常•聚焦 |关于大费城美中医药协会(SAPA-GP) 2018中国常州行活动内容征集

常•聚焦 |关于大费城美中医药协会(SAPA-GP) 2018中国常州行活动内容征集

天天518科技服务平台 欧美男星 2018-07-30 17:00:41 911






此次常州行,SAPA-GP的专家团由Samuel K. Chueh、Haifeng Cui、Han Dai(PhD)、Lora Feng、Gregory Li(PhD)、Yufeng Li(PhD)、Patrick Liu (PhD)、Stephen R. Popielarski(PhD)、Xiaofa Qin(PhD)、Yongchao Su(PhD)等十余位国际业内专家领衔。

请医药企业相关成员将您对本次活动议程中感兴趣的主题、SAPA专家及其研究方向,或者您有更感兴趣的而我们议程没有列出的主题,以回执(见附件1)的形式告诉我们,并于8月10日下午4点前发送至邮箱[email protected],热忱欢迎您的参与!











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日期2018/10/20 – 2018/11/03

暂定城市: 北京,天津,南京,常州,苏州,杭州,上海,武汉,成都

发起者: 大费城美中医药协会(SAPA-GP)

2018 中国行主题

中国经济的蓬勃发展和 CFDA 的转型使中国的生物技术进入了一个新的时代。在中国生物技术开发区,人才与创新药物研发的需求将会史无前例的增加。 与此同时,大量投资流入开发区吸引了美国众多企业家在中国寻求商业合作机会。为了更好的顺应潮流为双方创造共赢, 大费城美中医药协会 (SAPA-GP)与费城发展部门共同发起并筹划此次中国行,旨在将高端科技资源从美国带到中国,加速中国成为生物技术领先国家;另一方面,吸引来自中国的投资者在美国开设研发中心,促进美国的经济发展。总而言之,本次中国行的目标是利用科学思想满足未满足的医疗需求,使得数百万患者受益同时让全世界的人们的生活更美好。

关键词: 高端科技资源; 药物研发; 中美商业合作伙伴关系; 未满足的医疗需求



8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 签到与早餐

9:00 AM – 9:10 AM 会议开场致辞

Han Dai, PhD, President of SAPA-GP, Scientific Leader, GSK Fellow, GlaxoSmithKline


9:10 AM - 10:30 AM

会议主席: 开发区代表

9:10 AM - 9:40 AM 开发区介绍(暂定)


9:40 AM - 10:10 AM 与费城的商业合作机会(暂定) 

Samuel K. Chueh, Director, International Business, City of Philadelphia,Department of Commence

10:10 AM - 10:30 AM 休息


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

会议主席:  Zhiyun Wen, MS, Senior Scientist, Merck & Co., Inc.

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM  Immunopheresis - 基于设备的肿瘤学革命

Lora Feng, MBA, CEO of LFI Solutions

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Snapshot Proteomics:以合理地重新利用药物为目标的临床前试验

Christian M. Loch, PhD, MPH, CEO of AVMBioMed LLC

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM 使用 CAR-T细胞构建RP215和GHR106 单克隆抗体的癌症治疗

Gregory Li,PhD,CEO of Vancouver Biotech Ltd

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 午餐


1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

会议主席: Haifeng Cui, PhD, Scientific Director, GSK Fellow, GlaxoSmithKline (Tentative) 

Development zone’s representative

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM 开发理想的植入式神经阻滞装置

Stephen R. Popielarski, Ph.D, CEO of Thermaquil, Inc

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM 防 由于肠道微生物减少导致的消化蛋白酶的失活受损,作为治疗和预防IBD和其他疾病的目标

Xiaofa Qin, PhD, President of GI Biopharma Inc

2:00 PM – 2:30 PM 肿瘤特异性新抗原靶向个性化免疫疗法(暂定)

Niranjan Y. Sardesa; PhD, Geneos Therapeutics

2:30 PM – 3:00 PM 一种用于免疫肿瘤治疗的双特异性抗体(暂定)

Jingle Zhang, PhD, Protheragen Inc

3:00 PM – 3:10 PM 会议结束致辞

Leader from City or development zone in China

3:10 PM - 4:00 PM 招待会




会议主席团成员: Yufeng Li, PhD, Associate Director, Ascentage Pharma

Yongchao Su, PhD, Associate Principle Scientist, Merck & Co., Inc.

8:00 AM - 8:50 AM 签到与早餐

8:50 AM – 9:00 AM 会议开场致辞

Yufeng Li, PhD, Associate Director, Ascentage Pharma


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 临床前研究

Haifeng Cui, PhD, Scientific Director, GSK Fellow, GSK

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM 药物开发中的 非 临床安全性评价

Charles Wang, PhD, Director, GSK

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 临床实验设计

Jason Huang, PhD, SVP, Ascentage Pharma

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM  午餐


1:00 PM - 4:10 PM

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 生物药研究 生物药研究

Patrick Liu, PhD, SVP, Teva Pharmaceuticals

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM 监管策略

Jim Wang, PhD, Head of Regulatory Strategy, Spark Therapeutics

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 投资组合,定价,审批


4:00 PM - 4:10 PM 会议结束致辞










Listed in Alphabetical Order

Samuel K. Chueh

Director, International Business, City of Philadelphia, Department of Commence

Samuel K. Chueh serves as the International Business Director of Commerce for the City of Philadelphia. With a background in Chinese, Russian, Japanese, and English linguistics, he has devoted himself to making Philadelphia a welcoming city through the development of immigrant businesses and the promotion of Philadelphia as a world-class destination. Mr. Chueh has reached out to more than one thousand businesses and clients locally and internationallysince he joined the Philadelphia Commerce Departmentin 2011. His efforthas given rise to the creation of hundreds of jobs in the city of brotherly love. Underhis leadership, Philadelphia has started various programs and events including Passport Philadelphia, Global Business Hours, and the Philadelphia China Day. In the past 13 months, Mr. Chueh has led international businessdelegations composed of governmentofficialsand entrepreneurs. His delegations visited 11 citiesand supported 3 MOUsigningin China. In recognition of Mr. Chueh’s contributions, former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutterhonored him with the 2014 National Service Award. In additional public services, Mr. Chueh is committed to facilitating educational activitiessuch as Wharton businessforumsand John Hopkins University Innovation Summit.

Mr. Chueh has both a Master’s degree in Applied Linguisticsfrom the National Chengchi Universityin Taiwan and a Masterof Business Administration, with a concentration on Global Marketing, from Drexel University in United States.

Samuel K. Chueh 担任费城市国际商务总监。他拥有中文,俄语,日语和英语语言学的背景,致力于通过发展移民企业来推动费城成为友好的人们梦想生活的城市。自2011年加入费城商务部以来,Chueh先生已在本地和国际平台上接触过一千多家企业和客户。他的努力推动这个友好的城市创造了数百个工作岗位。在他的领导下,费城开设了各种节目和活动,包括费城护照,全球营业时间和费城中国日。在过去的13个月里,Chueh先生领导了由政府官员和企业家组成的国际商业代表团。他的代表团访问了11个城市,并在中国签署了3份MOU。为了表彰Chueh先生的贡献,前费城市长Michael Nutter授予他2014 年全国服务奖。在其他公共服务方面,Chueh先生致力于促进沃顿商学论坛和约翰霍普金斯大学创新峰会等教育活动。Chueh先生拥有台湾国立政治大学应用语言学硕士学位和美国德雷塞尔大学全球营销专业工商管理硕士学位。

Haifeng Cui, PhD

Chief Scientist, Infectious Disease, GlaxoSmithKline

Dr. Haifeng Cui is a chief scientist in the infectious disease therapy area unit at GSK. Dr. Cui is a synthetic chemist by training and has been working in the antibacterial discovery area for about a decade. His primary role is to lead novel mode of action antibacterial discovery programs to deliver clinical candidates, and follow through to clinical proof of concept. In addition he is also responsible for target identification and selection, target validation and hit to lead discovery.

He has extensive experience to manage internal and external drug discovery projects, and working with external stake holders in public-private partnership. His interest extends to non-small molecules and  has been heavily involved in innovative approaches, which delivered several proof of concepts. Prior to his involvement of antibacterial discovery, he worked on multiple targets in the cardiovascular and urology areas, and had delivered two clinical candidates. Dr. Cui joined GSK as a medicinal chemist in 2002 after completing his PhD in chemistry at University of Pennsylvania. He obtained his BSfrom Zhejiang University in China.

崔海峰博士是GSK 传染病治疗邻域首席科学家。崔博士于2002 年加入GSK 是一名合成化学科学家,在抗菌发现领域工作了约十年。他的主要职责是领导新型抗菌药发现并将方案提供给临床实验,并跟进到临床验证。此外,他还负责目标识别和选择,目标验证以及领导研发。他在管理药物发现项目,以及与公/   私合作伙伴关系中的外部利益相关者合作方面拥有丰富的经验。他的兴趣不限于小分子领域,参与大量创新方法,提供了几个概念的证明。在参与抗菌要发现之前,他参与了心血管和泌尿科领域的多个项目,并提供了两个临床候选方案。崔博士在宾夕法尼亚大获得化学博士学位,在中国浙江大学获得学士学位。

Han Dai, PhD

President of SAPA-GP, ScientificLeader, GSK Fellow, GlaxoSmithKline

Dr. Han Dai is currently a Scientific Leader and GSK Fellow at GlaxoSmithKline and a GSK Visiting Professor at High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Han is also an awardee of the 2017 Shanghai Thousand Talents Program in China. He has been working in the pharmaceutical industries for over 10 years, with a broad understanding of the discovery & development value chain from target validation to  Phase I as  well as extensive experience in project leadership,managing multidisciplinary matrix research teams. He has won a number of GSK Exceptional Science Awards

and GSK Recognition Award formultiple Clinical Candidate Selections. He has published more than 40 papers, book chapter, abstracts and patents in reputable journals and conference proceedings. Han currently serves as the President of Sino- American Pharmaceutical Professional Association – Greater Philadelphia (SAPA-GP) and an Executive Council member of SAPA. He is also actively involved in community services, including GSK Philadelphia External Engagement Team, LRIG Philadelphia Steering Committee, F1000 Drug Discovery & Design Section as a Full Faculty Member and the Chemical Probes Portal as a SAB member. Han completed his Bachelor of Science in Department for Intensive Instructions at Nanjing University in Nanjing, China, his Ph.D. at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas as a Frank and Sara McKnight fellow, his postdoctoral trainingin Harvard Medical School as a Helen Hay Whitney fellow.

戴晗博士目前是葛兰素史克的科研经理和GSK 研究员,中国科学院强磁场中心的客座教授, 2017年上海千人。他从事制药行业已超过10  年,对从目标验证到临床一期的药物研发价值链有广泛的了解,并在项目领导方面拥有丰富的经验,管理多学科研究团队。他因推进多个项目到临床候选物而获得了多项GSK 奖项。他在着名的期刊和会议论文集上发表了40 多篇论文,章节,摘要和专利。戴晗博士目前担任大费城美中药协会(SAPA-GP)主席和SAPA 执行委员会成员。他还积极参与社区服务,包括GSK 费城外部参与团队,LRIG 费城指导委员会,F1000 药物发现和设计部门成员和化学探测门户的SAB 成员。 戴晗博士在中国南京大学获得了强化班理学学士学位,在德州大学达拉斯西南医学中心担任Frank 和Sara McKnight 研究员并获得博士学位,在哈佛医学院参加博士后培训并且成为Helen Hay Whitney 研究员。

Lora Feng, MBA 

CEO of LFI Solutions

Lora Feng, MBA, China Market Representative CEO of LFI Solutions, a management consulting firm specializing in US China cross border business strategies and transactions. Led Fortune 500 companies to enter new markets, completed transactions in $100+ millions. Senior executive and product manager for JP Morgan, Citigroup. Dentsply International, and Colgate-Palmolive. She has created over 50 new products and brands, many of which continue to dominate the markettoday.

Lora  Feng,MBA,LFI Solutions 的中国市场代表首席执行官,LFI Solutions 是一家专注于美国中国跨境业务战略和交易的管理咨询公司。带领500 强企业进入新市场,完成交易额达100 多万美元。 花旗集团摩根大通高级执行官兼产品经理。Dentsply  International  和Colgate-Palmolive。她创造了50多种新产品和品牌,其中许多产品和品牌继续占据着当今市场的主导地位。

Jason Huang, PhD

SVP, Ascentage Pharma

Gregory Li, PhD

CEO of Vancouver Biotech Ltd

Dr. Gregory Lee is a Professor Emeritus of the University of British Columbia. He has been a pioneer of biotechnology industry in fostering R&D, technology transfer and commercialization of technologies and products. He has promoted / cofounded over 10 start-up biotech companies in Vancouver, Canada. He is the founder and CEO of Vancouver Biotec Ltd. Since 1989. He has generated numerous monoclonal antibodies for immune diagnostic and therapeutic applications, including early pregnancy detection, ovulation, myocardial infarction and cancer. During the last decade, he has focused on research and development of monoclonal antibody -based anti-cancer drugs (noticeably RP215 and GHR106) for immunotherapy of cancer. He receiv ed his Ph.D. in physical biochemistry from California Institute of Technology  Pasadena, CA in 1972. He has over 200 publications in peers review journals and 8 patents. He has also been serving as editors of several international journals related to cancer research since 2012.

Gregory Lee 博士是不列颠哥伦比亚大学的名誉教授。他一直是生物技术行业的先驱者,致力于促进生物技术和产品的研发,技术转让和商业化。他曾在加拿大温哥华共同创办并且推广了10多家初创生物技术公司。他是温哥华生物技术有限公司的创始人兼首席执行官。自1989年以来,他已经为免疫诊断和治疗应用合成了许多单克隆抗体,包括早孕检测,排卵,心肌梗塞和癌症。在过去的十年中,他专注于研究和开发基于单克隆抗体的抗癌药物(显着的RP215 和GHR106)用于癌症的免疫治疗。他于1972 年在加利福尼亚理工学院帕萨迪纳分校获得物理生物化学专业博士学位。他在同行评审期刊上发表了200多篇论文,并获得了8项专利。自2012年以来,他还担任过几个与癌症研究相关的国际期刊的编辑。

Yufeng Li, PhD

Associate Director, Ascentage Pharma

Yufeng Li, PhD, is currently associate director of clinical research at Ascentage Pharma. In this role, he oversees the clinical science and translational medicine work for Ascentage clinical programs in US. Prior to Ascentage, Yufeng has been with GlaxoSmithKline for 8 years, with discovery, translational medicine and clinical development experience in areas of cancer vaccine, immune-oncology and inflammation. Yufeng has been instrumental in the initiation and expansion of TLR4 agonist project GSK1795091 from early discovery to clinical investigation.Yufeng was trained at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (BSc & MSc) and UT MD Anderson Cancer Center (PhD in immunology and clinical research). His research focus was on immunology and cancer immunotherapy, where he has over 20 scientific publications, 2 patent inventions, and several invited speeches at international conferences. Yufeng is also actively involved in community services including GSK volunteer programs, Mainline Chinese school, and most importantly SAPA-GP. Yufeng is a lifetime SAPA member and currently serves as the Executive Council member of SAPA, leading Scientific Programs; Training and Entrepreneurship.

李玉锋,免疫学和临床研究博士,现任亚盛医药临床研究副主任。在此职位上,他负责设计监督美国  亚盛临床项目的临床科学和转化医学工作。在加入亚盛之前,他在葛兰素史克工作了 8 年,在癌症疫苗,免疫肿瘤学和炎症领域拥有深入的新药研究,转化医学和临床开发经验。李玉锋博士毕业于上海交通大学(理学学士和理学硕士)和美国德州大学安德森癌症中心(免疫学和临床研究博士)。他的研究重点是免疫学和癌症免疫治疗,他在国际上有20 多篇科学出版物,2 项专利发明和多篇邀请演讲。李玉锋博士还积极参与社区服务,包括GSK志愿者计划,明朗中文学校,以及最重要的中美药协大费城分会。李玉锋博士是中美药协的终身会员,目前担任中美药协的执行委员会成员,领导科学事务,培训和创业。

Patrick Liu, PhD

SVP, Teva Pharmaceuticals

Christian M. Loch, PhD, MPH 


Christian Loch is Chief Executive and Science Officer of AVMBioMed; and adjunct faculty in the Department of Chemistry at Villanova University where he teaches proteomics in the graduate school. AVMBioMed is a full service proteomic CRO serving academics and industry alike. Our signature epi-proteomic assay called Snapshot ProteomicsTM utilizes protein microarrays to extract information about 23,000 proteins per run with >95% reproducibility from complex samples like cell lysates and human serum. Prior to AVMBioMed, Christian directed R&D at a small biotechnology company where he led teams in development of assays and reagents useful to the study of the ubiquitin proteasomal pathway. His interest in post-translational modification began during PhD studies at the University of Virginia, where he studied epigenetics and chromosomal remodeling in yeast. His postdoctoral studies at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle involved using mass spectrometry and antibody microarray technologies applied towards biomarker discovery. To better appreciate and handle the challenges of performing proteomic studies in human populations, he also obtained a Master’s in Public Health-Epidemiology from the University of Washington duringthis time. He is former Fellowof both the Canary Foundation and the American Cancer.

Christian Loch 是AVMBioMed  的首席执行官和科学官; 他是维拉诺瓦大学化学系的兼职教师,在那里他在研究生院教授蛋白质组学。AVMBioMed 是一个全方位服务的蛋白质组学CRO,为学术界和工业界提供服务。“我们的标志性表观蛋白质组学检测称为 Snapshot ProteomicsTM,它利用蛋白质微阵列从每次运行中提取大约23,000 种蛋白质的信息,从细胞裂解物和人血清等复杂样本中重现性> 95%。”在加入AVMBioMed之前,Christian曾在一家小型生物技术公司指导研发工作,领导团队开发有助于研究泛素蛋白酶体途径的分析和试剂。他对蛋白翻译后修饰的兴趣始于弗吉尼亚大学的博士研究期间,他在那里研究了酵母中的表观遗传学和染色体重塑。他在西雅图Fred Hutchinson 癌症研究中心的博士后研究中,将质谱和抗体微阵列技术应用于生物标志物发现。在此期间,为了更好地理解和应对在人群中进行蛋白质组学研究的挑战,他还从华盛顿大学获得了公共卫生-流行病学硕士学位。他是金丝雀基金会和美国癌症协会的前研究员。

Stephen R. Popielarski,PhD 

CEO of Thermaquil, Inc

Steve has successfully developed and launched a number of innovative products and businesses with a focus on disruptive products and new business models or ways of doing business. Most directly relevant to Thermaquil, Steve launched a novel neuromodulation patch for overactive bladder that was tested in felines by Thermaquil’s co-founder Professor Changfeng Tai (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center). Prof. Tai is originally from Xi’an, China, and has been researching neuromodulation for 25 years. Steve has had numerous part-time executive leadership (VP, CEO, Board) roles in growing high-potential teams and companies, for example leading the turnaround of a Venture Capital firm's portfolio company. Steve is an entrepreneur at heart who loves improving the quality of people’s lives through his work and personal pursuits. Steve is highly collaborative and has received multiple awards for leadership and collaboration. His visionary leadership and empowering style engages associates and partners, enablingteams to perform at theirbest.

Steve 成功开发并推出了许多创新产品和业务,重点关注颠覆性产品和新业务模式或业务方式。与Thermaquil 最直接相关的是,史蒂夫推出了一种用于膀胱过度活动症的新型神经调节贴片,由Thermaquil 的联合创始人Changfeng Tai 教授(匹兹堡大学医学中心)在猫科动物身上进行了测试。泰教授最初来自中国西安,从事神经调节研究已有25 年。Steve 曾兼职过许多极具潜力的团队和公司的执行领导(副总裁,首席执行官,董事会),例如领导风险投资公司投资组合公司的转变。史蒂夫是一位具有雄心的企业家,希望通过工作和个人追求来提高人们的生活质量。Steve具有高度协作能力,并因领导力和协作力而获得多个奖项。他富有远见的领导力和管理风格吸引了员工和合作伙伴,使团队能够发挥最佳水平。

Xiaofa Qin, PhD

President of GI BiopharmaInc

Dr. Xiaofa Qin obtained his MD, PhD in Beijing Medial University (now Health Science Center, Peking University), Beijing, China then became a lecturer and Associate Professor there. Later, he came to the United States and engaged in medical research as a postdoc, research instructor and Assistant Professor consecutively in Louisiana State University (LSU) Medical Center in Shreveport, University of Cincinnati college of Medicine, and University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)/Rutgers (merged in 2013)-New Jersey Medical School.He brings forward a theory that dietary chemicals such as the widely used artificial sweeteners saccharin and sucralose may cause reduction in gut bacteria and result in impaired inactivation of pancreatic digestive proteases. Damage of gut barrier by the poorly inactivated digestive proteases and the resultant increased infiltration of bacterial and dietary components may have played a critical role in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease) and may also contributed to development of multiple other immune, allergic, metabolic, neurologic, psychiatric, hepatic, and even cancerous diseases such as multiple sclerosis, asthma, diabetes, obesity, autism, colorectal cancer, etc., that are closed associated with dysbiosis of gutmicrobiota in modern society. Recently, he founded GI Biopharma Inc aiming at developing some new products for the treatment and prevention of these diseases.

秦晓法博士在中国北京医科大学(现北京大学健康科学中心)获得医学博士学位,之后成为该校讲师和副教授。之后,他来到美国,连续在路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)医疗中心,什里夫波特,辛辛那提大学医学院和新医学和牙科大学,泽西岛(UMDNJ)/罗格斯(2013  年合并)新泽西医学院作为博士后,担任研究讲师和助理教授从事医学研究。他提出了一种理论,即饮食化学品如广泛使用的人造甜味剂糖精和三氯蔗糖可能导致肠道细菌减少并导致胰腺消化蛋白酶的失活受损,失活的消化蛋白酶对肠道屏障的损害以及由此导致的细菌和饮食成分的渗透,可能在炎症性肠病(IBD,包括溃疡性结肠炎和克罗恩病)中起到关键作用,并且还可能引起多种其他免疫,过敏,代谢,神经,精神,肝脏疾病甚至癌症,如多发性硬化症,哮喘,糖尿病,肥胖症,孤独症,结肠直肠癌等,与现代社会肠道微生物群的生态失调有关。最近,他创立了GI Biopharma Inc,旨在开发一些治疗和预防这些疾病的新产品。

Niranjan Y. Sardesa, PhD 

Geneos Therapeutics

Yongchao Su, PhD

Associate Principle Scientist, Merck & Co., Inc.

Biography: Yongchao Su is an Associate Principal Scientist in Formulation and Preformulation Sciences at Merck, and an Adjunct Professor in Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Department, the University of Texas at Austin. Yongchao is a mentor of the postdoc program at Merck and an awardee of the 2016 Thousand Talents Program for Distinguished Young Scholars in China. His current work covers   a  broad interest of design, analysis and mechanistic investigation of pharmaceutical formulations and molecular understanding of drug delivery. Yongchao has received postdoctoral training at Massachusetts Institute of Technology after his Ph.D. at Iowa State University in the United States. He currently serves in the Editorial Advisory Board for Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry  and Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences  (recently  nominated) with Wiley  and as an Editor of the section of protein conformation for Amino Acids with Springer. He is a Board member of Eastern Analytical Symposium, the President of the Overseas Chinese Magnetic Resonance Society, and an Executive Committee Member of Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professional Association in Great Philadelphia. He actively chairs scientific conferences of NMR, biophysics and pharmaceutical sciences. In the past 10 years, Dr. Su has contributed over 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals and frequently given podium presentations and invited seminars in scientificconference and academicinstitutes.

苏永超博士是美国默克(Merck)公司费城地区药剂和分析部门研究员,德克萨斯大学药学院的兼职教授,博士后导师, 2016年中国国家青年千人计划学者。目前主要从事药物制剂和传输体系的开发,分析和分子机理研究。苏博士于2011 年博士毕业于美国爱荷华州立大学 ,2011-2014在麻省理工学院从事博士后研究,并于2014年加入默克制药。他目前担任Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry和Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences杂志(Wiley)的编委和Amino Acids杂志(Springer)的蛋白质结构部分的编辑。他是海外华人磁共振协会现任主席,美国东部分析论坛会议和美东药协费城地区的执行委员。苏博士发表了50多篇科学论文,经常主持核磁共振分析化学,药学和生物物理学学术会议,并频繁应邀在相关学术会议,大学和研究所做学术报告。

Charles Wang, PhD Director, 

Jim Wang, PhD

Head of Regulatory Strategy,Spark Therapeutics

Dr. Jim Wang is the Head of Regulatory Affairs Strategy at Spark Therapeutics. He has more than 14 years of global regulatory experience managing full-spectrum global drug development, marketing applications, and regulatory approvals for biologics, gene therapy, small molecules, and device drug combination products. Recently, he led the regulatory submission and approval for Luxturna, the first gene therapy treating a genetic disease in the US. He led pre-submission meetings with FDA and EMA, development of product labeling, risk management plans, and submission documents. He managed agency interactions during product review, FDA advisory committee meeting, and labeling negotiations leading to the approval in US. Previously, he was an executive director at Shire pharmaceuticals responsible for implementing a consolidated global regulatory strategy to secure approval and market access for rare disease biological products through all development phases and life-cycle management. Priorto Shire, Jim was a senior director at Novo Nordisk responsible for global health authority interactions (e.g. FDA, EMA, PMDA, COFEPRIS, Health Canada, and China’s FDA), marketing applications (e.g. NDA, MAA, NDS, etc.), and approvals for Saxenda®, a weight management product. He also held senior positions in BMS, Sanofi, and Wyeth. Jim received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, MBA from Pennsylvania State University, and a B.S. from Jilin University in China.

Jim Wang 博士是Spark Therapeutics的法规事务战略负责人。他拥有超过14 年的全球监管经验,全方位管理生物药物开发,营销应用,生物制剂,基因治疗,小分子和设备药物组合产品的监管审批。最近,他领导了Luxturna 的监管提交和批准,Luxturna 是美国第一个治疗遗传性疾病的基因疗法。他领导了FDA 和EMA 的提交前会议,制定了产品标签,风险管理计划和提交文件。他在产品审查,FDA 咨询委员会会议以及批准标签谈判期间参与并管理机构互动。此前,他曾担任Shire 制药公司的执行董事,负责实施全球综合监管战略,以确保在所有开发阶段和生命周期管理中获得稀有疾病生物制品的批准和市场准入。在加入Shire 之前,Jim Wang 博士是Novo Nordisk 的高级主管,负责全球卫生当局的协调互动(例如FDA,EMA,PMDA,COFEPRIS,加拿大卫生部和中国的 CFDA),营销申请(例如NDA,MAA,NDS 等),和体重管理产品Saxenda®的认证。他还曾在BMS,Sanofi 和Wyeth 担任高级职务。Jim Wang 博士获得伊利诺伊大学香槟分校博士学位;宾夕法尼亚州立大学工商管理硕士学位;和中国吉林大学学士学位。

Zhiyun Wen, MS

Senior Scientist, Merck & Co., Inc

Mrs. Zhiyun Wen, seniorscientistin Infectious Disease & Vaccine Departmentat Merck& Co. Duringher 14 years of professional careerat Merck, she participates and plays a key role in multiple vaccinesand prophylactic/therapeutic monoclonal antibody programs. Targetdiseases span from virus to bacteria, include butnotlimited to RSV, hMPV, HSV, CMV, Chlamydia, Pneumococci, Malaria and Neisseria Meningitides. She delivered numerous projects into PCC stage and continues supportingphase I, II and III studies should the projects entered into aforementioned clinicaltrial stages. Priorto join Merck, she studied and obtained a Masterof Science degree in Biotechnology at Universityof Pennsylvania, United States (US). She then worked at University of Pennsylvania for three years as a seniorresearch specialist, conducted studiesin understanding inflammatory immuno-pathways. Before comingto US, She worked at Jiangxi Pulmonary Hospital in Pathology Departmentin China forseven years as a medical examinerfor tuberculous and lungcancer patients. She currently is an Executive Committee Memberof Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professional Association in Great Philadelphia, US. She has authored and contributed to multiple publications, conference presentations and patents and is recognized with multiple awards throughouthercareer.

传染病与疫苗部高级科学家温志云女士在默克公司工作14年,在多种疫苗和预防/治疗性单克隆抗体研发中发挥关键作用。目标疾病从病毒到细菌,包括但不限于RSV,hMPV,HSV,CMV,衣原体,肺炎球菌,疟疾和脑膜炎奈瑟菌。她将多个项目交付给PCC 阶段,如果项目进入临床试验阶段,她将继续支持I,II和III期研究。在加入默克之前,她曾在美国宾夕法尼亚大学学习并获得生物技术硕士学位。之后,她在宾夕法尼亚大学工作了三年,担任高级研究专家,开展了理解炎症免疫途径的研究。来美国之前,她曾在中国江西省肺病医院病理科工作七年,担任结核病和肺癌患者的医检师。她目前是美国大费城美中药协的执行委员会成员。她撰写了多篇出版物,会议报告和专利,并在其职业生涯中获得多个奖项。

Jingle Zhang, PhD 

Protheragen Inc

Dr. Zhang has more than 10 years of experience in biotechnology, and is expertised and experienced in molecular biology, protein biochemistry, cellular biology and microbiology. Dr. Zhang helps client evaluate the feasibility of the project, design the experiments and manage the process over many projects, including genetic engineering protein production, therapeutic antibody development using protein evolution methods such as phage display, yeast display, mRNA display and etc, new antibody drug development using the antibody humanization technique, quality control for Antigens, antibodies and other reagents, establishment of assay method and reference standard. Also, Dr. Zhang is actively involved in the market analysis and business development. Dr. Zhang is an entrepreneur at heart who loves improving the quality of people’s lives through her work and personal pursuits. Dr. Zhang is highly collaborative. Her visionary leadership and empowering style engages associates and partners, enablingteams to perform at theirbest.

张博士拥有超过10 年的生物技术经验,在分子生物学,蛋白质生物化学,细胞生物学和微生物学方面拥有丰富的专业知识和经验。张博士帮助客户评估项目的可行性,设计实验并管理许多项目的过程,包括基因工程蛋白质生产,使用噬菌体表达,酵母表达,mRNA 表达等蛋白质进化方法的治疗性抗体开发,新的抗体药物开发使用抗体人源化技术,抗原,抗体和其他试剂的质量控制,建立测定方法和参考标准。此外,张博士积极参与市场分析和业务发展,是一位有追求的企业家,希望通过工作来提高人们的生活质量。张博士有高度的协作能力,她富有远见的领导力和领导风格吸引了员工和合作伙伴,使团队能够发挥最佳水平。


Listed in Alphabetical Order

Haifeng CuiHan DaiDonghui LiYufeng LiYin LiangZhiyun WenYang LiuZhenghua WuYongchao SuJing YangHui Wang

艺术设计: Guo Pengbo

编辑: Zhiyun Wen, YongchaoSu, Yufeng Li and Zhongling Li


John Bennett Wafik SEl‐Deiry James Fendrick Dennis Gross Laura Hong Jeffrey Hung Frank Li Jian Li

Bo Liang Li Shi Tsang‐Bin Tzeng Jingsong Wang

Shifang Zhang Li Yan Hancheng Zhang Sean Zhang

Zhongda Zhang Bin Shi

Yangbing Zhao De-Min Zhu Chungliang, Liu


大费城(GP)地区是世界制药业的主要所在地之一。它拥有一半以上世界十大制药公司,以及许多中小型制药/生物技术公司和学术机构。大费城美中医药协会(SAPA-GP)成立于2002 年,为大费城地区快速发展的制药/生物技术/医疗保健等公司及机构提供服务。


· 促进制药科学和生物技术的发展

· 通过提高公众意识为公共卫生教育做出贡献

· 促进中美之间的科学和商业合作

· 促进医药专业人员的职业发展






