

东岸爵士俱乐部BJ 欧美女星 2017-12-09 12:28:08 741


core is the latest project created byBeijing based drummer Anthony Vanacore. It is mostly original music thatinfuses elements from a broad spectrum of genres including modern jazz,electronic, European-classical, industrial, metal and more. The music is areflection of life in the 21st century and beyond, particularly inmodern day East Asia.



Anthony Vanacoreis a New York City native born musician who has performed around the world andhas rich experience in performance and education; he currently resides inBeijing, China. To date Anthony has performed with many world-class musiciansand bands including Moreno Donadel, Nathanial Gao, Zhang Ke, Terence Hsieh, LiXiao Chuan, Lawrence Ku, Li Quan, J Kyle Gregory, Alex Haavik, HendrickMeurkens, Laurent Maur, Mark Turner, Michael Mossman, Laura Fygi, Kevin Harris,Rick DiMuzio, Richard Sussman, Ember Swift, Youngjoo Song, Jz Big Band,Manhattan Symphonie, Dun Shan Wind Orchestra and many others. He is currently amember of the Moreno Donadel Trio and the Blue Note Beijing Jazz Orchestra.Anthony has participated in drum festivals with master drummers from around theworld including Billy Cobham, Dave Weckl, Thomas Lang and many others. Anthonyreceived his bachelors degree in music performance with a concentration on percussion from Montclair State University in 2007, and masters degree in jazzperformance with aconcentration on drum set from the City University ofNew YorkQueens College in 2010. He is a proud endorser of Sabian cymbals and currently holds a full-timeteaching position at the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy. Anthony is proudto have been a student of many fine teachers and mentors among them GeneJackson, Michael Lipsey, Billy Hart, Steve Johns, Sam Ulano and Glenn Weber. 

安咚咚(Anthony Vanacore)是位来自美国纽约市的爵士鼓音乐家并在美国当地及世界各大舞台上都有着丰富的表演及教育经验; 他目前居住中国北京。安咚咚曾经与多位知名音乐家和乐队进行合作表演包括,MorenoDonadel、高太行,张柯,谢燕辉,李晓川,   顾忠山,李泉、J Kyle GregoryAlec HaavikHendrick MeurkensLaurent MaurMark TurnerMichael MossmanLaura FygiKevin HarrisRick DiMuzio Richard SussmanEmber SwiftYoungjoo SongJz爵士大乐队、曼哈顿交响乐团、敦善交响乐团等。他目前是Moreno Donadel三重奏与Blue Note北京大乐队的成员。他曾参加许多爵士鼓活动并跟来自各国爵士鼓大师例如, Billy CobhamDave WecklThomas Lang等同台。安咚咚毕业于美国新泽西蒙特克莱尔州立大学(MontclairState University)音乐学院获专业表演学士学位;2010年毕业于纽约市皇后大学(Queens College)并获得爵士乐表演专业硕士学位。曾师从多名爵士鼓大师包括,Gene Jackson (钢琴大师Herbie Hancock的鼓手)Billy Hart(著名爵士音乐家Miles Davis的鼓手)和。他是沙宾镲片的代言人。

除演奏外,安咚咚还是一位抢手的现代舞音乐伴奏师。在纽约很多知名的地方伴奏过,其中有Alvin AileySchool, Jose Limon at Peridance,  Stepson Broadway,Marymount Manhattan College, Montclair State University等。安咚咚也是位很热情的音乐教育家。2012年至2014年两年的期间内,安咚咚先任职于杭州师范大学钱江音乐学院与浙江艺术学院任教音乐。从2015年至今,他在北京现代音乐研修学院爵士乐系任课。

小号:J . kyle Gregory

Kyle出生于美国印第安纳州,目前工作生活于意大利维罗纳和中国北京,并在世界各地教授与表演爵士乐。他毕业于伯克利音乐学院,印第安纳大学音乐表演和教育专业,1995在北科罗拉多大学年完成了博士学位。1991年,他通过教学即兴创新的新教学法研究在匈牙利获得了Fulbright Grant奖。

在过去的25年里,Kyle在美国、意大利和中国的大学和音乐学院进行爵士教育。作为音乐演奏家和教育家,他曾走访20多个国家进行演奏与授课,包括:美国,意大利,加拿大,瑞典,匈牙利,斯洛伐克,捷克共和国,瑞士,英国,西班牙,罗马尼亚,德国,象牙海岸, 马来西亚,新加坡,泰国,澳大利亚,新西兰,黎巴嫩以及中国。他与许多国际知名的爵士音乐演奏家进行过合作,包括Paul Motian, Bob Mintzer, JJ Johnson, Dianne Reeves, Liza Minelli, The Temptations, the Chicago Jazz Ensemble, the Mingus DynastyKyle与众多演奏家一同与独立厂牌合作已经录制了40都张专辑,包括EGEAEl Gallo RojoAlmar Records

Alto Sax:高太行

Nathaniel Gao isa saxophonist and composer who has been based in Beijing since 2006.  Hehas been a key contributor to the local jazz scene as both a co-leader of thequintet Red Hand as well as a leader of his own quartet and trio. Additionally, Gao has been active in an eclectic range of other musicalprojects including Three Sergeants Syndrome, The Beijing City Big Band,Afrokoko Roots and Bu Yiding.  He has performed at the Ninegates JazzFestival, the MIDI Jazz Festival, the Chongqing Jazz Festival, and the DitanPark Music Festival, Jarasum International Jazz Festival and at major venues inBeijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing and Guangzhou.  Gaograduated from UNI in 2006 with BA in music performance and in 2011 completedan MA in jazz performance at the City College of New York.

2006年以来活跃在北京爵士音乐界的的萨克斯演奏家和作曲家。作为“红手”五重奏乐队的成员之一和他自己的四重奏和三重奏乐队的主导者,他为北京爵士音乐做出了重要贡献。他参与的乐队还包括“夏佳四重奏”,“Bad Monk“大卫”,“北京Blue Note大乐队”,“Three Sergeants Syndrome”,“北京城市大乐队”,“Afrokoko Roots”和“不一定”。他参与了“九门爵士音乐节”,“海龟岛爵士音乐节”,“新泻爵士音乐节”,“广州爵士音乐节”,“迷笛爵士节”和“地坛音乐节”。高太行毕业于2006年获得美国北艾奥瓦大学音乐表演学士学位,于2011年获得纽约城市学院爵士演奏硕士学位。

吉他:Simone Schirru

 毕业于卡利亚里的 G.P.da Palestrina 音乐学院爵士吉它专业,之后在比利时 Lemmens 学院获硕士学位,并在大师班中学习,受 D. Douglas, S.Coleman, Butch Morris, Pet Metheny, A. Braxton, Muhal Richard Abrams, G.Fewell, Roscoe Mitchell, W. Leo Smith, John Scofield 等大师的指导。2005-2008 年期间赢得 Sant’anna Arresi 音乐节的最佳吉它手和最佳乐队奖项及奖学金,获得跟随 G. Fewell (柏克利大学)和 R.Cecchetto 学习的机会。 

Since then He played with "Guitto Gargle", "Cuenta Contemporanea", the solo project "Improsa Tongue", "Ajo-jo mandi & the Youngers", Progetto Nudo, Pixeldrama, in many festivals and prestigious places around the world crossing Italy, Belgium, United States and India.

Simone 是比利时著名 soul 乐队 Man on Fire and the Soul Soldiers 的成员,巡演至欧洲各地;同时他也创立了自己的两支乐队 “Invisible” 和 “Elegant people” ,他也是拉丁爵士大乐队等乐团的固定成员,并参与剧场音乐会项目。

贝司:Daniel Callaghan-Bass

Dan has been working professionally in Beijing, China since early 2013 and has fast become one of the hardest working bassist in Beijing. His playing has brought him to many cities in China including Shanghai, Hangzhou, xinjiang, Guangzhou and Shenzhen with Chinese and international musicians such as trombonist Robin Eubanks, singer Enrica Bacchia, pianist Alessandr Gilati, saxophonist Handsome Nat Gao, pianist Moreno Donadal.

Dan 于2013年从爱尔兰来中国,在中国他跟很多大师爵士家演出,他们分别为长号大师Robin Eubanks, 钢琴大师 Alessandro Galati , 歌手 Enrica Bacchia, 钢琴大师 Steffan Karlson 萨克斯大师高太行,口琴大师 Laurent Maur,钢琴手 Moreno 






