

东西人物 欧美女星 2018-03-27 18:48:59 627

身着一袭黄色公主裙,仙气十足,女神Emma Watson以贝儿最经典的舞会造型亮相——现场朗读《美女与野兽》童话故事! 英音真的好动听! 听完Emma讲故事,可以安心睡个好觉了~ Night night!

Last Monday(13th March) Watson stepped out of the whimsical world of Beauty and the Beast in a pale yellow Dior gown, bearing much semblance to Belle, lead character of the traditional French novel.

The 26 year-old recited a beautiful excerpt from the novel to an audience of children and parents at the New York Film Society for Kids:

女神Emma Watson朗读全文英文版

"Hello! So this is the story of Beauty and the Beast:

'When his vision cleared, the old beggar was gone. In her place, was the most beautiful woman the prince had ever seen. She was floating above him, emitting a dazzling, golden light, not unlike the suns. Instantly the prince knew exactly what she was, for he had read about such things. 

She was an enchantress. A woman of magic who would put him to the test. And he had failed. Falling to his knees, the prince held up his hands, ‘Please’, he said, the one now to beg. ‘I’m sorry enchantress, you are welcome in my castle for as long as you like.’ 

The enchantress shook her head. She had seen enough to know that it was a hollow apology. The prince had no kindness nor love in his heart. Magic coursed through her and washed over the prince. The transformation began instantly. 

The prince’s body was wrecked with pain, his back arched and he groaned as he began to grow. His jewellery popped off, his clothes ripped. The surrounding guests screamed at the sight of their host and fled. The prince reached up trying to grasp a nearby man’s hand, but to his horror, he discovered his own hand resembled that of a monster. The man jumped away and made his escape along with the others. 

Amidst it all the enchantress calmly watched her punishment take effect. Soon the ballroom was empty save for the staff, the entertainers and the lone dog that belonged to Diva. As they looked on in shock, the prince’s transformation became complete. Were once there had towered a handsome man, now cowered a hideous beast. But he was not the only one who'd transformed, the rest of the castle and its inhabitants no longer looked the same. They too, had changed. 

The days bled into years. And the prince and his servants were forgotten by the world. Until finally the enchanted castle stood isolated and locked in perpetual winter. The enchantress erased all memory of the castle and those who were in it. Even from the minds of the people who’d loved them. But there did remain one last bit of hope. The rose she had offered the prince was truly an enchanted rose.' 

"Yes it was an enchanted rose!” Watson exclaimed before stumbling on her words. She apologised and continued.

'If the prince could learn to love another and earn that person’s love in return, by the time the last petal fell, the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast forever.’






