

考满分 欧美男星 2018-04-26 19:02:15 483










主文丨 堂姐

图片丨 Time


2017年度人物封面,分别是摘草莓女工帕斯夸尔、#Me too的发起人塔拉那•伯克、明星艾什莉•贾德、前Uber工程师苏珊•福勒和歌手泰勒•斯威夫特

在这场运动中,受够骚扰的姑娘们勇敢地说出了自己曾被性骚扰或性侵犯的经历,《时代》把她们称为“打破沉默的人”(silence breaker),而她们也因此当选为《时代》周刊2017年度人物。


先驱者 / pioneers


他们是佛罗里达州帕克兰市校园枪击案的幸存者,他们发起了呼吁控枪的“生命大游行”,分别是 Cameron Kasky、Jaclyn Corin、 David Hog、 Emma Gonzalez和 Alex Wind。这5位学生此前便登上《时代》周刊的封面,这一次更是由奥巴马亲自写撰文介绍。费尔森塔透露,奥巴马曾说过控枪失败是他任职期间“最大挫折”,因此奥巴马对这5位年轻人的作为充满敬畏。

“America’s response to mass shootings has long followed a predictable pattern. We mourn. Offer thoughts and prayers. Speculate about the motives. And then—even as no developed country endures a homicide rate like ours, a difference explained largely by pervasive accessibility to guns; even as the majority of gun owners support commonsense reforms—the political debate spirals into acrimony and paralysis.

This time, something different is happening. This time, our children are calling us to account.”

                                      by Barack Obama

艺术家 / artists


在艺术家这组入选者中,堂姐看到了很多熟悉的面孔比如女演员 Nicole Kidman,鸡毛秀主持人 Jimmy Kimmel,在星光熠熠的艺术家组,这个年仅14岁的新人可以说是非常不起眼,但她却是《时代》周刊年度人物有史以来最年轻的入榜者。

很多人了解米莉·博比·布朗(Millie Bobby Brown)可能只通过《怪奇物语》中的“十一”一角。但布朗虽然只有十多岁,却对于社会和生活总能表现出特别的理解。去年7月,布朗在社交网络上呼吁反对校园欺凌,并鼓励自己的粉丝讲出自身遭遇,就像推荐人“小粉”Aaron Paul 评价的那样:布朗的精神与思想不受时间影响,她仿佛已经活了千年一样。

“The moment we started speaking, I realized we were in the wrong setting. I had thought, Oh, she’s 12, let’s get ice cream. No. She may have been 12 in years, but her spirit and mind were timeless. A wise woman was speaking from her cherubic face. It was like speaking to a future mentor with a perspective and groundedness that I could only have dreamed of at that age. Or at any age, if I’m being honest.

Maybe that’s why she’s such an extraordinary actor. She somehow understands the human experience as if she has lived it for a thousand years. I’m proud to know her. To call her a friend. To call her my adopted daughter.”

by Aaron Paul

领导者 / leaders



哈里王子的撰文由歌手埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)撰写,作为戴安娜王妃生前挚友的 John 表示,他看到了哈里在成长中继承了他母亲的温暖、幽默感和勇气,让人感到十分欣慰。而梅根的撰文由宝莱坞明星朴雅卡·乔普拉(Priyanka Chopra)撰写,文中夸赞她与哈里王子的故事让更多人相信了童话的存在。

“Harry and I have bonded over a passionate desire to end the global AIDS epidemic, a disease for which his mother did so much important early work to fight stigma and build awareness.”

by Elton John

“This ever-smiling, strong free spirit found her prince, fell in love and in turn made a cynical world believe in fairy tales again. But more than anything else, Meghan is an important influencer in a world that needs strong public figures to respect and look up to. People the world can be inspired by. Meghan, standing shoulder to shoulder with Harry, will be a princess for the people.”

by Priyanka Chopra

偶像 / icons


在第90届奥斯卡金像奖之前,好莱坞各大媒体都在热捧这样一个演员,他们强调她或将成为第一位提名奥斯卡的变性女演员,她就是 Daniela Vega。而 Daniela 也没有辜负大家的期望,不仅成为了第一位提名奥斯卡的变性女演员,其主演的电影《普通女人》还拿下了第90届奥斯卡“最佳外语片”奖项!除此之外,她还是智利第一位变性女演员。



“When Daniela made history as the first openly transgender person to present at the Academy Awards, she said this onstage: “I want to invite you to open your heart and your feelings, to feel the reality, to feel love.” I also want to invite people to empathize with others and respect them, because diversity allows us to understand humanity even more.”

by Michelle Bachelet

巨擘 / titans


金州勇士队超级球星、2017年NBA总决赛 MVP 杜兰特(Kevin Durant)是唯一入选榜单的篮球运动员。今年2月,杜兰特为了帮助贫困学生圆大学梦捐助了1000万美元。同时,他作为一名企业家,也投资了超过30多家企业,将许多高科技产品带到了人们面前。杜兰特的撰文由苹果高级副总裁Eddy Cue撰写。

“Kevin Durant isn’t just an incredible basketball player; he’s an incredible human too.

From committing $10 million to the College Track program to help disadvantaged kids receive higher education to building and renovating basketball courts around the world so at-risk youth have a safe place to learn and play, KD is giving those growing up in tough situations, like he did, a path to success. His generosity knows no bounds.”

by Eddy Cue

最后来份彩蛋:去年范冰冰入选了2017《时代》周刊年度人物“偶像”版块,看看著名时装设计师 Diane von Furstenberg 给范爷写的介绍词,你给打几分?(满分10),获取2018年度完整榜单请戳“阅读原文”哦~

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