Jessica朗读 清明节用个温情的双语故事告诉孩子关于生死...

Jessica朗读 清明节用个温情的双语故事告诉孩子关于生死...

杰西卡英语课堂 日韩女星 2016-04-04 14:05:31 112


今天介绍一本童书,书名叫《Cry, Heart, But Never Break》(好好哭泣)。或许能让孩子们在故事中领会生老病死在人生中的不可避免性。

作者是丹麦儿童作家葛伦.林特威德(Glenn Ringtved)插画师是丹麦画家夏洛特.帕蒂(Charlotte Pardi)


在一条安静的小街上,有一栋小房子,房子里住着一个老奶奶和四个小孩子。老奶奶年纪大了,身患重病,终于有一天,死神 death悄悄来到这户人家的门前,准备进去释放老奶奶的灵魂。死神怕吓到孩子,他把和自己随身不离的镰刀留到门外,只身走进房门。

死神走进小屋,先和四个孩子围坐在餐桌旁。孩子们知道死神到来的目的是什么,他们痛苦和紧张。四个孩子中,只有最年幼的一个,利亚(Little Leah),敢直视死神的脸。

This warmly wistful story begins outside the “small snug house” where four children live with their beloved grandmother. Not wanting to scare the young ones, Death, who has come for the old lady, has left his scythe by the door. 

Inside, he sits down at the kitchen table, where only the youngest of the kids, little Leah, dares look straight at him.


In the quiet, the children could hear their grandmother upstairs, breathing with the same raspy breaths as the figure at the table. They knew Death had come for her and that time was short.


To stall the inevitable, the children devise a plan — believing that Death only works at night, they decide to keep refilling his coffee cup until dawn comes, at which point he would have to leave without their grandmother. 


But Death eventually curls his bony hand over the cup to signal that the time has come. Leah reaches her own tiny hand, taking his in hers, and beseeches him not to take their darling grandmother. Why, she insists, does grandma have to die?


Death is once more overcomed with kindness and compassion for the children, so he decides to answer Leah’s question with a story, hoping it would help them understand why dying is natural and necessary.


He tells them of two brothers named Sorrow and Grief, who lived in a somber valley and went about their days “slowly and heavily” because they never looked up, because “they never saw through the shadows on the tops of the hills.”


Beyond those shadows, Death tells the kids, lived two sisters, Joy and Delight.


They were bright and sunny and their days were full of happiness. The only shadow was their sense that something was missing. They didn’t know what, but they felt they couldn’t fully enjoy their happiness.


As Death is telling the story, little Leah nods her head, for she can tell what is to come — the two boys meet the two girls and they fall in love, two perfectly balanced couples: Sorrow and Joy, Grief and Delight.



Death tells the kids:

It is the same with life and death. What would life be worth if there were no death? Who would enjoy the sun if it never rained? Who would yearn for the day if there were no night?


When death finally gets up from the table to head upstairs, the youngest boy is moved to stop him — but his older brother puts a rueful hand on his shoulder and gently discourages him.


Moments later, the children heard the upstairs window open. Then, in a voice somewhere between a cry and a whisper, Death said, “Fly, Soul. Fly, fly away.”


They hurry upstairs, where their grandmother has died — a moment of great sadness, enveloped in warm peacefulness.



The curtains were blowing in the gentle morning breeze. Looking at the children, Death said quietly, “Cry, Heart, but never break. Let your tears of grief and sadness help begin new life.”

Then he was gone.


Ever after, whenever the children opened a window, they would think of their grandmother. And when the breeze caressed their faces, they could feel her touch.

Who would enjoy the sun if it never rained? Who would yearn for the day if there were no night?”







