最后的解药 | 全球影像艺术大展《爱的艺术》限时开票

最后的解药 | 全球影像艺术大展《爱的艺术》限时开票

今日美术馆 欧美男星 2018-11-07 12:05:44 816



展览时间:2018年11月24日– 2019年2月24日


LOVE: Intimate

Location: Today Art Museum, No.2, Beijing

Duration: November 24, 2018 – February 24, 2019

Presented by YT Pictures

参展艺术家Participating Artists:

玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇Marina Abramovic、乌雷Ulay、小野洋子Yoko Ono、约翰·列侬John Lennon、翠西·艾敏Tracey Emin、程然Cheng Ran、郭楚夕Guo Chuxi、侯子超Hou Zichao、蒋志Jiang Zhi、刘唱Liu Chang、刘诗园Liu Shiyuan、黄炳Wong Ping、徐文恺aaajiao

特别展映Special Screening:


Yayoi Kusama:Infinity, 2018, DDDream Presents

Tracey Emin, I Promise To Love You, digital limited edition © Tracey Emin, courtesy of www.  seditionart.com



“What is beauty? It is the prototype of love.”

 Yayoi Kusama



Love, although so omnipresent and universal, still holds enormous magic power when happens in real life. For artists, love is as important as life, whose romantic encounters always inspire their practice and transform into heart touching works. This winter, YT Pictures will present a series of video works around the theme of love, featuring fourteen artists’ moving and inspiring practice: some of them are milestones in the contemporary art history, whose practice witnessed their life changing romance; some of them are contemporary visual culture leaders, who reinterpret the meaning of love with tantalizing visual representations. 

Marina Abramović and Ulay, Rest Energy, 1980 © Marina Abramovic

《爱的艺术:亲密》将于2018年11月24日在北京今日美术馆2号馆开幕,展期至2019年2月24日。展览力图通过影像作品,审视当代视觉文化缩影下的“亲密”。世界当代艺术史上最重要的四位女性艺术家:小野洋子、玛丽娜•阿布拉莫维奇、草间弥生与翠西•艾敏的珍贵影像,将首次在同一展览展出,同时将呈现程然、黄炳等八位艺术家描绘的“爱”的当代样貌。展览还将特别展映草间弥生纪录片《草间∞弥生》(Infinity, 2018),这将是此部影片与中国观众的第一次见面。

LOVE: Intimate will be on view at Today Art Museum, No.2 from November 24, 2018 to February 24, 2019. Focusing on video art, this exhibition aims to examine the definition of intimacy shaped by contemporary visual culture. LOVE: Intimate exclusively features the love stories of Yoko Ono, Marina Abramovic, Tracey Emin, and Yayoi Kusama, whose works blur the boundary between art and life. Wong Ping, Cheng Ran, aaajiao and other four artists’ works explore new tendency of intimacy under new historical conditions, questioning the shifting and multi-faced nature of love. In the special screening session, Yayoi Kusama’s most recent documentary Infinity (2018) will be first shown in mainland China.

Yayoi Kusama,  Infinity, 2018, DDDream Presents ©2018 TOKYO LEE PRODUCTIONS, INC. and SUBMARINE ENTERTAINMENT, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Love, one of the most universal forces, is also a significant subject matter in the history of art. LOVE: Intimate presents the most representative video art of our time, unfolding diverse contemporary narratives of intimacy. Divided into five chapters, this exhibition is organized around “Action”, “Monologue”, “Energy”, “Eternity” and “Future”, leading the audience to experience, explore and evoke love.

Yoko Ono and John Lennon, Montreal Bed-In, 1969, Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Canada. Photo by Ivor Sharp. ©Yoko Ono, courtesy of Studio One

“行动”章节呈现了小野洋子与约翰·列侬的《床上和平》(Bed-in for Peace, 1969),这一珍贵的影像记录不仅是两人爱情的见证,更揭示出艺术行动与社会运动相互结合的可能性。

“独白”章节再现了翠西•艾敏的《承诺爱你》(I Promise to Love You),这组作品为纽约时代广场的“午夜时分”展览特别制作,霓虹灯拼写出发光的思想和感受,成为艺术家手写的自白书。



The “Action” chapter presents Yoko Ono and John Lennon’s Bed-in for Peace, which witnessed the love story of these two leading figures in the 1960s anti-war movement. 

The “Monologue” chapter shows Tracey Emin’sI Promise to Love You collection, which was originally created for  s[edition]'s Times Square Midnight Moment in February 2013, New York. 

In the “Energy” chapter, Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity traces the golden times of Kusama’s life, revealing the hidden stories behind her ground-breaking artworks. 

The “Eternity” chapter features three milestone works of Marina Abramovic, which not only epitomize her performance practice over three decades, but also express heart touching feelings in her collaboration with Ulay, her former lover and performance partner. 


In the last chapter “Future”, a group of artists challenges the modern notion of love, suggesting the influence of internet, technology and globalization on contemporary romance. With the rapid development of technology, new forms of intimacy are proliferating on a daily basis, but class and gender differences still polarize people’s experience of love. In the neoliberal era, love seems to be a marketing strategy to stimulate consumers’ desire, transforming this natural force into the process of commodification.

Wong Ping, Stop Peeping, 2014, single channel video animation, 3min48sec, AP Edition (EMG1505)©Wong Ping, courtesy of Edouard Malingue Gallery and the artist  

关于云图映画 About YT Pictures



YT Pictures collaborates with world-renowned artists to spread outstanding arts through visual stories because we believe that these people will be the makers of the future. Our team is a group of brilliant people with deep roots in the arts, fashion, media and technology industry.other top-content brands and products. Now for YT Pictures, we aim to utilize various strategies to explore the possibility and impossibility of media and advance the spirits and values of human beings.

购票信息 Buy Ticket


单人票 Single Ticket:120 RMB

双人票 Ticket-for-two:188 RMB

双人秒杀票 Early Bird Ticket-for-two:52 RMB

限11.7购票,仅售200张,限11.24 – 12.1使用

200 tickets only, on sale on 11.7, valid from 11.24-12.1

特别提示:双人秒杀票仅限展览第一周使用(11.24– 12.1),点击阅读原文获取购票链接,快来抢票成为第一批观众吧!

参观信息  Plan Your Visit

展览时间:2018年11月24日 – 2019年2月24日(周一闭馆,除12月24日和12月31日)

Duration: November 24, 2018 – February 24, 2019 (Closed on Mondays, except December 24 and December 31, 2018)

开馆时间:10:00am—18:00pm (17:30pm停止售票)

Hours: 10:00am—18:00pm (Ticket counter closed at 17:30)


Location: Today Art Museum No.2, Baiziwan Rd No. 32, Chaoyang District, Beijing

乘车路线 Transportation



By subway : Guomao Station / Shuangjing Station
By bus: take 23, 28, 35, 300, 348, 37, 57, 705, 715, 730, 801, 802, 810, 830, 907, 957, 976, special 3, special 8 and get off at Shuangjing station (or Gas Engine Factory) . Then walk about 300m towards north, you’ll arrive at the crossing of Baiziwan road. Go straight along the Baiziwan road, you’ll see the building of TAM on your right hand.

MAPS(Figure 1: Location map, Figure 2: Traffic map, Figure 3: Top View)




Get your "LOVE" ticket! 
















