The Weekly Star Award is a tradition for the international classes of Nanhai Foreign Language School. Foreign teachers will award the Weekly Star according to the students’ weekly performance in their Cambridge English classes. Besides the weekly star for Cambridge English class, Stars of Maths and Stars of Science are also chosen once a month. Several factors are taken into consideration when selecting the weekly or monthly star: how attentive the students are in class, how actively they answer questions, how well they behave themselves and how much progress they have made in comparision with their former academic performance.
During September and October, 165 students have been awarded Weekly Star. They are role models of good performance in class, as listed below:
Stars of International Grade One
Weekly Stars of English
第一排:庞淇元Henry 戴诗冉Cici 李依一Eva 吴罡William 蔡雨航Dora 刘芷瑜Karen
第二排:严恩乔Jophy 朱珈慧Sandy 刘俊驿Hardy 许栩Selina 许国章Andy 宋明依Amy
第三排:杨家昊Jason 马子琪Jojo 冯睿轩Victor 吴欣瞳Amanda 罗海铜Doreen 温佳雯Betty
第四排:邓军皓Ivan 侯玥Alice 黎思妤Sherry 俞厚臻James Y 李昊阳Michael 梁利百加Rebecca
第五排:林丽栅Ailisi 邓艺迪Andy 唐梓骏Jaden 张奕昊Simon 张书镜Gabbi 朱逸彤Deer
第六排:仇骏涛Thomas 樊响Felix 陈子骢Antonio 潘厚升Eric 宁可儿Cloris 潘思谕Suri
第七排:蔡汶庭Bella 陈子琦Faye 黄韵怡Jenny 张佳慧Mary 张芯瑜Bess 郑南方Anson
第八排:梁铭洋Andy 莫舒然Sharona 梁晓婷Yuki 王秋然Kitty 李可颐Chole 高浤峻Daniel
第九排:郭润键Kent 林汉钦Max 陈柏希Paddy 范雅涵Michelle 孔庆邦Bang-bang 李焯希Louise
Stars of International Grade Two
Weekly Stars of English
第一排:江晓瑜Sally 吴松霖Leo 杜晓晴Penny 陈飞帆Andy 陈恺璇Cynthia 钱佳崟Joy
第二排:李墨涵Wendy 陆馨然Cindy 吴彦淇Kevin 吴俊枫Frank 蔡莹玑Ella 黄凯懿Annie
第三排:陈楚谦Tomas 林越好Peter 彭博艺Alice 曾维桐Tony 刘映彤Winnie 廖心晨Zola
第四排:吴雨婷Tina 黄钰彤Nina 陈芊彤Coco 李义博Aaron 艾语涵Molly 陈俊泓Junny
第五排:吕心凇Allen 曹黔龙Eric 陆巧云Cici 饶顺雨Jackson 周灏然Hardy 徐郁皓Todd
第六排:关婧妍Hebe 陈壤琳Apple 霍锦翘Kerry 曹仕齐Garry 王家城Kevin 张陈高涵Peter
第七排:梁崇晖Andy 招楚芫Cindy 廖富哲Leo
Monthly Stars of Maths
第一排:江晓瑜Sally 陈安瑜Anmy 李墨涵Wendy 吴彦淇Kevin 朱文瑞Richard 郑君浩James
第二排:宁汝Amy 赵程铎Mike 李义博Aaron 李嘉裕Alan 饶顺雨Jackson 周灏然Hardy
第三排:霍锦翘kerry 曹仕齐Garry 张芸嘉Angela 张陈高涵Peter
Stars of International Grade Three
Weekly Stars of English
第一排:孙必自May 郭美琪Micky 罗楚焱Steven 刘美彤Mia 何姗Annie 余芷莹Yuki
第二排:曾诗恩Sienna 区家豪Casper 林芯冉Lynne卢欣彤Andy 王晓玮Dora 谭伊蕾Amy
第三排:陈慧琳Kelly 张恩赐Andy 李茵颖Yoyo 张鑫然Shane 金昊Jin 卢杰锋Jeff
第四排:梁梓晴Sunny 李星贤Tom 戴煜芳Vicky 汤欣琪Kiki 陈泳潼Kitty 潘永诚John
第五排:仇梓瑶Yoyo 唐铭泽Tommy 陈伟奇Bryan 庞育思Cici 曹紫依Coco 许盈盈Emily
Monthly Stars of Maths
第一排:陈慧琳Kelly 关嘉源Jason 李茵颖Yoyo 赵胜杰William 黄锦熙Ella 许盈盈Emily
第二排:万天乐Benny 于浔舟Fanny 赵炳森Benson 古卓琳Jolin 余芷莹Yuki 黄俊轶Jacky
Stars of International Grade Four
Weekly Stars of English
第一排:阴紫煜Sarah 黄俊源Jim 邓婉菲Sophie 巫绮雯 Wing
第二排:钟麟 Leo 程睿Kerry 陈筠文Andy 陈思璇Cici
第三排:冯思慧Nicole 潘冠成Peter 何文瀚Randy 周世翔Jack
第四排:林佳欣Cathy 陈朗轩Lucas 黄翊宁Elin 姚乔雨Rainbow
Monthly Stars of Maths
第一排:程睿Kerry 李歆雨Lilian 杨锦宏Mike 陆秋雨Cosmos
第二排:祝明昊George 陈思璇Cici 李承辉Carlos 李佳原Julie
Monthly Stars of Science
第一排:陈芷琪Lina 李想Stone 农贝贝Amy 张梓睿Rachael
第二排:陈朗轩Lucas 巫绮雯Wing 孔思函Lisa 袁悦雅Joanna
Congratulations to all of the stars, and we hope you all will make persistent efforts in your future study! We’re also looking forward to more students receiving these awards in the coming weeks and months.
文字:陈晓君、Alan Chung
审阅:赵秉正, Peter Massey