【福利站】最佳男主 | Bastian Baker:我变了,但是我回来了

【福利站】最佳男主 | Bastian Baker:我变了,但是我回来了

看见音乐 欧美男星 2017-12-08 19:26:19 814

从几百人的小型现场到数十万人的大型音乐节,都有其登台表演的身影,获得过5次Swiss Music Awards, 5次白金唱片销量, 1次MTV European Music Award, 1次Swiss Award 和1次World Music Award。诸如Shania Twain, Bryan Adams, Johnny Hallyday和MarkLanegan等名字如雷贯耳的一线明星也纷纷邀请他作为自己演出的开场嘉宾。这样的音乐成就按所有对于音乐人的预设想象,一定是一个已经登台表演多年并拥有自己大量作品的老牌音乐人。然而这所有的成就却都同时发生在年仅26岁的Bastian Baker 身上。


Already a household name in his own country, Bastian Baker has establishedhimself as a headlining act. He rigorously tours across the world, performingin both intimate small venues as well as at massive festivals. He has seen hisrise to fame colored with numerous accolades: five Swiss Music Awards, twoplatinum albums, a MTV European Music Award, a Swiss Award and a World MusicAward. Captivated by Bastian Baker, Nagui invited him on to the cult show “Taratata”. In appreciation, ShaniaTwain, Bryan Adams, Johnny Hallyday and Mark Lanegan have chosen him to opentheir shows.


事实上,中国的乐迷对于出生于瑞士洛桑的Bastian Baker早已不陌生。早在2015年他便首次来到过中国,并辗转在北京、上海、香港亮相,通过音乐征服了众多的中国乐迷。值得一提的是,在2016年全国大火的热播剧《亲爱的翻译官》中,他更是首次亮相参与了这部作品的演出,电视剧录入了他首专中的两首热门单曲《Lucky》跟《I’d Sing For You》。这次合作也成为了促使他来中国再次演出的契机,在去年5月受邀来华举办的专场演出,现场再次掀起现场音乐高潮,并俘获了一大帮中国的乐迷。


Take a lookinto those eyes, those green eyes that change to grey in the light. Theirdynamic transformation is a sign…for Bastian Baker, nothing is set in stone. Armed with his guitar and his folksongs, he has avoided cliché and the typical marketedcareer path. He surprised the world, exploding onto the scene as a sincere andunexpected artist.

Yes, it wasunexpected, because even if music flows through his veins, the young Villeneuve(Vaud) resident Bastian was originally destined for a hockey career. Yet, oneevening at a birthday party, his plans were forever altered. He met Patrick Delarive, with whom he formed a striking artisticbalance. The businessman had contacts and the young man had talent. The formerbecomes the producer; the latter takes the roles of author, composer, interpreter, guitarist, and artistic producer.




1991年出生于瑞士洛桑的Bastian Baker,非但弹得一手好吉他,还玩得一手好冰球。深得他职业冰球运动员爸爸的熏陶,Bastian也一度想步其父之后尘,曾经效力于有瑞士国家联盟青年精英之称的“洛桑第四俱乐部”。



Yes, it wasunexpected, because even if music flows through his veins, the young Villeneuve(Vaud) resident Bastian was originally destined for a hockey career. Yet, oneevening at a birthday party, his plans were forever altered. He met PatrickDelarive, with whom he formed a striking artistic balance. The businessman hadcontacts and the young man had talent. The former becomes the producer; thelatter takes the roles of author, composer, interpreter, guitarist, andartistic producer.


Bastian Baker的第一张专辑《TomorrowMay Not Be Better》是在2011年年底发布的,这推动了他整个音乐职业生涯的转变。其中一首《Lucky》以轻快的吉他作为配器,在词曲的表现上以真诚、朗朗上口的旋律,并通过结合其中音声区巧妙迷人的魅力,使整首作品呈现出一种阳光、正面的风格,这让它在排行榜上持续保持了一个相当高的位置,Claude Nobs——“蒙特勒爵士”音乐节已故的发起人,被Bastian的音乐所打动,邀请他站上了音乐节的舞台,对于年轻的Bastian Baker来说,可谓是一次对其音乐的重大肯定。


At 19 yearsold, Bastian Baker released his first single “Lucky”, which instantly took over the radiowaves. Claude Nobs, the late founder of “Montreux Jazz,” was captivated by Bastian’s freshness andinvited the singer to perform on the off festival stage.


两年后,他推出了第二张万众期待的专辑《Too Old to Die Young》,在这张专辑里他除了使用了他惯用的吉他作为整张专辑调性的奠定,同时也开始尝试用更丰富的乐器作为配器,诸如钢琴、风琴、提琴等乐器的使用、环境音的录入、更深邃的歌词,使这张专辑从内容上整体都脱离开之前略显稚嫩的音乐表达。这张专辑的成功制作,也使Bastian Baker彻底站稳自己的音乐地位,成为流行音乐界的宠儿。


In just afew months, Bastian Baker skyrocketed to success and set the foundations of hisever-expanding universe. His first album, “TomorrowMay Not Be Better,” was released in late 2011,launching his career. Its release assured the single “Lucky” a regular place high in the charts and its tracks echoed the sameartistic approach: touching honesty, instantly catchy melodies, charmingcharisma, and clever arrangements. Two years later, he released his highlyanticipated sophomore album “Too Old to Die Young,” where he experimented with richer instrumentation and songs withmore accomplished and mature lyrics.


2015年年底,推出新专《Facing Canyons》,专辑的全部11首歌曲,题材涉猎到了成长问题,宗教问题甚至是巴黎和悉尼的恐怖袭击事件。不出所料,这张专辑再次迅速激起人们的热情,《FACING CANYONS》也在次年四月,荣获瑞士白金奖!与此同时他也已经完成了与麦当娜、Sting、Jamiroquai和R.E.M.的合作,这使年轻的他早已成为了瑞士家喻户晓的人物。


Curious, involved in numerous projects, and always hungry for more, he doesnot see his path as a career; rather, he follows his own instinct. Whatinterests him most is the present moment. When he tells stories, he wants torelate the emotions felt at precise moments. It’s in this spirit – and on the road - thatBastian Baker composed the eleven titles of his third album. He touches uponissues of religion, analyzes his relationship to time, and reflects on theattacks in Sydney and Paris. The album is filled with lush production andunique instruments such as the harmonica, mandolin, and banjo. It’s title? “Facing Canyons”. Bastian Baker sends us the lucid message that mankind will always besmall in the face of immensity. He reminds us of the importance of keepingthings in perspective. It is as if he is pushing vegetation out of the deadcracks in a cliff. It’s a breath of life,triumphantly and refreshingly thrust into the wind.



Online listening:







纵观Batian Baker的创作,他始终坚持用灵动的旋律流露自己本真的情感,既有大到反战、反恐这样的永恒不变的涉及人类社会的主题,也有自身成长变化的小我主题,这一真实的特质使他在跳脱出传统民谣歌手的形象的前提下又同时区别于流行歌手的陈词滥调,让他及他的音乐成为了一个流行音乐界独特的存在体。在保持优质作品的同时参与超过35个国家600多场现场演出,包括:瑞士、美国、法国、英国、比利时、德国、俄罗斯、巴西、韩国、日本、加拿大、新加坡、荷兰、阿尔及利亚、智利、中国、泰国、澳大利亚、马达加斯加等,使得他的音乐即越来越成熟又越来越思辨,不断与世界、人发生着各种各样的联系。


More than 600 concerts played in Festivals and Clubsin more than 35 countries including Switzerland, USA, France, UK, Belgium,Germany, Russia, Brazil, South Korea, Japan, Ca-nada, Singapore, TheNetherlands, Algeria, Chile, China, Thailand, Australia, Madagascar.



In January 2018, Bastian Baker will return to Chinaand start a tour in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, you really don’twant to miss the shows!










