GTM Dalian 8th meeting review

GTM Dalian 8th meeting review

废除账号 日韩女星 2018-07-28 21:27:36 477

Gemalto Taostmaster Dalian 8th meeting was held in 2018.7.25, here is the review, appreciate reading

Welcome new members

Before the meeting, we held a short ceremony to welcome our new members, 3 elegant laides, Majie, Zhangdi and Dingling, welcome

It's your coming make us more confident, wish you enjoy your time in our club.




Xujie warmed up the meeting with a story about Michelangelo, it was her first time to take the role invocator, and it was successful!

Toastmaster-Hou Kaichun

If you didn't come, you can't imagine how passionate he was! 

Kaichun cheered all of us up with his unique, humorous and enthusiastic style of speaking. It's his host make the meeting run smoothly.

 Table Topic Session

Table Topic Master-Marco

Our hot dancer Marco took the TTM role this week. He chose a very interesting topic-Dorarmon's pocket. Do you still rememer what's in the Dorarmon's pocket? He prepared 10 cards with different magical gadgets, what will you do if you own one of these gadgets?

First speaker-Han Bo

He chose "Small light"-缩小灯

As the first speaker to the stage, Hanbo shared his idea that if some huge monsters are going to attack him, he wanted to narrow them to small ones. 

Yes, this is a good way to protect ourselves for some emergency.

Second speaker-Ding Ling

She chose "Time machine"-时光机

Dingling is very brave to come to the stage, this is  her first time to join our meeting.

She wanted to go back her childhood by time machine because she had nothing to worry about at that happy time.

Third speaker-Wu Guangqing

He chose "Invisible cape"-隐形斗篷

He wanted to do something secret if he owns a invisible cape

He also wanted to hide himself to make a joke with his family.

Fourth speaker-Tian Long

He chose "Translation gummy"-翻译魔芋

The man who nerver absent table topic session thought translation gummy was very useful to him, it coud help him translate English to Chinese at any time.

Fivth speaker-Luo Qian

She chose "Fixed machine"-修复机

She prefered to fix some expensive boken things, but I liked her second idea to fix bad feelings and broken relationships, people will not be sad and heart-broken. What a creative girl, I love you

Sixth speaker-Zhang Di

She chose "Anywhere Door"-任意门

Zhang Di is also a very brave girl who attends meeting second time.

She said it was specified prepare for the lazy people, because we can get to work, restaurant and anywhere else in a very short time.

Seventh speaker-Song Xingwei

He chose "What-if phone booth"-如果电话亭

This is  secod time to attend our meeting as a guest, he also chose a topic.

He said he wanted to control the stock, he could call Buffett by the phone booth to talk about how to become rich in a fast way.

Eighth speaker-Sui Xiaoliang

He chose "Copying bread"-复制面包

He said it would save a lot of time to learn new things by copying bread, he is still thinking one idea that how to make money by copying bread.

Table Topic Evaluator-Guo Dongmei

It's first time for Dongmei to take the role TTE, she emphasized a common problem need to be attention-eye connection with audience. She also pointed out some shinning points and provied suggestions for inprovement for each speaker.

Prepared speech session

First speaker-Chen Xiang

Title: The power of smile

The girl who always smiles sweet delivered her ice breaker speech by a smiling way. Chenxiang shared us her own experience when she was a student. She believed that in life, one smile, one glance or even a short greeting may bring hope and warm to others.

Second speaker-Han Bo

Title: My view of education

Han Bo chose a vey hot social topic education as his ice breaker speech. In his speech he talked 3 points: the aim of education, the nature and nurture and our high expectation to our children. 

He thought to develop the ability "thinking independently" is very important .

Third speaker-Jin Hongfeng

Title:I am a drunkard

It's his third time to deliver a speech on the stage, we all feel the huge progress he ever made. This time, Hongfeng shared his drinking experience with his classmates in the last month of graduation, and his drinkg story with his father. He thought drinking is a good way to be closer with our friends. You have stories, I have beer, so why not?

Fourth speaker-Song Yi

Title: My path, my way

Our senior officer Song Yi also gave her ice breaker speech, we are all inspired by her perfect perfromace. She talked everyone should have his own speaking way-their own "way".

If you aregentle, don’t force yourself to be aggressive.

If you arepassionate, don’t force yourself to be humble.

The key is,follow your heart, find your own way, and every way leads to Rome.

Evaluation Session

Evaluation Team

Our General Evaluator Wenjing and her professional evaluation team all provided very details  feedback and report in their each individual section. Their contructive suggestions made the meeting effective and successfully.

General evaluator-Li Wenjing

Timer-Liu Fang

AH-counter-Wang Xiaotong

Grammarian-Hu Cong

Individual evaluator to Chenxiang-Tian Long

Individual evaluator to Hanbo-Zhao Fei

Individual evaluator to Hongfeng-Guo Wei

Individual evaluator to Song Yi-Wu Guangqing


Best table topic speaker-Han Bo

Congratulations to best table topic speaker Hanbo!


Overall, we held a very successful meeting, everyone is enoying the time here.

Toastmaster is where the leaders are made. We are not perfect, but we are making every effort to be.

See you next regular meeting in 2018.8.7 12:00.











