马苏里干酪芝士蛋糕搭配黑莓酱Mozzarella cheesecake with berry sauce

马苏里干酪芝士蛋糕搭配黑莓酱Mozzarella cheesecake with berry sauce

西餐教学 内地女星 2017-11-11 08:38:59 307


150g chocolate biscuits      150克巧克力饼干
80g butter, melted           80克融化黄油
300g mozzarella cheese, chopped, plus 100g extra to serve
300克马苏里拉干酪切碎 多准备 100g备用

150g whipping cream       150克淡奶油     
100g icing sugar            100 糖粉
8g gelatine, softened in cold water  80克明胶 在冰水中融化
1 lemon, juiced             1个柠檬
1 vanilla pod                1个香草豆荚
300g blackberries          300克黑莓
20g icing sugar             20克糖粉


1. To prepare the bases, place the chocolate biscuits in a food processor and blitz to crumbs. Mix these in a bowl with the melted butter 

2. Line a tray with baking parchment and place 7cm pastry rings on top. Press the biscuit mix into the rings with the back of a spoon, creating an even layer (about 0.5cm thick). Carefully place the tray and rings into the freezer to chill and firm up (alternatively you could make one large cheesecake in a springform tin, or tin with a removable base)

3. For the cheesecake mixture, squeeze the mozzarella well to remove any excess liquid, then add to a food processor and blend until creamy. Add 50g of the icing sugar, along with the lemon juice and vanilla and mix to combine

4. Remove the gelatine from the water and squeeze out any excess liquid. Warm it through with about 2 tablespoons of the cream, until the gelatine has melted into the cream, then combine with the mozzarella

5. Whip the remaining cream to soft peaks, then mix gently into the mozzarella with the remaining 50g of icing sugar

6. Spoon the cheesecake mixture into 7cm dome moulds and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours (or overnight) to set

7. In a small pan, gently heat the blackberries with the 20g of icing sugar until thickened and the berries have broken down. Chill the sauce until needed

8. Place the extra 100g of mozzarella in the freezer to chill and become firm

9. When ready to serve, transfer a biscuit disc to each serving plate and allow to come to room temperature. Carefully unmould the cheesecake domes and place on top of the biscuit bases, before spooning some of the berry sauce over each plate

10. Grate over a little of the frozen mozzarella onto to each plate and serve


1. 准备好基础把巧克力饼干和闪电面包放在食品加工机里打碎然后在碗里加入融化的黄油

2. 在托盘上放上烤盘在上面放上7厘米的糕点用勺子的背面将饼干混合到戒指中形成一个均匀的层(大约0.5厘米厚)。小心地把托盘和戒指放在冰箱里冷冻起来(或者你可以在一个弹性的锡板上做一个大的奶酪蛋糕或者用一个可移动的底座)。

3. 对于芝士蛋糕的混合物将马苏里干酪的混合物挤压到去除多余的液体中然后加入到食品加工机中搅拌至奶油状加入50克的糖霜加入柠檬汁和香草混合搅拌

4. 将明胶从水中取出挤出多余的液体用大约2汤匙的奶油把它加热直到明胶融化到奶油里再把它和马苏里干酪混合在一起

5. 将剩下的奶油搅拌至软峰然后用剩下的50克糖混合在马苏里干酪中

6. 把芝士蛋糕的混合物放入7厘米的圆顶模具中放在冰箱里至少4小时(或过夜)

7. 在一个小平底锅里20克的糖霜加热黑莓直到变稠莓果已经融化掉了把酱汁冷却到需要

8. 把多余的100克马苏里干酪放在冰箱里冷却然后变硬

9. 将饼干盘转移到每一个盘子上并允许进入室温小心地把蛋糕盖在饼干底座上然后在每个盘子上放上一些浆果酱芝士

10. 把一小片冰冻的马苏干酪放到每一个盘子上







