Chance favors the prepared

Chance favors the prepared

言习社 欧美男星 2018-10-10 19:12:02 430

New words

  1. stricken['strɪk(ə)n] adj. 患病的;受挫折的;受…侵袭的;遭殃的

  2. prospective[prə'spektɪv] n. 预期;展望;adj. 未来的;预期的

  3. destined['destɪnd] adj. 注定的;肯定的;指定的,预定的

  4. jockey['dʒɒki] n. 赛马的骑师; 驾驶员; 操作工;vt. 骑马; 驾驶(操作); 瞒骗; 骗人使做 ...;vi. 当骑士骑马; 运用手段谋利

  5. celebrity[sɪ'lebrɪtɪ] n. 名人,名流;名声

  6. indulge[ɪn'dʌldʒ] vt. 满足;纵容;使高兴;使沉迷于…;vi. 沉溺;满足;放任

  7. masterpiece['mɑːstəpiːs] 杰作,大作,名著;典范

  8. aggravate['ægrəveɪt] vt. 加重;使恶化;激怒

  9. scorn[skɔːn] n. 轻蔑;嘲笑;藐视的对象;vt. 轻蔑;藐视;不屑做;vi. 表示轻蔑;表示鄙视

  10. nonetheless[nʌnðə'les] adv. 尽管如此,但是

  11. renowned[rɪ'naʊnd] 有名望的,杰出的

  12. enterprise['entəpraɪz] n. 企业;事业;进取心;事业心

  13. layout['leɪaʊt] n. 布局;设计;安排;陈列

  14. dubious['djuːbɪəs] adj. 可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的

  15. dubiously['djuːbɪəsli] adv. 怀疑地;可疑地

  16. straw[strɔː] n. 稻草;吸管;一文不值的东西;adj. 稻草的;无价值的

  17. expertise[,ekspɜː'tiːz] n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见

  18. blunt[blʌnt] adj. 钝的,不锋利的;生硬的;直率的;vt. 使迟钝

  19. bluntly['blʌntli] adv. 坦率地,直率地;迟钝地

  20. bust[bʌst] n. 破产;半身像;萧条;胸部;vi. 破产;爆裂;降低级别;vt. 使破产;使爆裂;逮捕;adj. 破产了的;毁坏了的

  21. adore[ə'dɔː] vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢;vi. 崇拜;爱慕

  22. persuasive[pə'sweɪsɪv] adj. 有说服力的;劝诱的,劝说的

  23. cater['keɪtə] vt. 投合,迎合;满足需要;提供饮食及服务

  24. overtime['əʊvətaɪm] n. [劳经] 加班时间;延长时间;加时赛;adj. 超时的;加班的;vt. 使超过时间;adv. 加班地

  25. posture['pɒstʃə] n. 姿势;态度;情形;vi. 摆姿势;vt. 作…的姿势

  26. panel['pæn(ə)l] n. 仪表板;嵌板;座谈小组,全体陪审员;vt. 嵌镶板

  27. disciplined['dɪsɪplɪnd] adj. 遵守纪律的;受过训练的

  28. alleviate[ə'liːvɪeɪt] vt. 减轻,缓和

  29. doom[duːm] n. 厄运;死亡;判决;世界末日;vt. 注定;判决;使失败

  30. murmur['mɜːmə] n. 低语;低语声;低声抱怨;潺潺声;vi. 低声说;私下抱怨;发出轻柔持续的声音;vt. 低声说

  31. frantic['fræntɪk] adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的

  32. grin[grɪn] v. 露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑;n. 露齿笑

  33. blink[blɪŋk] n. 眨眼;瞬间;闪光;vt. 眨眼;使…闪烁;vi. 眨眼;闪烁

  34. hoist[hɒɪst] n. 起重机;升起,吊起;vi. 升起;吊起;vt. (用绳索,起重机等)使升起

  35. flip[flɪp] n. 弹;筋斗;vt. 掷;轻击;vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳;[美俚](由于激动、愤怒、疯狂等而)失去自制力,精神失常,失去理智;发疯,发狂;变得狂热;欣喜若狂;adj. 无礼的;轻率的

  36. eloquent['eləkwənt] adj. 意味深长的;雄辩的,有口才的;有说服力的;动人的

  37. eloquently['ɛləkwəntli] adv. 善辩地;富于表现力地

  38. rap[ræp] n. 轻敲;vt. 抢走;轻敲;敲击致使;使着迷;vi. 敲击;交谈

  39. mingle['mɪŋg(ə)l] vi. 混合;交往;vt. 使混合;使相混

  40. dazzle['dæz(ə)l] n. 耀眼的光;灿烂;vt. 使……目眩;使……眼花;vi. 眼花缭乱;炫耀

  41. applause[ə'plɔːz] n. 欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎

  42. propel[prə'pel] vt. 推进;驱使;激励;驱策

  43. icon['aɪkɒn; -k(ə)n] n. 图标;偶像;肖像,画像;圣像

Phrases and expressions

  1. destined to do sth. 预定,注定,(尤指)命中注定

  2. serve as 被用作...,充当...,起...的作用

  3. be wrapped up in sth. 把全部精力放在某事上(以至于没有时间关心别的事)

  4. take sb. on 开始雇佣某人

  5. work overtime 加班

  6. hang out (with) 泡在某处,与...经常在一起

  7. soak sth. up 迅速吸收,轻松学会(知识)

  8. in antixipation of sth. 预料某事,期待某事

  9. on (the) air 正在广播

Proper names

  1. Les Brown 莱斯·布朗(1945-,美国演讲家)

  2. Mamie Brown 玛米·布朗(莱斯·布朗的养母)

  3. Miami 迈阿密(美国佛罗里达州东南部城市)

  4. Cadillac 凯迪拉克(美国著名汽车品牌)

  5. Rock 洛克(男子名)

  6. Klein 克莱因(男子名)

  7. Cormick 考密克(男子名)

  8. Slick 斯雷克(男子名)

  9. Neil 尼尔(男子名)

Chance favors the prepared

Les Brown and his twin brother were adopted by Mamie Brown, a kitchen worker, shortly after their birth in a poverty-stricken Miami neighborhood.


Because of his overactive behavior and nonstop talking as a child, Les was placed in special education classes for the learning disabled all the way through high school. Upon graduation, he became a garbage collector. The prospective opportunities for his future looked slim to others, but not to Les. He had a passion, a dream - a big dream that he was ready to work hard for. He was destined to be a disc jockey, also known as a "DJ", one of the radio celebrities mixing music broadcasts for the whole city.


At night he would take a radio to bed so he could indulge his dream by listening to the local DJs. He created an imaginary radio station in his tiny bedroom. A hairbrush served as his microphone as he energetically practiced speaking his masterpieces to his imaginary listeners.

一到晚上,他就带着收音机上床睡觉,这样他就可以一边听着当地 DJ 的节目,一边沉浸在自己的梦想里。他在自己的小卧室里营造了一个假想电台。他把梳子当麦克风,劲头十足地对着想象中的听众练习自己的杰作。

He aggravated his friends with his constant practicing. They all told him that he didn't have a chance and he would never be a DJ. They scorned him and said to stop dreaming and focus on the real world. Nonetheless, Les didn't let their negativity stop him. He kept his goals close to his heart and remained wrapped up in his own world, completely absorbed in preparing for his future, preparing to live his dream as a renowned DJ.

无休止地练习让朋友们不胜其烦。他们都说他根本没有机会,永远都不可能成为 DJ。他们嘲弄他,告诉他别做白日梦,要面对现实。然而,这些负面影响并没有让莱斯停止追求。他心中一直铭记自己的目标,继续沉浸在自己的世界里,全身心投入到对未来的准备中,去实现他成为著名 DJ 的梦想。

One day Les decided to take the initiative and begin with this enterprise. He boldly went to the local radio station and told the station manager he understood the layout of the station and was ready to be a disc jockey

一天,莱斯决定主动出击,开始自己的事业。他大胆地来到当地电台,告诉经理他熟悉电台布局环境,完全可以成为一名 DJ。

The manager looked dubiously at the untidy young man in overalls and a straw hat and inquired, "Do you have any expertise in broadcasting?"


Les replied, "No sir, I don't."


"Well, son, I'm afraid we don't have a job for you then," he responded bluntly. So, Les' first chance at success had been a complete bust.


Les was determined. He adored his adoptive mother, Mamie Brown, and was careful with his money to try and buy her nice things. Despite everyone's discouragement, she believed in him and had taught him to pursue his goals and persist in his dreams no matter what others said.


So, in spite of what the station manager had originally said, Les returned to the station every day for a week. His persistence was very persuasive, and the station manager finally gave in and took Les on to do small tasks - at no pay. Les brought coffee and food. He catered to their every need at work and worked overtime whenever necessary. Eventually, his enthusiasm won their confidence and they would send Les in their Cadillac to pick up celebrities, not knowing that he didn't even have a driver's license!


While hanging out with the station's real DJs, Les taught himself their posture and hand movements on the control panel. He stayed around the studio, soaking up whatever knowledge he could. He was disciplined; back in his bedroom at night, he faithfully practiced in anticipation of the opportunity he knew would come.

与电台真正的 DJ 相处时,莱斯自学他们操作调音台的姿势和手势。他徘徊在播音间,力所能及地汲取全部知识。他非常自律,晚上一回到房间,就满怀着期待不懈地练习,他知道机遇终会降临。

One afternoon at work, the DJ named Rock started to feel very sick while on the air. Les was the only person around, and he realized that Rock was coughing and losing his voice. Les stayed close in case there was some way he might help alleviate his coworker's distress. He also worried that the illness was sure to doom this broadcast.

一天下午,工作期间,一个名叫洛克的 DJ 在直播时突然病得厉害。周围只有莱斯,而他意识到洛克正在咳嗽,都快不能说话了。莱斯凑近他,看看有什么办法能帮助同事减轻痛苦。他也担心这病肯定会让广播无法进行下去。

Finally, when the phone rang, Les grabbed it. It was the station manager, as he knew it would be.


"Les, this is Mr. Klein. I don't think Rock can finish his program,


"Yes," he murmured, "I know."


"Would you call one of the other deejays to come in and take over?"

“你能打电话叫其他DJ 来接替他吗?”

"Yes, sir, I sure will."


But try as he might, none of the regular DJs were available. MC Cormick and DJ Slick were both out of town for the weekend and DJ Neil was also feeling sick. It seemed that the radio station was in big trouble.

但他找了个遍,却发现一个正式 DJ 都找不到。主持人考密克和 DJ 斯雷克都出城度周末去了,尼尔身体也不舒服。似乎电台的麻烦大了。

Frantic with distress, Les called the general manager. "Mr. Klein, I can't find nobody," Les said.


Mr. Klein then asked, "Young man, do you know how to work the controls in the studio?"


"Yes sir," replied Les, grinning with the sudden opportunity. He didn't even blink before he called his mother and his friends. "You all go out on the front porch and turn up the radio because I'm about to come on the air!" he said.


Les rushed into the booth, hoisted Rock onto a nearby couch, and sat down in his place. He was ready. He flipped on the microphone and eloquently rapped, "Look out! This is me, LB, Les Brown! There were none before me and there will be none after me. Therefore, that makes me the one and only. Young and single and love to mingle. Qualified to bring you satisfaction, a whole lot of action. Look out, baby, I'm your lovin' man."


Because of his preparation, Les was ready. He had dazzled the audience and heard applause from his general manager. From that fateful beginning, Les was propelled to become an icon in broadcasting, politics, public speaking and television.


(886 words)









