural village in Northern Chin StateCin Khan En Do PauThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2016
Understanding  Myanmar's development research report ; no. 02:A threatened identity : social  structure and traditional leadership in Cho Chin society before ChristianitySalai MyochitThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2016
Understanding  Myanmar's development research report ; no.  03:The role of general practitioners in the Myanmar  healthcare system : a study of private clinics in Yangon region, MyanmarPyone Mjinzu LwinThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2016
Understanding  Myanmar's development research report ; no.  04:Evaluating varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) adapted  to lowland rainfed conditions in Central Myanmar : a farmer participatory  approachKhin Swe Hlaing TunThe Regional Center for Social  Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai University(RCSD)2016
The New  Way: Protestantism and the Hmong in VietnamTam T. T. NgoUniversity of Washington Press2016
Out of  the Shadows: Violent Conflict and the Real Economy of MindanaoFrancisco J. Lara Jr.; Steven  Schoofs; Harriet LambAteneo Press2016
Outsourceable  Selves: Reflections on Global Call Center Works in the PhilippinesAlinaya Sybilla FabrosAteneo Press2016
The  Politics of Clan Reunions: Ritual, Kinship, and Cultural Transformation among  Kankaneys of Northern LuzonGaston P. KibitenAteneo Press2016
Central  Banking As State Building: Policymakers and Their Nationalism in the  Philippines, 1933-1964Yusuke TakagiAteneo Press2016
Colonial  Manila, 1909-1912: Three Dutch Travel AccountsOtto van den MuijzenbergAteneo Press2016
A Visit  to Manila and its EnvironsJ.A.B. Wiseleus; Geert van der  Linden; Otto van den MuijzenbergAteneo Press2016
Keywords:  Essays on Philippine Media Cultures and NeocolonialismsRolando B. TolentinoAteneo Press2016
Sibod:  Ideology and Expressivity in Binanog Dance, Music and Folkways of the Panay  BukidnonMaria Christine MuycoAteneo Press2016
Planting  Empire, Cultivating Subjects: British Malaya, 1786-1941Lynn Hollen LeesCambridge University Press2017
The Lisu:Far from the RulerMichele ZackUniversity of  Colorado2017
Understanding Myanmar's development research report ; no.  05:Challenges and changes : the Khami Chin people of  Southern Chin State and their adaptive livelihood strategiesKyin Lam MangThe Regional  Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai  University(RCSD)2017
Understanding Myanmar's development research report ; no.  06:The role of ethnic media in the "new  Myanmar"Soe Lynn HtweThe Regional  Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai  University(RCSD)2017
Living Sharia: Law and Practice in MalaysiaTimothy P.  DanielsUniversity of  Washington Press2017
Wars of Extinction: Discrimination and the Lumad Struggle in  MindanaoArnold P. AlamonIlligan City:  RMP-NMR, Inc.2017
The Towns of Malaya: An illustrated urban history of the  Peninsula up to 1957Dr. Neil  Khor,Mariana Isa, Maganjeet KaurDidier Millet,  Csi2017
Religious Festivals in Contemporary Southeast AsiaPatrick Alcedo;  Sally Ann Ness; Hendrick M.J. MaierAteneo Press2017
Transforming Local GovernmentMa. Regina M.  Hechanova-Alampay; Mendiola Teng-Calleja; Edna P. FrancoAteneo Press2017
Understanding the Filipino Worker and the OrganizationMa. Regina M.  Hechanova-Alampay; Mendiola Teng-Calleja; Vanessa C. VillaluzAteneo Press2017
A Duterte Reader: Critical Essays on Rodrigo Duterte's Early  PresidencyNicole CuratoAteneo Press2017
Liberalism and the Postcolony: Thinking the State in 20th  Century PhilippinesLisandro E.  ClaudioAteneo Press2017
Debate on Federal Philippines: A Citizen's HandbookRonald U.  Mendoza; Jonathan E. Malaya; Paul D. HutchcroftAteneo Press2017
Body Parts of Empire: Visual Abjection, Filipino Images, and the  American EmpireNerissa S. BalceAteneo Press2017
Cyclones & Earthquakes: The Jesuits, Prediction, Trade,  & Spanish Dominion in Cuba & the Philippines, 1850-1898Aitor AnduagaAteneo Press2017
Feeding Manila in Peace and War, 1850-1945Daniel F.  DoeppersAteneo Press2017
In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of  U.S. Global PowerAlfred W. McCoyAteneo Press2017
Knowledge and Pacification: On the U.S. Conquest and the Writing  of Philippine HistoryReynaldo C.  IletoAteneo Press2017
Magandang Gabi Bayan: Nation, Journalism Discourse, and  Television News in the PhilippinesEstelle Marie  LadridoAteneo Press2017
Weaving Cultures: The Invention of Colonial Art and Culture in  the Philippines, 1565-1850Rene B.  Javellana SJAteneo Press2017
Ifugao Sculpture: traditional Philippines Cordillera ArtMartin KurerHongkong  University Press2017.11
Routledge Handbook of the Contemporary Philippines Mark R. Thompson  and Eric Vincent C. BatallaRoutledge2018
Mediating Islam: Cosmopolitan Journalisms in Muslim Southeast  AsiaJanet SteeleUniversity of  Washington Press2018
Women Who Stay: Seafaring and Subjectification in an Ilocos TownRoderick G.  GalamAteneo Press2018
Understanding Myanmar's development research report ; no.  07:Gambling as Development:A Case Study of Myanmar's Kokang Self-administered  Zone
The Regional  Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai  University(RCSD)
Understanding Myanmar's development research report ; no.  08:Social Relationships of Myanmar Migrant Workers in Malaysia:An  Ethnographic Study
The Regional  Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai  University(RCSD)
Understanding Myanmar's development research report ; no. 09:The  Impact of Gas Pipeline Projects and their Corporate Social Responsibility  Programs: Development Challenges in Yephyu,Tanintharyi Region,Myanmar
The Regional  Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai  University(RCSD)
Understanding Myanmar's development research report ; no.  10:Lives of Migrant Factory Workers from Rural Areas Political,Social, and  Economic Lives of Migrant Workers in the Hiaing Thar Yar Industrial Zone
The Regional  Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai  University(RCSD)
Understanding Myanmar's development research report ; no.  11:Understanding the Health-seeking Behavior of People with  Lay-ngan-yawga(Sroke) in Bago Township,Myanmar
The Regional  Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai  University(RCSD)
Understanding Myanmar's development research report ; no.  12:Festivals and Events as a Ministration of Community Cohesion Buddhist and  Hindus Residents in an impoverished Urban Neighborhood
The Regional  Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai  University(RCSD)
Fragility and Flexibility of Industrial Districts in Crisis  Area: A Sociological Analysis of Coping Strategies of Two Craft Villages in  VietnamNguyen Quy NghiThe Regional  Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development,Chiang Mai  University(RCSD)
World War II SingaporeGregg Huff &  Shinobu MajimaNUS Press2017
The Men Who Lost Singapor 1938-1942Ronald McCrumNUS Press2017
Thai ArtDavid TheNUS Press2017
Singapor's Permanent Territorial RevolutionRodolphe De KoninckNUS Press2017
Sovereign Women in a Muslim KingdomSher Banu A.L. KhanNUS Press2017
Sovereignty and the Sea :How Indonesia became an Archipelagic  StateJohn G.Butcher and  R.E.ElsonNUS Press2017
Heritage and Identity in contemporary Thailand Memory ,place and  powerRoss KingNUS Press2017
Islam and Politics in IndonesiaRemy  Madinier,translated by Jeremy DesmondNUS Press2017
Liberalism and the Postcolony :Thinking the State in  20th-Century PhilippinesLisandro E.ClaudioNUS Press2017
Liberalism Disavowed:Communitarianism and State Capitalism in  SingaporeChua Beng HuatNUS Press2017
Moral Politics in the Philippines:Inequality ,Democracy and the  Urban PoorWataru KusakaNUS Press2017
Place-Labour-CapitalUte Meta Bauer &  Anca RujoiuNUS Press2017
Reporting the Retreat :War Correspondents in BurmaPhilip WoodsNUS Press2017
Resilience and the Localisation of Trauma in Aceh,IndonesiaCatherine SmithNUS Press2017
Community,Commons and Natural Resource Management in AsiaHaruka YanagisawaNUS Press2017
Contemporary Indonesian Art:Artists,Art Spaces,and CollectorsYvonne SpielmannNUS Press2017

International  Relations

The Court Chronicle of the Kings of Manipur: Volume 2, The  Cheitharon KumpapaSaroj Nalini Arambam  ParrattFoundation2009
The environment and world historyEdmund Burke III and  Kenneth PomeranzBerkeley : University  of California Press2009
The USA in the Making of the USSR: The Washington Conference,  1921-1922, and 'Uninvited Russia' by Paul DukesPaul DukesRoutledge2012
The Court Chronicle of the Kings of Manipur: The Cheitharon  Kumpapa Vol. 3, 1843-1892 CeSaroj Nalini Arambam  ParrattCambridge UP2012
Singapore & the Silk Road of the Sea, 1300-1800John N. MiksicNUS Press and NMS2013.8
Imperial Bandits: Outlaws and Rebels in the China-Vietnam  BorderlandsBradley Camp DavisUniversity of  Washington Press2017
Thailand: Shifting Ground between the US and a Rising ChinaZawacki, BenjaminLondon : Zed Books  Ltd2017
US-Singapore Relations,1965-1975Daniel Wei Boon ChuaNUS Press2017
The Royal Navy in Eastern Waters:Linchpin of Victory 1935-1942Andrew BoydNUS Press2017
The British and the Vietnam WarNicholas TarlingNUS Press2017
The Asian Miracle:A Catalyst for PeaceKishore Mahbubani and  Jeffery SngNUS Press2017
Entangled Landscapes:Early Modern China and EuropeYue Zhuang &  Andrea M. RiemenschnitterNUS Press2017
Cold War and Decolonisation:Australia's Policy towards Britain's  End of Empire in Southeast AsiaAndrea BenvenutiNUS Press2017
Asianisms Regionalist Interactions & Asian IntegrationMarc Frey &  Nicola SpakowskiNUS Press2017
Abolitions as a global experienceHideaki SuzukiNUS Press2017
Does Democracy Matter?: The United States and Global Democracy  SupportAdrian Basora, Agnieszka Marczyk, Maia OtarashviliRowman &  Littlefield Publisher2017.3
All Measures Short of War: The Contest for the Twenty-First  Century and the Future of American PowerThomas J. WrightYale University Press2017.5
When the World Seemed New: George H. W. Bush and the End of the  Cold WarJeffrey A. EngelHoughton Mifflin  Harcourt2017.11
Meeting Place: Encounters across Cultures in Hong Kong,  1841–1984Elizabeth Sinn and  Christopher MunnHong Kong UP2018
Contraceptive Diplomacy: Reproductive Politics and Imperial  Ambitions in the United States and JapanAIKO TAKEUCHI-DEMIRCISTANFORD UNIVERSITY  PRESS2018.1






