事情是这样的……业内著名学习平台 51学通信 的 爱卫生老师(EPC/IMS/数通 专家)……作了首词…… 唱了首歌……
然后我也转发了朋友圈…… 好欢乐……
然后,有专家说,3GPP RAN1 就有首mimo之歌……这个 还真有……以前我就被欢乐过……
我这里把3GPP RAN1的R1-091941贴出来…… 年底了,大家欢乐一下,大家一起唱起来吧……年会没有节目的……可以直接唱这个……
TSG-RAN WG1 Meeting #56 R1-091041
Athens, Greece, 9 – 13 February, 2009
Source: MIMO Very Late Session
Title: Text proposal for TR36.814 on M.I.M.O.
Agenda Item: 12
Document for: Text Proposal
During offline discussion after the parallel session on Agenda Items12.3 and 12.4, the very late session attendees arrived at the following text proposal for inclusion into TR 36.814.
--- Start text proposal ---
Annex B1: M.I.M.O. (Informative)
B1.1 Scope
The following section describes the M.I.M.O.approach and is best understood in conjunction with the tune of the song “Y.M.C.A.” performed by Village People played in the background.
B1.2 Lyrics
U-E, when your channel looks fine,
I said, U-E, give the network a sign,
Which means, U-E, give a high C-Q-I,
To report what you have measured.
U-E, there is data for you,
And two codewords,
I think they may come through,
So let's put them onto different ports
And use spatial multiplexing.
In other words it isM-I-M-O.
In other words it isM-I-M-O.
You don't need M-L-D,
There are plenty of ways,
Manufacturers have a choice ...
In other words it isM-I-M-O.
Two antennas you need,
Four by four isagreed,
And your throughput can be so high!
U-E, can you see the Node-B?
Come on, U-E, should it do T-x-D?
Alamouti is a simple approach.
But you've got to know this one thing!
Node-B is not serving just you.
I said, Node-B, has a whole cell to do,
And at cell-edge there's no M-I-M-O
'Cause the S-I-N-R is low.
You cannot always doM-I-M-O.
You cannot always doM-I-M-O.
Two R-x ports you have
So you still cancombine,
And the coverage should be fine ...
It's good for you touse M-I-M-O.
Two antennas you need,
Four by four isagreed,
And your throughput can be so high!
U-E, if you want to transmit,
I say, U-E, MI-MO isn’t legit,
You will have to wait for L-T-E- A,
Where RAN-1 will make it okay.
That’s where the decisions are made,
And where many MI-MO sessions run late,
So that Dirk says: ‘Juho will you take care
Of this bunch of loopy people?’.
It's fun to standardize M-I-M-O.
It's fun to specify M-I-M-O.
You don't need M-L-D
There are plenty of ways,
Manufacturers have achoice ...
It's fun to specify M-I-M-O.
When your channel looks fine,
Give the network asign.
Then just go and doM-I-M-O.
Can you see the Node-B?
Should it do T-x-D?
--- End text proposal ---