From 35 seconds on, you will hear the familiar voice, and see the familiar face.
William sensei looks exactly the same as back then.
2002年-2003年间,合气道开始在北京萌芽。当时,本部道场道场长大泽师范(当时的)邀请咱们韦礼安老师在本部道场做了此次演武,韦礼安老师是作为本部道场的外国学员,为Sky TV关于本部道场合气道的节目进行的演武。当时的韦礼安老师还是4段。从1997年到2004年,老师一直住在东京。他的住所离本部道场仅500米,这样他每天都能在本部道场练习。
About 2002-2003, when Aikido just beginning in Beijing, Hombu Dojo Dojo cho (at that time) Osawa shihan asked our William sensei to do this demonstration as a foreign Hombu dojo student for a Sky TV show about Hombu Dojo aikido. William sensei was 4dan and living in Tokyo and training daily at Hombu dojo. He lived about 500 meters from the dojo. But living in Tokyo from1997-2004.
传统、 传承 、真传。我们的使命是教合气道,教真正的武术。