

东岸爵士俱乐部BJ 日韩男星 2018-11-15 10:44:57 1034


Guitar:刘玥/Liu Yue


Organ:周侠/Zhou Xia

Drums:古贺泉/Izumi Koga

刘玥(Liu Yue):吉他


Liu Yue Trio(China)

With the first-rate jazz musicians as band members, Liu Yue Trio is about topresent his original works in our Jazz Festival this year, including Wen Zhu,Zhong Guo Gu Niang, Guo Long Jiang, etc. They are all modern Jazz songs with astrong flavor of Chinese music.
One of the well-known jazz guitarists and bassists in Beijing; a member of CuiJianʼs Band; the image spokesman for the world renowned bass brand Warwick; thestrings spokesmen for DʼAddario. With deep and unique understanding of jazzbass and jazz guitar, Liu expresses the internal elements of music through hissuperb and refined skill in performances.  Since 1998, he has always been proactive as a music player in jazz performancesat home and abroad. He has participated in a wide range of jazz concerts,recordings, and performances in a series of jazz festivals in Beijing,Shanghai, Northern Europe. He has also engaged in the cause of jazz education,by means of recording and publishing his personal VCDs concerningjazz-and-guitar

teaching, writing jazz feature lectures for Modern Player,Guitar Fans and other magazines. He is now teaching jazz guitar in Beijing MidiMusic School.

Alto Sax:Atsushi Ouchi

2010年在Queens College得到JazzStudies硕士学位。跟Antonio HartJazz, Paul CohenClassical 萨克斯演奏。这个月我的Atsushi Ouchi Quartet出新CD叫“UNDO.  都是original作曲。在纽约10年中跟WilliamParker, Dave Douglas, Steve Carrington,Roy Hargrove演出过。除了自己的乐队之外参与Brooklynjazz-fusion乐队叫Phantom Pop.  爱好是吃川菜。




出生于江苏无锡梨园世家。9岁只身赴上海音乐学院深造钢琴和双簧管双专业。2004年毕业于上海音乐学院。1999年获得日本高崎国际青年音乐家比赛第2名,随后五年间多次应邀参加AYO并在国际舞台上巡演古典音乐受黑人音乐影响。而后醉心于爵士乐,2002年加入ALEC HAAVIK磨擦大爵士乐队,同时也是爵士乐POSSICOBILITIES键盘手。多次参加上海爵士音乐节等国内外知名爵士音乐节。2015年作为崔健乐队键盘手全程参与崔健的电视首秀《中国之星》,并随之参与了“滚动三十世界巡演。同年,加入美国六届格莱美得主、萨克斯演奏家Mindiabair四重奏乐团。


Zhou Xia is thekeyboard player of Cui Jian Band and also a member of Mindi Abairs a quartet who issix-time Grammy Award nominated. He is a famous Piano, Keyboard and electronicorgan player, educator. Born in a family of Chinese opera artists in Jiangsu,Wuxi, Zhou Xia went to Shanghai Conservatory Of Music to study Piano and Oboewhen he is 9 years old, and graduated in 2004 with double major. He won the2nd place in 1999 Japan Takasaki International Young Musician competition.In the following 5 years, he was invited to perform in AYO many times andinfluenced by Black Music. Zhou Xia become very interested in Jazz later on,and joined ALEC HAAVIK jazz band in 2002. He is keyboard player ofPOSICOBILITIES band in the mean time. Zhou Xia has joined Shanghai Jazz musicfestival and many other famous music festivals.  He joined his1st  TV show  <Star of China> as keyboard of Cui Jianband, and joined Rolling 30s World Tour. In the same year, he joined six -time Grammy Award Nominated MindiAbairs a quartet. As Chinas top Jazz organ player, Zhou Xia joined almost all Jazz organs performand recording after 2010. His performance is known as a mix of classical andjazz, traditional and innovation. 

Drums:Izumi Koga(古贺泉

古贺泉(Izumi Koga)日本著名爵士鼓演奏家,北京现代音乐研修学院爵士乐学院打击乐系主任。毕业于美国伯克利音乐学院,是第一位被外国专家局承认的鼓专家,也是最早来中国进行爵士鼓演奏和教学的外国专家。古贺泉先生除担任鼓专业的教学工作,还自编教材开设了节奏训练课。

bosphorus(博斯普鲁斯镲片)pearl 鼓 remo鼓皮汉旗鼓棒 代言人,并参与上海爵士音乐节、2014年草莓音乐节(张曼玉鼓)、我是歌手等大型演出。

古贺泉老师是一位优秀的音乐家,他的音乐及演奏,深受国内外爵士乐爱好者的喜爱。10岁开始师从Osamv Minagawa学习爵士鼓演奏,精通钢琴、手风琴、黑管等多种乐器。来到中国后,在刘元爵士乐队中担任鼓手,其乐队成为国内最为出色的爵士乐队。古贺泉老师的学生如今都活跃在各种大型舞台上 ,值得一提的是,崔健乐队鼓手贝贝,歌星张杰乐队的鼓手刘为,都师从古贺泉。






