Investing in collectables

Investing in collectables

外刊精读 欧美男星 2018-01-11 23:59:42 235

Investing in collectables

The passion index

Handsome rewards await those who can afford the finest luxuries





  1. 注意handsome这个词大家比较熟悉的含义就是帅气的,而另外一个重要常见的含义常常被大家忽略,表达的含义是大量可观的。回忆一下前面学过的一个词汇,husband,丈夫。那么之前我们学过的是什么含义呢?还记得吗?这个词还可以做动词,表示节约使用的含义。

    Husbanding precious resources was part of rural life.





(also collectible) UK [kə'lek.tə.bl] US [-tə-] noun countable
any object which people want to collect as a hobby

handsome ['hæn.səm] adjective
[before noun]
large in amount 大量的,数量可观的

They made a handsome profit on their house.他们利用自己的房子赚了一大笔钱。

DIAMONDS, they say, are for ever. They can be pricey, too. On December 5th 173 lots of jewels auctioned by Sotheby’s raised $54m. They included several pieces belonging to Sean Connery, known for playing James Bond. The following day a car favoured by Bond, the Aston Martin DB5, was auctioned for $2.7m. It was among 24 classic vehicles that together fetched $45m. The sales in New York early last month by the world’s two biggest auction houses, Sotheby’s and Christie’s, also involved fine wines, watches and other luxuries. Between them they sold $200m-worth.


1 注意raise这个词的含义也是多样,这里表示筹集的含义。

2.拍卖行 auction house

3 .注意前面介绍过的同根词的使用。同一个单词不同词性在一段里的使用,体现了作者对这个词的熟练掌握程度。

4 注意在文章里面表示卖了多少钱用了两个词 fetch,sell两个后面都可以直接加金额.

人们说,钻石恒久远。而钻石也很昂贵。12月5日,苏富比拍卖了173件珠宝,总额5400万美元,其中包括因扮演邦德而为人熟知的肖恩·康纳利(Sean Connery)拥有的数件珠宝。第二天,一辆邦德钟爱的阿斯顿马丁DB5以270万美元拍出。当天共拍卖了24辆老爷车,总额4500万美元。世界最大的两家拍卖行苏富比和佳士得12月初在纽约拍卖的物品还包括优等葡萄酒、手表和其他奢侈品。两家共拍出两亿美元的藏品。

The Economist has compiled price indices for many of these items—diamonds, classic cars, fine wine, art, watches and other curios—and grouped them in a “passion” index. The index is weighted according to the holdings of high-net-worth individuals (HNWI)—defined as people with more than $1m of investable assets—as reported by Barclays. Our passion index has dropped by 2% a year, on average, for the past three years. But since the beginning of 2007 it has returned 5.9% on average, outperforming the total return from the MSCI world, a global stockmarket index.


  1. 注意indice是index的复数形式。

  2. high-net-worth individuals  高净值人士 (可投资资产超过100万美元的个人)

  3.  巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank),全球规模最大的银行及金融机构之一,总部设于英国伦敦。巴克莱银行于1690年成立,是英国最古老的银行,具有逾300年历史,是全世界第一家拥有ATM机的银行,并于1966年发行了全英第一张信用卡,1987年发行了全英第一张借记卡。截止2013年,全球雇员达到140,000人。截至2012年总资产高达1.49万亿英镑,为全球第七大银行,在英国是位于汇丰银行(HSBC)之后的第二大银行。巴克莱银行在全球50多个国家经营业务,在英国设有2100多家分行。

  4. 注意去分weigh和weight,这里weight表示的含义加权,是一个数学概念,大学童鞋应该都有学过。

  5. return大家最常见的应该是动词回来,回归。这里做名词表示回报,收益。


Passion investing may help hedge other bets: art tends to be inversely correlated to stockmarket indices, for example. The supply of many collectables is fixed; demand for them is growing. The number of HNWIs rose from 11m to 16.5m from 2011 to 2016 and their collective wealth grew to $63trn, according to Capgemini, a consultancy. It forecasts that HNWI wealth will surpass $100trn by 2025, with about 10% invested in collectables.


Caution is advised. The returns from collectables may be hard to realise. First, the indices do not reflect the true cost of investing: insurance, storage and upkeep are all costly. Second, unlike shares, items in our index are neither very liquid (except wine) nor fungible (the goods are rarely interchangeable). When a quick sale is sought—often caused by debt, death or divorce—big losses can be incurred. Finally auctions, the basis for many of our indices, may inflate the market thanks to reserve pricing. Unlike last month’s glamorous showing, losses are often booked quietly in private sales. And you cannot settle in bitcoin.


1 注意realise的使用

2 一个名词后面加ly后词性一般为形容词,如我们常见的friend,friendly;cost,costly


4. fungible:

being something (such as money or a commodity) of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in paying a debt or settling an account 

  • Oil, wheat, and lumber are fungible commodities. 

  • fungible goods

5.reserve pricing保留价格(拍卖时的一个概念)







