02/17 第一位受邀至荷兰ADE演出的中国女DJ BB DENG  Sector ...

02/17 第一位受邀至荷兰ADE演出的中国女DJ BB DENG Sector ...

sectorclub 日韩男星 2017-02-03 14:06:56 605

02/17 FRI.

BB Deng


BB Deng成长于香港和台湾, 目前定居北京。DJ兼composer。她在Techno, Tech House, Minimal之间游刃有余地营造出她自成一格的风格。

学生时代担任摇滚乐队主唱与键盘手并且在台北的ROXY系列酒吧DJ, 03年搬迁北京,除了持续在中国演出她也开过酒吧并主办过无数的音乐活动。


2015年受邀参加了为期一个月的欧洲巡演,从柏林俱乐部和万人Love parade (Zugder Liebe)奥地利,荷兰, 克罗地亚到法国的音乐节。

曾经参演过中国许多大型的音乐节如INTRO,草莓,摩登,, 长阳,乐堡,张北, 阴阳,湘江等等,也经常在中国各城市的俱乐部巡演,更是多个一线品牌如保时捷,奔驰,宝马,Chloe等等的特邀DJ。

2016年BB Deng签约英国品牌Novation担任形象代言人。


曾经同台演出的国际艺人如:Mark Reeve, Remy, Secret Cinema, The Yellow heads, Alex Flatner, Dusty kids, Robs Hes, Nakadia等等。

BB Deng - DJ & composer, who was born and grew up in HongKong and Taiwan. 

Her music career started from being the lead singer/keyboard player in rock bands and DJing at ROXY in Taipei when she was still a young student, from 2003 moving to Beijing until now she has already named as one of the top Techno/Tech House artists in China and signed with music label Modern Sky entertainment.

In 2013 BB Deng got invited to perform and talk in ADE panel.In 2015 & 16 she was inviting to have her one month Europe DJ tour, from Zug der Liebe in Berlin, to clubs in Holland, Austria, Croatia and music festival in France. 

At the same year she got signed by British brand Novation and Focusrite, to be their endorsor in China. 

In 2017 she joins Kuukou Records Berlin and started to release her music under the label.

BB Deng had shared decks with some of the artists such as Mark Reeve, Remy, Secret Cinema, The Yellow heads, Alex Flatner, Dusty kids, Robs Hes, Nakadia..etc and to performed as headliner in most of the biggest music festivals in China such as Starwberry, Modernsky, INTRO, Yinyang, Great wall, MYTH...etc.



在很短的时间内来自英国伦敦的Daniel Power在南中国的低音跳舞音乐圈取得了不凡的成绩。受到形形色色的高质量地下音乐影响,他对跳舞音乐有着独特的理解,对电子音乐的热情促使他开始研究不同的音乐风格。

身为两个以“推广纯粹的电子乐跳舞现场”为目的而存在的派对组织(Unchained / DnB;Detached / Techno)主理人,Daniel还在深圳Sector俱乐部担任地下舞台的音乐总监,同时他也是该舞台的主要驻场DJ。



曾与众多国际音乐人同台,如: Dom & Roland (香港Metalheadz),dBridge (英国EXIT Records),Fabio (英国Radio 1),Arkaik (Dispatch Recordings),U-Brown (Virgin / Trojan),Joe Nice (美国Gourmet Beats),等。

In just a short space of time Daniel Power (London, UK) has become one of the most well known and respected DJs/promoters in southern China.  

He is the Music Director and main resident DJ at Club Sector (SZ), and is the founder of two events brands focused on pushing the underground music scene in China. Unchained for DnB and Detached for Techno. He was the resident DJ at Bang Club (SZ) for the last 2 years and is a regular DJ and promoter at Hangover (GZ). 

He has played in some of the best clubs around China including: Oma, XXX, and Basement in Hong Kong, and The Shelter, The Mansion and Celia in Shanghai. 

He has also supported/shared the decks with some big international artists including: Dom & Roland (Metalheadz), dBridge (EXIT Records), Fabio (Radio 1), Arkaik (Dispatch Recordings), U-Brown (Virgin / Trojan), Joe Nice (Gourmet Beats)...



出生并长大于南非约翰内斯堡的Mantis是目前深圳地下音乐领域里最有影响力的人物之一,拥有多年在音乐和DJ专业领域的丰富经验,并且在中国的八年时间里,Mantis还建立了非常多的音乐项目,参与不同的音乐活动,充分影响到当地的音乐文化。他是Mantis Project 的创始人以及邦酒吧的音乐总监。

MANTIS Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, Mantis is now one of the most influential people in the Shenzhen underground music scene. After a music and DJ career that spans many years, over 8 of which have been spent in China, Mantis has and continues to establish numerous projects which helps the music culture of the places where he resides. He is the Founder of The Mantis Project and the Music Director for Bang Club. 


4年前开始流连于深圳各大跳舞派对,因对Techno的着迷从狂热分子转型成为一名DJ。谦虚和执着的态度使他的技术与品味逐渐提高,多次作为嘉宾为知名DJ暖场,也曾在Bang Club,Magma,Hangover等以优质地下跳舞音乐而闻名的酒吧演出。

Appearing at most of the dance parties in Shenzhen over the last 4 years,  Funkie became a DJ because of his fanatic love to Techno music.  With a modest and persistent attitude towards music, his skill and taste improved greatly.  He has been a guest DJ with many famous DJs, and has played in some of the top  underground spots in China, like Magma, Hangover, Bang Club etc.





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