Characters of the Week 世and 士

Characters of the Week 世and 士

LTLDailyChinese 欧美男星 2018-03-19 17:20:39 337

Characters of the Week 世 and 士 


For the first inclusion of this weekly series of characters, I would like to introduce two high frequency characters that show up in a wide variety of words. Both have the same pronunciation(s), however their meaning is very different. 

- shì- Character that usually means scholar or soldier  


女士- nǚshì– lady

女士们先生们 - nǚshìmenxiānshēngmen 

Ladies and Gentlemen!


骑士 - qíshì - knight

骑士是一种高尚的职业- qíshì shì yīzhǒng gāoshàngde zhíyè

Being a knight is a noble profession


人士- rénshì - personage

据业内人士说,未来会给该行业带来很大的改变 - jù yènèi rénshì shuo wèilái huì gěi gāi hangyè dàilái hěn dàde gǎibiàn 

According to industry insiders, the future holds large changes for this industry

- shì -  Character that usually means generation or world  

世界shìjiè - world

世界上最有魅力的人 -  shìjiè shàng zuì yǒu mèilìde rén

The most charming person in the world


世纪 - shìjì - century

上世纪给世界带来很大的改变 - shàng shìjì gěi shì jiè dài lái hěn dà dí gǎi biàn

The last century brought the world many changes


去世qùshì - to die/ pass away

国王已去世,国王万岁 - guówáng yǐ qùshì guówáng wànsuì

The king is dead, long live the king

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