俄罗斯和中国, 谁更强大

俄罗斯和中国, 谁更强大

三泰虎 日韩女星 2018-09-20 15:23:38 903

Who is more powerful, Russia or China?



来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/46098.html    译者:Jessica.Wu


Ivan Alexeevich

1stEconomy - China is an obvious winner, so Russia 0–1 China.

2ndMilitary - Russia has approximately the same amount of nukes as the whole NATO combined, plus Russian weaponary is the 2nd most advanced in the world. Russia 1–1 China

3rdPopulation - no comment. Russia 1–2 China.

4thTechnology. Russia is superior in space tech, China is better in IT sector, so Russia 2–3 China

5thTerritory - this is obvious. Russia 3–3 China.

6thEnergy - Russia is in world’s top for exporting natural resources, plus it is a leader in nuclear energy. Russia 4–3 China.

7thInfluece - both are the main players in their regions, both are the key members of SCO and BRICS. Russia 5–4 China.

8thQuality of life - in average, Russia is wealthier. Russia 6–4 China

9thCulture - China is one of the oldest civilizations on the whole earth. Russia 6–5 China.

10thInfrastructure - China is superior here. Russia 6–6 China.

Conclusion - overall, both are equally important players on the international arena. Hope this helps.










10 .础设施:中国在这方面更胜一筹。俄罗斯VS中国:6:6




Powerful? It depends on what type of Power:


Political: Though both the nations have UN Veto power, any nation be it China, UK, Japan, India etc... etc... etc... Have to follow either the US or Russia in the UN... No one can take an alternate route other than to abstain. Did the US ever stop worry about external comments before invading Gulf or Did Russia ever worry to land in Syria, Georgia or snatch Crimea?


Defense: No country can ever become as equal, sophisticated and powerful than the US or Russia. Both Super Powers would always retain their places unless the current alignment changes which doesn't seem possible anytime sooner. Russia has become weaker both economically and in weaponry post the Soviet collapse, yet China nor any other nation are still not closer to them no-matter what. Russia is like an Army major while nations like China are still those who are young recruits who have a lot to learn.


Science: Though Countries like India, China etc are competing both in Space and Science they have a lot way to go to achieve what Russia and USA have achieved. Though not impossible, it would take a long long time for other nations to even individually send man to space or build a space station on their own with their own with their own technology and conduct research on them.



Linus Skov, I live in Europe and I'm loving it

I'm going to say China, because it beats Russia in every factor that could affect international politics. China has a much larger population (10x that of Russia) and therefore also a lot more cultural influence (soft-power) in the neighbouring region. While it's certainly still influenced by Western culture, China has it's own version of pretty much every heritage that we think of as unique to Western culture. Russia is much more tied to European culture than any East Asian nation ever will be, because 70% of Russia's population live in Europe.


China has a more populous and military. It's technology and training still doesn't match the US, but China certainly rivals Russia in what matters most in modern warfare: power projeciton. It's also worth noting that Russia's military are suffering from demographic torubles, which is the reason that foreign nationals are now able to enter the armed forces.


China has more allies, even though it never gets close to the Western alliance system of the EU, the Anglosphere, Japan, South Korea and the Gulf States. Russia's geopolitical area of influence isn't really something to be proud of. Even though it has good diplomatic relations with a number of nations, it's only has actual influence on five rather insignificant nations :(on the international stage, that is) Armenia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazahstan (members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Collective Security Treaty Organization)


China obviously also beats the living daylights out of Russia in industrial capacity and economic health. China has a much larger and more stable economy, that notably isn't in a recession, unlike Russia's. China has behaved lately and has much better relations with the West, meaning no sanctions from the world's largest economies, which has been one of Russia's great perils.


Overall, I'd say China is much more influential on the world stage, even when it doesn't attempt to intervene in conflicts and expand it's area of influence.



Alex Jouravlev, From 0 to 30 in Russia. A long time ago.

Russia is stronger in nuclear strike, and has much superior in second strike capability. She still has better weaponry - however China is catching up, and possibly stronger elite forces - definitely more experienced.


As far as economic power and influence go, China is stronger by far. They are not in the same category, really. Not only other countries seek Chinese investments, they increasingly want China to do things for them.


Ability to execute is once again incomparable. If Russia asked China to build a brindge or tunnel to Crimea, it would be possibly ready by now.


Russia is a Democracy and China is not, however I would not be surprised if better control of corruption in China and higher prosperity make it up for that. Especially considering how compromised Russian Democracy is.


As far as governance and strategic vision, China is also leagues ahead. In projection of power, China leads with economy - something Russians don't even understand, and try to show military might while capital is running away and 3/4 of all financing is likely getting stolen.



Alexandre Bazdyrev, Degree in international economy. Working in international trade for 15 years.

As an entity China is far more powerful than Russia. This is admitted by everyone in Russia starting with Putin, who mentioned that Russia has to step away, while the world is in the hands of US and China. We are a second tier country belonging to BRICS.

Average Russian is still wealthier than average Chinese. But average Luxembourgian is wealthier than almost anyone else in the world, which doesn't make Luxembourg the most powerful state in the world.




Andrew Huang

Better is a term you can never use to describe a country, as it is heavily opinion based. Stronger, however, is more measurable.


Economy: China

Military: About equal

Nuclear armament: Enough to blast enough into glass, so equal

Average wealth: Russia, but not for long

Education: China

Technology: Russia, but China is catching up really quick

Research and Development: China

History: China has more history, by far

Cultural integrity: China, by far. Russia has been greatly affected by predominantly Western European culture and its own has diminished significantly

Land mass: Russia, by far

Population: China, by far

Allies: China

Global political power: China (Russia is a major player in Europe, but only China can literally strangle world trade with some heavy tariffs, although doing so would be suicidal, but the fact that they actually have the power to do so shows that China is stronger in this regard)

(China) 8: 3 (Russia)

China is stronger overall

















Satish Dubey, Compliance Manager at One of Largest Companies in the World (2007-present)

If military power is what we are comparing, in my opinion, Russia is many times more powerful than China. Russia has been one of the original designer and developer for many world class weapon systems (for use on land, air, and water) and has been selling them to other countries for many years now. China, though it has the largest armed forces in the world, packs more gas than fire power!!! Russia is the only formidable competition to the United States when it comes to military power.


If we consider money or economic power, then China seems more powerful than Russia. In fact, the economic clout of China scares even the Americans. Chinese investment in US Treasury Bonds is over 1 Trillion Dollars - that’s almost 7% of US National Debt and around 20% of US Debt held overseas!!! Most of the American manufacturing is dependent on China.

如果我们考虑资金或经济实力,那么中国似乎比俄罗斯更强大。事实上,中国的经济影响力甚至吓到了美国人。中国对美国国债的投资超过1万亿美元——几乎占美国国债的7%,约占美国海外债务的20% !!!美国的大部分制造业都依赖于中国。

BTW - Russia and China have very friendly relations (so despite the difference in their military power, a war between these 2 countries is not expected).



George Vukovich, Traveled throughout Europe, especially Eastern Europe

If you are looking only at the military aspect, then Russia is just way more modern and experienced, hence stronger. If you are looking at the economic aspect, China is stronger and getting even stronger. Both countries depend on one another. Otherwise………:


Russia has more natural resources (than any other country in the world), their military capabilities are pretty good, almost non-existent national debt and huge foreign and domestic deposits. However, they need to work on expanding to various aspects of economy and industries that support that economy. Once that is done (and it is already

China has few natural resources, their military capabilities are definitely on the rise and getting better, but are behind Russia, due to lack of military intervention in foreign wars. They also have almost no national debt, growing industry in almost every category, which will be dominant in the world within 25 years or less. However, they will soon have a problem with a growing retiring population with not enough workforce to replace those that have retired.


These two countries depend on one another in many aspects (military, economy and expansion of their economies domestically and internationally).



Shravan B, Electronics Engineer

Economically: China

Defence: Russia

Politically: Russia

Technologically: Russia

Manpower: China

Even though China is an emerging superpower it is no match to the battle hardened Russia.

The only advantage China has is its economical power derived through years of export. Even though China has comparably more man power,Russian army is more sophisticated,experienced and powerful.

China might be technologically superior to Russia in some fields but in warfare technology no country except maybe US is a match to Russia’s weapons.

But in the future due to its abundant money China might become a nation more powerful than Russia but for now Russia is the powerful force among these two.











Alexander Novikov, Russian citizen living in European Union

Russia isn’t powerful in anything except nukes. And nukes are a thing you can (meaningfully) use just once, and that’s the end of everything. Also it’s not really hard to make nukes, every developed nation could make as many as it wanted, they just don’t need to because they know it’s destabilising.

Economically Russia has no power at all. It had some market power in gas markets and some very limited on in oil markets 10 years ago, but now it’s gone since Europe built enough regasification terminals to supply itself from either side at will, reversing the table. Apart from raw energy, there is absolutely nothing to mention that Russia could offer to the world.

Try comparing exports and imports of Germany and Russia (volumes, partners and commodities) and it will be clear which country is more important (in raw GDP terms, they are equal, but it’s a great way to demonstrate that raw GDP isn’t everything).









